Scorpio Season ENVIROSCOPE

by Vaness Henry

Reminders for navigating the Playing Field of Life this season, whether you're Caves, Markets, Kitchens, Mountains, Valleys or Shores 

Based on the position of the stars out there, how might you best hold yourself on Earth at this moment? Read more to orient and navigate the Playing Field of Life this season, according to what you resonate to.

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Caves Enviroscope

Orient to what is least risky for you. Whenever you find yourself somewhere new — in a new setting, meeting a new person, filling out a new role — remember to set yourself up with a feeling of deep internal safety.

A chair with a strong back, a person with a solid reputation, guaranteed benefits; these are all strong signs for you to take note of.

Prioritize your creative space this monththe cave where you make your art — and consider how the cave you place your body in contributes to your artform.

Get some Caves Inspo here.

Markets Enviroscope

You know nothing stays fresh forever, and even the strongest teas can’t be steeped for eternity. There comes a point where you've got to compost the soggy baggage. So whatever has been falling away, or whatever you have outgrown, help the change along by putting healthy ingredients into your body and lifestyle. 

Is there a new hobby or tool you want to try? Go for it. Who are you in this next version of yourself and how would they carry themselves in the world?

Maybe it’s your home, maybe it’s your office, maybe it’s your hairstyle or your go-to pair of outdoor shoes for the season; take note of which basics and regulars of yours are ready for upgrades. Invest in your tools and transform your art.

Get some Markets inspo here.

Kitchens Enviroscope

Sometimes, that shattering experience can send us fleeing and running for the hills. Other times it's the flicker that ignites the tindery parts within our core, igniting new material to make art with. 

Well grab your best flannel, Kitchens, because when life gives you kindling — make that fire! Find a way to burn through the things that require your special spark, and then let restless spirits lie; some things aren’t yet ready for change… or your magic. Don't waste your numinous energy.

Re-devote yourself to your craft. Start your fires again!

Get some Kitchens inspo here

Mountains Enviroscope

Tell usssssss. What do you want to say? What cool things have you realized? Daydream into the reality of how it would feel to exist in that space where you are unburdened and free, sharing the things YOU care about.

What would you say? If anything has been burdening you lately, interfering with your inner stability, or even an inner itching or niggling, consider whether you need to take it all more seriously — or less seriously.

Try this experiment: Evaluate different areas in your life and determine whether you prioritize security or freedom in that area. Notice the fluctuations across different areas.

Get some Mountains inspo here.

Valleys Enviroscope

Whatever you’ve just disconnected from, or whatever area you've just stepped into, you’ve significantly shifted the flow in your setting. What are you noticing? If life around you is a symphony, what voices play in your head; what familiar atmospheres are you immersed in? You take in a multitude of media — which are your favourites?

Why do you stay where you are, and why do you go where you go? Sometimes, plugging into something else is the very thing that opens you up and charges a part of you that you didn’t even realize you had. It can reveal a new emptiness, or a warm space to fill. 

Whatever has opened within you, intimately consider how you fill the areas where you have discovered more spaciousness. Or is it emptiness? 

Maybe it's a secret third thing.

Get some Valleys inspo here.

Shores Enviroscope

Whatever you have been rejecting about yourself, consider how the marrow within those experiences might be the very medicine you need to step into your power. What past selves can you digest and metabolize in order to take shape as this new character?

What can you learn from the former-more-constricted version of yourself out there on the Playing Field? When you imagine a less seasoned version of yourself, who comes to mind? Looking to past versions of yourself will reveal what did and didn't work for you. Don't worry about what others are doing. What were YOU doing? 

Consider how you can integrate changes in your life that help you acclimate more effortlessly this time. When your inner world begins to feel limiting, reassign previous versions of yourself into new supporting roles.

Get some Shores inspo here.

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