How to set up your bathroom for a Mountains Human Design Environment

A little place that you don’t always have a lot of control over design-wise, the bathroom is another room in your home where your Environment will come into play.

Maybe you have a favourite washroom in your home or went to one in a fancy restaurant that you loved — what features did you resonate with?

Why does that bathroom feel best to be in?

If you’re designing a bathroom from scratch it’s one thing, but when the toilet, tub and sink are already secure to the floor, what are some other features you could consider and play with when it comes to the place you poop in?

If you need to check which Environment you have in your Human Design Bodygraph, check out my Variable Calculator to populate yours.


Imagine walking into your bathroom and being swept away to a new place. Consider what elements you could bring into the space that make it feel spa-like. Whether that’s a towel warmer, swapping your old towels for Turkish ones, rolling your hand towels and face clothes and displaying them in a basket, or using high quality elevated elements, like marble, stone, tile, etc — how can this space feel like a tranquil oasis?

Fan and good air flow

Ensure your bathroom has a fan, window, or good airflow. This is a priority for Mountains People. High ceilings in the bathroom are a great bonus as well. You may even find yourself retreating to this room when you just need to get away and take a little breather! If you don’t have a fan, open the window once in awhile, or when it’s raining. (But really, consider installing some kind of temporary or permanent fan)


Big or interesting windows in a space can create the perfect picture to look at. If your home is protected from outside views (as in you’re not overlooking a space where tons of people are going by and could see you in your bathroom), having a window over your sink, shower, or bathtub, can really add to the experience. Imagine showering in your spacious beautiful bathroom, and looking out at the trees growing in the backyard.

All one colour

Instead of too much stimulation in this space in your home, how can you invite it a soothing atmosphere? Playing with colours is a great way to take a space to the next level. Whether you like white, cobalt blue, or a soft pink, experiment with having a monochromatic look — the monochromatic colour scheme can be any colour you like! It doesn’t need to be all-white-everything. The walls, the cabinets, the floor, the towels — EVERYTHING BLUE! (Or whatever colour you want!) Not only does this create a luxurious look, it can also be very soothing, and totally take you to another place when you walk through that door.

Hang fragrant plants in the shower

A great way to create a clearing sent in the air and take your showers to another level is hanging eucalyptus in the shower — tying it with a string/jute and hanging it around the shower head. With the steam, this will infuse the space with a big refreshing scent, opening up your lungs and airways.


Diffusers are a great way to tend to the air in the space, ensuring it is fresh. Mountains People are all about those big fresh breaths. Stale, damp, moist air? No thanks! Many essential oils have attributes like purifying, energizing, or relaxing qualities, or may be microbial. Essential oils like Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Tea-tree, Lemon and Lavender are great for helping air quality!

Elevated Fixtures & Features

Have fun with your lighting — go big or go home! Draw the eye upward, and use an interesting light piece. Consider what other grand elements would feel great for you, like heated floors, a giant walk in shower, sauna, bidet, etc. Splurge on something to really ramp up this little space.

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