How to set up your bathroom for a Caves Human Design Environment

A little place that you don’t always have a lot of control over design-wise, the bathroom is another room in your home where your Environment will come into play.

Maybe you have a favourite washroom in your home or went to one in a fancy restaurant that you loved — what features did you resonate with?

Why does that bathroom feel best to be in?

If you’re designing a bathroom from scratch it’s one thing, but when the toilet, tub and sink are already secure to the floor, what are some other features you could consider and play with when it comes to the place you poop in?

If you need to check which Environment you have in your Human Design Bodygraph, check out my Variable Calculator to populate yours.

No windows

The ultimate pooping den! A safe, secure little hole in the wall to do your business. These are really secure areas usually tucked deep within the home. The windowless bathroom is a safe haven for the Caves Person.

Careful with shower curtains

Sometimes a closed shower curtain can make a Caves Person nervous — is someone on the other side of that curtain? Are they going to jump out and get me? Keeping the curtain open, or opting for glass that reveals the other side is ideal for a Caves Person.

Cozy floor mat

Don’t overlook the floor. A floor mat to protect the feet and the floor of the Cave is essential. Have something near your shower or bath to protect the floor from getting wet. Caves People love all kinds of protection.

Door lock

A Caves Person does NOT want to be disturbed or walked in on when they’re in the bathroom. They seek ultimate privacy to safely do their business. They do NOT want to be startled by an opening door. Ensuring the washroom has an interior lock will soothe the Caves Person. They may not always use it, but knowing it’s available when they need will provide assurance.

The Ensuite Cave

When a primary bedroom has an attached ensuite, this is often the preferred bathroom for the Caves Person because it is the room within a room. This is a safer room — TWO DOORS an intruder would have to get through? That’s way safer. Well, do your business with all the volumes you need, Caves Person — you’re safe and sound behind two barriers!

Womb-like colours

When the bathroom has soft and soothing womb-like colours, it creates a soothing and familiar environment for the Caves Person, reminiscent of their original cave; the original home. This creates a deep sense of security to safely do this vulnerable little thing you have to do… like let some poop out of your butt. Conversely, having dim lighting always on in the bathroom so it is never dark — not even at night — can create the same safe womb-like atmosphere.

Cavey showers

Showers that you can walk into and are dark and totally tiled from head to tow create these dream ambiences for Caves People. Often there is even a delightful Cavey echo in these showers that the Caves Person LOVES to be in. They sing and wash their bodies in total delight and privacy.

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