Sagittarius Season ENVIROSCOPE
by Vaness Henry
Reminders for navigating the Playing Field of Life this season, whether you're Caves, Markets, Kitchens, Mountains, Valleys or Shores
Based on the position of the stars out there, how might you best hold yourself on Earth at this moment? Read more to orient and navigate the Playing Field of Life this season, according to what you resonate to.
The Archer
The Archer is a wise half human half centaur. They roam the Playing Field, finding magic in even the most mundane spaces. For no spaces are mundane to the Archer; magic is everywhere — we have just forgotten how to hunt it down and find it.
Half creature, half spirit, when the Archer raises their bow and arrow, a trusted Amulet of Power, the Archer alters the Playing Field of Life, navigating toward magical sites. They use whatever power is available to them through their trusted tools and landscapes.
Full of radical discovery and exploration, we are entering the Archer's domain; reality tinged with a Sagittarian spirit. How do we navigate toward the magical sites in life at this time, and what kind of tools can help us with our journey? Do we have our own Amulets of Power?
Your Enviroscopes are meant to be read as inspiration based on the precise birth time of your Human Design Environment. Read your Transferred Enviroscope for deeper insight — you may find you resonate to both!
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Caves Enviroscope
How DO you safely put yourself out there? How can you boldly adventure to new ground, while always respecting your need for a solid foundation? When the Cave Person moves through Sagittarius Season, adventure is afoot and seemingly everyday sites and activities can be imbued with surprise. There is magic in the everyday, day-to-day spaces.
Always try your best to control what happens in your Cave. You're a secure person, but when you dip into insecurity, it's particularly challenging on your Cave form. Reduce your access points so you can better channel your energy in the direction you are charging toward.
Where is that place inside yourself that you go to when you need to gather your spirits or steady rough internal waters? Explore the fertility and abundance within this magical space inside yourself; see it for the divinity it holds, rather than just a place to hold you in hard times.
Markets Enviroscope
What's your bow and arrow? What's that tool you picked up in life that really changed the whole game for you? It can be very easy to get lost on the Playing Field of Life, especially with its wide vistas and valleys that call out to you. Know you are safe anywhere and can build a life anywhere so long as you stay invested in your gifts and tools in this world. That's how the whole game changed for you.
These things will take you to incredible places, revealing the magic within you along the way. Bring this magic into your work in the world, and trade with others along the way. Who knows what new magic you will come across!
When the Archer comes through, consider how you can make some of the mundane, daily rituals of life a little more sparkly and fresh, finding the magic in the most curious places. Notice everything!
Kitchens Enviroscope
Has anywhere new opened up lately? Is there a new gallery, store, or restaurant that your community or local site is raving about these days? Notice if anything comes to mind.
When the Archer comes through, go for the places you've never been and discover all new hot spots around you. Take the chance! See what you discover inside yourself in the process. Venturing through these exciting locations can help you with some of the processing you're doing at this time. It's important you get to the heart of the matter, but you may find the ones who surround you are crucial to being heard and received.
If you're community is not holding you, or you feel disconnected from them in anyway — reevaluate the artforms you're participating in and if you still feel connected to them. Is there anything you're totally OVER or DONE with? It's very natural for you to break the bond with some of the contracts you've made in life because you have received all the alchemical brilliance that was available. Maybe you change partners. Maybe you change your name/handle. Maybe you change your sheets. This can be anything.
To overstay somewhere might tip you too far into the other's world.
Mountains Enviroscope
If you were half human and half creature — who do you think your creature half would embody? A Big Cat? A bird of some kind? A cuddly bear? And what part of your human half would you keep? Which would be the creature? Consider how this may affect the type of creature you select for your other half. Translate the creature you choose here.
What spaces of self-inquiry and self-discovery have you been dredging through lately? This zodiac season, new illumination is afoot, alighting all kinds of new interior space that you can play with. Whatever you have been claiming or releasing in previous seasons is beginning to take hold, a new shape emerging.
Take some time to consider this new form intimately. You do not have to rush through the process; rather, delight in designing your own creative freedom.
Valleys Enviroscope
You have an inherent magic within you, and when you share this numen with others — you become a conduit for otherworldly gifts to flow through you. By opening up to others, or new people and experiences, what new streams of consciousness will reveal themselves to you?
This season, consider the ways you've closed yourself off in the past, and how it may have held you back in certain spaces. Did you stay somewhere too long? Did you leave too soon for whatever reason? You are entering a time themed with freedom and self-discovery, just remember to stay open to new connections, and learn from the places you've been in before.
Is somewhere or something calling to you? Surrender to where you are, but also surrender and accept the deeper call.
Shores Enviroscope
Where was the last magical place you visited? When was the last magical space you were immersed in? What do these magical spaces feel like for you, and what elements to they contain?
Charging into the beyond takes courage, and no one else can do so quite like a Shores Person, regardless of how you're motivated in life. What would charging ahead look like for YOU based on YOUR approach and style?
It doesn't matter how you've done things in the past, or what worked for you before. You are someone new. Those past experiences can inform you, but they do not need to chain you to an outdated identity. Go with the flow — the flow is in you.
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