Capricorn Season ENVIROSCOPE

by Vaness Henry

Reminders for navigating the Playing Field of Life this season, whether you're Caves, Markets, Kitchens, Mountains, Valleys or Shores 

Based on the position of the stars out there, how might you best hold yourself on Earth at this moment? Read more to orient and navigate the Playing Field of Life this season, according to what you resonate to.

The Sea-Goat 

Through a season of deep change and death, something in you, too, has died. This deep change has already taken place, and you're already laying in the wake afterward.

But something is swimming around you; a spirit pulling you up and up. Through its little tug, a wake is created; a path of emotional energy charging you upward — until you break through the density.

Capricorn is an Earth Sign, but the sea-goat is half goat, half fish. Deep below a powerful exterior lies water reserves that hold, contain, and steer emotional depth. 

With horns on top and fins below, the sea-goat has the mystical ability to alchemize deep emotions and use its head to breakthrough something concrete and dense.

Through this emotional wisdom and experience, embodiment can reach new mastery. The sea-goat is a healer of both the physical and emotional bodies, setting the essential foundation for new awareness to enter our consciousness when we enter Aquarius Season.

Through this process of honouring the emotional current, things begin to naturally organize. Let them. As they find their place, a strong embodied structure will reveal itself. And like Capricorn, you must masterfully go with the flow.

Your Enviroscopes are meant to be read as inspiration based on the precise birth time of your Human Design Environment. Read your Transferred Enviroscope for deeper insight — you may find you resonate to both!

Don’t know what you resonate to?

Effortlessly calculate your Human Design Environment


Caves Enviroscope

What structures do you need in your life at this time? You've grown a lot, and sometimes a Caves Person can outgrow a space. So what happens when the Caves Person outgrows their safe space? This can be felt in your home, in your wardrobe, in your work, in your relationships… 

When the space around you has expanded, or you have outgrown a space, there will be new structures that make you feel set up. How do you create the emotional stability in your life to make wider safe changes? Where can you create practical structure so you feel better in your body? Consider how you can make one small adjustment at a time to support the growth transition.

When a Caves Person enters Capricorn Season, they're charged through the ether to create greater structure in life somewhere. Where is this impacting you? Expanding your structure somewhere will make you even more comfortable — a sign of deep safety. 

Get some Caves Inspo here.

Markets Enviroscope

Only you can do what you do. Whatever your trade is, whatever your passion is, entertain the idea that you have a mastery somewhere in this area. You hold and wield it like an art. You have a special way of using your abilities…

And you do a lot of things you don't want to do. This takes you away from what you're actually good at. Do you know what that is? 

Ask a friend if you don't. What are you REALLY good at? What do you ACTUALLY like doing?

Consider how you can embrace your innate mastery and let it flow to the spaces you really want to take up. Where do you want to spend more time? Where do you REALLY want to be? How can you create more structure in THAT area of your life? You may even have to look at some uncomfortable things you're still doing that you've totally outgrown.

Whatever is tugging at you — trust your flow of energy and go with it. Trust yourself.

Get some Markets inspo here.

Kitchens Enviroscope

Be easy on yourself. Fucking around and finding out is part of what has contributed to your emotional depth. And even if things can some times appear disjointed or chaotic – like there is no rhyme or reason – there is still a wider method to your madness.

You're the master of your craft, sweet alchemist. Sure, there may be others around you who do similar things, or have pseudo roles that you think are similar to you… but in YOUR craft? You're the master. YOUR experiences are what allow you to hone your art in the world.

Don't beat yourself up if you have to take a side gig, or experiment with something that seems out of left field. Just don't forget what you're ACTUALLY passionate about.

You've been through the motions this year, and those emotional currents still swirl deep within you. They are the very current that your art and craft stream from, and though they may be challenging to hold within you sometimes, they are also the source of your mystical power.

This season, how can you more deeply honour this wider process within you, and develop alchemical rituals to get that deep energy OUT of you?

Get some Kitchens inspo here

Mountains Enviroscope

There are bigger things at play around you right now. Some players are making masterful moves, some are totally falling apart. Let them. There are all kinds of things in motion around you. And where are you within all this moving energy? You are in motion, too.

Are you able to find your breath, and find yourself among the sea of emotions? What has been lifting your spirits lately, pulling you up and out and toward something greater than before? This is the very feeling you bestow on others when you're in your element.

What is your element?

If you want to rise, you will need a secure structure to hold you. Otherwise, you will never be able to hold that space. How will you organize this so you can reach the new heights that are actually available to you right now?

Get some Mountains inspo here.

Valleys Enviroscope

You're the master of your domain. Stand strong in your field, and let the energy currents flow around you. Feel the flow move against your palms. Weave them through your fingertips. You are powerful and can direct each flow of energy exactly where you want it to go. 

BE the information wielder that you are.

When there is deep and powerful energy around you, you are grounded with an equal energy deep and powerfully within you. Only your perception is what deems that energy “good or bad” — so remember; energy is energy. How can you tune in more to this pulse and rhythm of your natural body? Your emotions are there to charge you and remind you what is worth sharing. 

You have SUCH presence!!

If you're displaced, lean heavily on your rituals to anchor and burrow you into the natural pulse within you. This will drown out what is chaotic or out of flow around you. Remember: You're devoted to your body's attunement. Develop a ritual to ground you and hold the place you are in. Stand strong.

Get some Valleys inspo here.

Shores Enviroscope

You know what you're doing. You are stronger now. Deep in your core. When you stand strong in your wisdom, your character shines through and your signature can be felt on all sides.

You know feeling your feelings can hurt sometimes. Using your head to breakthrough the density can hurt, too. And when you land on the other side, you know it DOES stop hurting… in time.

You remember that you need time and space between the things you do.

So you take care of yourself. You do the things you KNOW work. You remember to play and have fun because that's what leads to the strongest foundation; that's what leads to the richest core. And you want an enriching core.

That's why all walks of life find you. Or why you find them. You practice the things they teach you and you model a new way of being in the world. And THIS, my friend, you are a master of. So BE the master of your domain.

Get some Shores inspo here.

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