Aquarius Season ENVIROSCOPE

by Vaness Henry

Reminders for navigating the Playing Field of Life this season, whether you're Caves, Markets, Kitchens, Mountains, Valleys or Shores 

Based on the position of the stars out there, how might you best hold yourself on Earth at this moment? Read more to orient and navigate the Playing Field of Life this season, according to what you resonate to.

The Waterbearer

Wake up, beautiful creature, she seems to whisper.

Across the Playing Field of Life, a Celestial Sea opens around you, revealing a glorious maiden holding a large vessel filled to the brim with luminous nectar.

She dwells in the darkest part of the skies around you, spilling a river of stars that stream all the way down to meet you on your path. It spills into you, filling the seat of your soul with awareness and something extraordinarily bright and expansive.

Wake up, beautiful creature.

You've entered a glowing field of insights where new refreshing ideas begin to germinate through your spirit. They will one day grow through the currents and rivers that you carved from your experiences, swelling to flow with emotional wisdom.

Often confused for a Water Sign, Aquarius is an Air Sign — a thought leader and intellectual who redefines paths and routes through her emotional understanding, revealing there is no other way than the way our emotions flow. 

May we understand our interiors and never disrespect our natural flow once discovered.

Holding a large vessel, Aquarius explores how to contain and spill emotional depths in a healthy and aware manner. She spills forth LIFE in order to germinate the spirit within.

Your Enviroscopes are meant to be read as inspiration based on the precise birth time of your Human Design Environment. Read your Transferred Enviroscope for deeper insight — you may find you resonate to both!

Don’t know what you resonate to?

Effortlessly calculate your Human Design Environment


Caves Enviroscope

This zodiac season, how can you reclaim a deep sense of security within yourself? Where are you feeling a little insecure in life? And how would it feel for you to feel deeply secure about that thing? 

Consider how you would carry yourself if you felt deeply secure in that area, and consider how you would you be doing things differently with that inner stability.

Identifying things that rattle you, set you off course, or make you feel a lack of confidence, can help you recognize threats to your system.

Return to your safe people. Let them hold you; let them boost you in the way only they can. Who is this for you? Do you need to gather with the boys? Do you need to go out with the girls? Who ACTUALLY has your back, even after everything you've experienced with and without them?

How can you still be an individual among this family, while still embracing and honouring your connection with them? This season, you're reclaiming a deep sense of security; so what makes you feel secure?

Get some Caves Inspo here.

Markets Enviroscope

This is a very inspired time. What insights have been spilling into you lately? Are there new pursuits calling to you, or perhaps an old artform returning in a subtly new way? 

Remember, what goes around always comes back around. Though each time it returns, it may look a little different. It would be wise to make note of the changes you recognize.

There is something special about you. Imagine that YOU are the vessel that the Aquarian Maiden is holding, and through YOU she spills insights into others from the great beyond. Imagine YOU are a conduit for her grace, and that divine inspiration can strike THROUGH YOU at any time.

The things you're good at, the things you're interested in; these are no accident. They are part of the beautiful make up that defines what's special about you. The vessel is there for the purpose of holding the nectar of the stars so that they may be carried and exchanged with others. 

This zodiac season, you can expect inspiration to strike at any time; your only responsibility is to be the vessel and honour what comes through you — no matter WHEN those moments find you.

Get some Markets inspo here.

Kitchens Enviroscope

You've now entered the realm where the stars are on the table; what are you going to make of them? Prioritizing the company you keep will deliver new insights and inspiration that give you the magic required to hone your craft.

If your craft has become stagnant or you no longer feel connected to things you've done in the past, look to the ones around you. Who was around you then? Who is around you now? Are there enough people around you in the way that you need in order to really be creative?

It's time for change. If you are lacking a community or your community isn't holding you in the way you need, it can be challenging to feel inspired or connected to something beyond yourself.

Break up — without shame! — with the things that are no longer working for you. Disassemble them and retrieve the nuggets inside. Your creative fire burns brighter when you have that magic kindling. Consider who you collaborate with and what power they bring to the table. What power do YOU bring? 

The stars are on the table, God; what will you make of them?

Get some Kitchens inspo here

Mountains Enviroscope

Of all the Environments, yours is closest to the stars. To others, you could say, you are AMONG the stars. 

You experience insights in ways that others do not have access to, and through you they mutate and transform into a new magic that can be extended to others so we may experience them too.

Thank you for what you do. Your work in the world is so valuable. 

Our Aquarian Maiden emerges from the darkest depths of the sky. And though the stars are still far away… YOU are the closest to them

How does that make you feel deep inside? Out of all of us out there, YOU are the closet to the stars.

This season, fill your cup and take a note from the Waterbearer; spilling insight from the top of the mountain can create rivers that flow into the forests below, nurturing root systems that are invisible from your position, but are there never the less. What can you spill so it may nourish a depth inside yourself that you cannot see? Spill it, beautiful creature.

Get some Mountains inspo here.

Valleys Enviroscope

When your knees give out, fall to them. When the earth's experiences shake you up, feel the deep inner rhythm resetting within you; you are a part of the earth and connected to its energy in a special way that others are not.

When things are challenging for the ones around you, you feel it more than most — and this can take you out. Your body is DEEPLY empathic. It's designed to feel everything. You are HERE to build your capacity for all that you hold, and you can hold more than most.

When things are rattling across the planet, you experience those currents at a wattage that others do not experience. You must take great care – in unplugging from everything, and properly discharging your energy.

What does that look like for you? 

When things are rattling in your personal world, you experience those currents at a wattage that others do not experience. You FEEL it ALL. Everything for you. Everything for them. Your spirit entwines itself with others and senses their very life force. It is incredibly intimate.

It is the very thing that is magnificent about you.

You are HERE to increase your capacity to hold all this. By feeling, holding, and witnessing the deeper horrors and grievances of our experience, you simultaneously carve out the most incredible depths for love, success, glory and healing to spill forth, too.

There will be times where things are deeply ugly. But you will also be granted a deep beauty of equal dimension. Remember that.

Get some Valleys inspo here.

Shores Enviroscope

Remember, YOU are the star nectar that the Aquarian Maiden carries in her vessel. She swirls you around, seasoning you with each whirl. As she pours your spirit into the seat of your soul, you will be spilled into a beautiful creature, here for you to embody.

This creature is designed to be shaped on the Playing Field of Life. It will be carved and molded by its experiences, and the star nectar inside this new vessel will be filled with emotional wisdom. That wisdom will flow through the creature and have a part in shaping it within.

YOU and this beautiful creature will be intimately braided for the entirety of your experience on the Playing Field of Life.

Together, you are being molded by God

 If you want to know God, pay attention to what shapes you on the Playing Field of Life. But never forget you are the star nectar that the Aquarian Maiden carries out of the darkest depths of the beyond. Never forget that is YOUR spirit that is spilled into an immaculate creation.

 Be the art that you are. Let it all flow out of you. This is an inspired time.

Get some Shores inspo here.

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