How to set up your home’s foyer for a Kitchens Human Design Environment

The front palace, foyer, or entrance, is an important area in the home that is often overlooked.

This is the very first area where new energy enters the home, flowing through the ENTIRE space we live in, carrying with it energy currents that are charged with frequencies that affect the home’s inhabitants.

Check out this post to read more about the front palace from a Feng Shui perspective, and how to find yours in your home.

Based on your Human Design Environment, consider how you want the energy to feel when it enters your home. Prepare your space so it imprints the surrounding energy flow with that charge. Let’s tend to your front palace!

Ensure it’s stimulating

The Kitchen is an exciting environment; whether you’re someone who has a passive environment and feel relaxed in your creative space, or whether you have an active environment and feel aroused in your creative space, creating a stimulating environment will stimulate you into feeling whatever it is you want to feel at home. Consider how you can bring a special magic to the space AS SOON AS you walk through the door.

Welcome home energy

Where is the heart of your home? Is it your living room? Your home office? Your dining room, or literal kitchen? Consider what elements are happening in the heart of your home, and consider how you might be able to bring those same things to your front foyer.

Have a Drop Zone

The Kitchen is all about having little creative zones, and little vignettes and areas where things come together just so to create magic. A drop zone when you walk in the door is one of the best ways for you to anchor or create a space where there is none. Many home don’t have a formal entrance, but placing a drop zone somewhere — a place to put your keys, your bag, maybe your shoes and jacket, maybe a little mirror to do a final once over and check in before you leave the house — this creates an area that is defined to make you stop and take a beat before you enter/exit the home. You created a zone for change.

Create a vignette

If there’s space, create little focal points on a small console table, sideboard or credenza, depending on the space available to you. How can you bring some fun trendy items into your space so they may spark inspiration and creativity in you?

Bring in an Art Piece

This can be anything — but it’s art TO YOU. This can be an incredible rug to define the space. It can be an incredible photo hung on the wall. It can be a handmade lamp by a local maker. It can be the actual design of the front door since we know that’s important in every space. You know, ART! You know when something is so unique, or so impressive, or so surprising we can only look at it and exclaim, “This is art!” That’s what we’re going for in this creative hub of yours.

Exterior hooks or baskets

Can you display your footwear, jackets or outerwear like art? As a Kitchens person, how can you let your life be the art that unfolds from you and around you? Everything about you is magic, even the little jackets you pick to adorn yourself in. Besides, if you’re a Kitchens person, we know you have some super cute trendy fashion thing going on — so let your life be the art!

Intimately consider your lifestyle

Just because you’re a Kitchens person doesn’t mean we can predict your career or lifestyle. You’ll bring your special creative way to any vocation you practice and everything you do, so how might you be able to bring YOUR lifestyle into your dwelling? Do you have pets? Do you have kids? What are your hobbies? Are you living with a community? How can the space accommodate all your interests in a supportive way that makes you feel like there is a strong bond at home?

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