How to set up your bathroom for a Markets Human Design Environment

A little place that you don’t always have a lot of control over design-wise, the bathroom is another room in your home where your Environment will come into play.

Maybe you have a favourite washroom in your home or went to one in a fancy restaurant that you loved — what features did you resonate with?

Why does that bathroom feel best to be in?

If you’re designing a bathroom from scratch it’s one thing, but when the toilet, tub and sink are already secure to the floor, what are some other features you could consider and play with when it comes to the place you poop in?

If you need to check which Environment you have in your Human Design Bodygraph, check out my Variable Calculator to populate yours.

Customize the space yourself

Can you mount a cute shelf that you thrifted? Do you need to hang that bright shower curtain that is full of your personality? Better yet, can you re-tile the backsplash or paint the walls? Customizing any small space creates a sense ease and delight for Markets People because it allows them to infuse something they really like into the space, making it special and custom.

Options under the sink

Do you like to switch out your bathroom soaps to seasonal scents? Fun. If you don’t use all the soap one season, tuck it under the sink and then place a new one out for the current season. If you buy that gingerbread soap in winter, you’re not going to want to smell it in summer. You’re sensitive to things being fresh on the market. Consider buying smaller bottles and storing larger refills of your favourites under the sink or in a nearby closet.

Something to hide odours

Stinky smells? Ick. Gag. No thanks! Keep a room spray or odour eater somewhere in the bathroom so that when you do stink up the place you can easily clean and remedy it. And if you have guests that come over, they always appreciate this extra touch. No one wants to stink up the space! I once knew a Markets Person who kept poo-pourie in their purse.

Seasonal medicine cabinet sweep

Markets people keep things fresh and in season. In fact their skin or health might shift with the seasons. The items in their medicine cabinet may shift to accommodate these changes as well. Getting into a seasonal medicine cabinet sweep is a good way to ensure medications are still safe to take, and that creams and tinctures haven’t expired. Markets people are particularly sensitive to these things, and they often have preferences on these items. Need a refill of your faves? Check your cabinet.

Seasonal skincare

Depending on your climate, your skincare might really shift from season to season. If you didn’t use all of last seasons extra thick winter moisturizer, it may not be safe to use next year when winter comes around again. If your skin does change with the seasons, consider keeping your main items close or handy, and storing some of the out of season ingredients under the sink or in another linen closet.


When you open the drawers and cabinets, ensure everything has its perfect little place. Knowing exactly where to find your favourite items will make time in the bathroom more enjoyable. If you’re big on hair, ensure your products and tools are organized. If you’re big on makeup or skincare, ensure your items have a cute little bag or box and designated spot.

Cute accessories

Whether it’s your toothbrush or custom ceramic toilet paper holder, dialing up the character in your accessories will make you want to use them more while in your bathroom. Maybe it’s fancy room spray, charcoal face masks, guasha wand, at home red light therapy mask — or even a cute headband to keep your hair back when you wash your face. The actual items available to you within your bathroom is just as important as the actual space itself.

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