Frequently Asked Questions


Here are some of the most popular questions floating through the Human Design space. I’ve included helpful links where necessary.

What People Are asking

Q. I’m new to Human Design. Where do I start?

A. If you like a classic learning Environment, head to: International Human Design School
A. If you like to select based on your interests and learn at your own pace, head to: Jovian Archive.

What People Are asking

Q. What calculator should I use when creating a Bodygraph?

A. The first calculator I used was and this is my recommendation if you’re brand new to Human Design. As I started studying Variable, I preferred the Genetic Matrix calculator. If you want a Variable exclusive calculator, try mine here.

What People Are asking

Q. What’s the first thing I should learn?

A. Begin learning what your Design Type is. This will determine whether you are one of the four energy types, or the cool hybrid Manifesting Generator. From there, you’ll be able to determine your Authority, understanding how you’re designed to make decisions. This will give you a specific strategy for playing the Game of Life. From there, begin learning about all those cute shapes in the Bodygraph: your Energy Centers. These hubs of energy in you are based on an expanded chakra system.

What People Are asking

Q. How does this look in every-day-life? I don’t understand how to apply things in a practical way.

A. Head to instagram, tiktok, youtube or your favourite social media and search Human Design keywords and hashtags. Start following or watching and learning through Human Design influencers who are embodying their Design, transparently revealing what their process is like, or explaining things in ways that resonate with your generation. Many offer fun ways you can work with them! Trust who you’re drawn to when you’re out discovering new voices in the Human Design space. I like to watch the stars in HDIRL.

What People Are asking

Q. Where do I get the best Human Design books?

A.Shop my Amazon bookshelf to shop some of my collection, but if you don’t know what to look for, head to Human Design America’s webstore for a great list of publications for all kinds of Human Design interests.

What People Are asking

Q. What are all the systems within Human Design?

A. Astrology, the Chinese I’Ching, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakras, the Tree of Life from the Zohar/Kabbalist tradition, and modern sciences of astronomy, biology and quantum mechanics. A huge part of Human Design culture is learning how to curiously experiment with life to figure out what works for you as an individual. Human Design transforms these ancient teachings into a modern outline to better understand how to take care of your body and mind. Though not a religion, the study is spiritual in nature as it encourages you to get to know yourself in new, intimate, and vulnerable ways. At its bare bones, it’s a framework on how to understand reality and yourself.

What People Are asking

Q. Where do I find my Environment Variable?

A. Try this calculator of mine where it will populate JUST the name of your Environment. Quick and easy.

What People Are asking

Q. What does ‘on the roof’ mean?

A. This is a colloquial phrase in HD. Some of the Human Design characters experience life in three distinct phases. Early life from 0-30; Mid-life in 30s, 40s, and 50s; and Third life in the 50s and 60s onward. The middle life phase is known as on the roof where the character is disconnected from their first life phase in some way, and enter into an era of deep reflection and processing. They come off the roof in the third life stage and live life as an Example of something. These characters are called “Role Models” and often experience hardship of some kind in their first life phase. Though all characters move through these stages as they mature, the Role-Model appears to be a public example of life’s chapters.