Hi, I'm Vaness Henry.
I help people understand their bodies better.

My story
When I was little…
Two things happened that frightened me and shaped me into who I am today.
My dad died of cancer.
And then at 16, I was diagnosed with cancer, too.
And even though I thought it was a weird coincidence… our cancers were unrelated. My direction in life has been impacted ever since. I grew into a parent, author, and shamanic practitioner. I specialize in Human Design Variable integration to restore individual wellness.
My perspective
I’m always interested in the most practical route to healing.
Some of the best ways to curb illness and remedy disease is to set yourself up in a healing environment so illness has no space to exist in the first place. So — how do you do that?
Start by learning what you resonate with.
Motivational Speaker
Canadian Cancer Society
Hodgkins Lymphoma Survivor
Art Director
Food & Travel
Ciao! and WHERE Magazine
Fanfare Magazine Group
Art Director
Fashion, Culture, Lifestyle
Sandbox Magazine
Writer, Blogger
Crystal & Botanical Translations
Rogue Wood Supply
Shamanic Practitioner
Dream & Plant Medicines
Sound Healing
Light of the Prairie
Creative Sound Projects
Six-Two Studio
University Instructor
Digital & Social Media Marketing
PACE, University of Winnipeg
College Instructor
Web Design
Creative Communications
Red River College
Our Body Book
Cameron Diaz community
Community Newspaper
Winnipeg Free Press
Poetry & Fiction, At Bay Press
Non-fiction, Willow Press
creative writing
Published fiction, non-fiction & poetry
“The Elms will bring Roses”
by Lana Reimer (as told to author)
Domestic, 2017
Willow Press, non-fiction
“Larkin & Luella”
Luella comes from a line of twin sorcerers, but with a fractured family it’s only her and her evil twin brother left. In a desperate attempt to escape his cruelty, Luella flees town with the help of six strange expats escaping together to a hidden land. She’s safe, so long as she gets along with the others, doesn’t use her magic, and if her own demons don’t get the best of her.
Secrets & Lies, Published 2017
At Bay Press, fiction
“Conversations with Shauna”
Domestic, 2017
Willow Press, non-fiction
“Sent with Love”
Published Poem, 2015
At Bay Press, poetry
“The Woman I can’t see”
A small child crouches in the corner of a hospital room as she watches her father’s spirit leave its body. In spirit form, various entities enter the room, filling the space between the grieving people who weep and whisper their goodbyes. Characters like Death, Embarrassment and Love, are woven into a story about loss and healing.
Dreams & Nightmares, 2015
At Bay Press, fiction
Published Poem, 2015
At Bay Press
*Inducted as Rare Heritage Poem at Manitoba Legislative Library
“Silver Ruby”
Humans are harvesting Silvers for their pristine organs as Humanity rapidly declines from disease. Ruby is a Silver, a conscious cyborg originally programmed for the Chlorophyll Recovery Program, fighting for her life as she meets her maker. Knocked offline behind a seafood restaurant, Ruby comes online to being slowly dismembered by her Creator.
Woman: an Anthology, 2014
At Bay Press, fiction
*Proceeds to Breast Cancer Research, additional authors incl/ Anais Nin, Alice Munro, Stephen King, Lynn Coady, MC Joudrey, Peter S. Beagle, Charles de Lint, Emma LaRocque, Peter O’Donnell & Robert E. Howard
“Trew & Copper”
Dana Copper is traveling in deep space aboard the Q19. Even though she’s surrounded by a crew of humans, she feels totally alone. She’s the only unconscious human left aboard the entire ship. Everyone else has been abducted by the consciousness of an alien host. The days bleed together as she awaits her merging with the ship’s Commander, Trew.
Jilted Love Anthology, Published 2013
At Bay Press, fiction
“Dragon Tears”
An ordinary man keeps a non-ordinary dragon deep in his basement.
At Bay Press, Fiction, 2012