by Vaness Henry

Reminders for navigating the Playing Field of Life this season, whether you're Caves, Markets, Kitchens, Mountains, Valleys or Shores 

Based on the position of the stars out there, how might you best hold yourself on Earth at this moment? Read more to orient and navigate the Playing Field of Life this season, according to what you resonate to.


The Fish

You’ve entered the most fertile of domains across the Playing Field. In this season, magic can be created and cast from you anywhere you find yourself.

An idea, a dream, a wish, a spark... if any ounce of numen spills into the landscape around you, a pearl emerges.

This is a time of rich fertility. Take great care of your creative power, your sexual energy, and what you manifest, intentionally and unintentionally into the world. 

In the distance, two pearlescent fish swim beyond one another, yet they are still in constant connection through the ripple of energy waves between them. The water keeps them connected.

Connected by this invisible ribbon, the Pisces fish teach us about feeling our feelings and feeling each other’s feelings, too. They remind us we are a deeply empathic species.

This is our greatest power. To FEEL each other. 

How will you hold your greatest power this season? What pearls already exist within you, and where will you find them?

Pisces is the final season in the zodiac, making way for the New Zodiac Year, beginning with Aries Season and the Equinox. This is a time of endings, celebrations, empathy, and deep feeling. This is where the artist find's their art.

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Caves Enviroscope

Imagine yourself held snug, safe and sound inside a cushy clam. You are being held and formed into perfection. What sweet new projects are you cultivating within? Are you holding space for a new pearl to emerge in you? 

This season, you're balancing the relationship between making space and shedding old ways and habits (or something more tangible), while expanding into a new era. Shedding and expanding. We've reached the end of the seasons, a new year and a new chapter on the horizon before you. 

Shedding and expanding. How can you help the process along, even if that's just surrendering to it?

Imagine yourself held snug, safe and sound inside a cushy clam. This is how you want life to feel as you're carried through this next chapter and perfectly held in time and space. What have you learned so far, and where are you going? You are being held and formed into perfection. You must be held to take form and manifest.

Get some Caves Inspo here.

Markets Enviroscope

When pearls keep popping up around you, that's an abundant time for inspiration and exchanging. What changes are happening in your marketplace right now? 

Pearls are made when the creature experiences an irritant or parasite, and to protect their fragile body they secrete a substance to coat and trap that intrusion — creating a beautiful pearl. 

Pearls can take six months to four years to develop.

Whether options are limited or abundant, what is the real pearl in the situation before you? When we reach the end of one of Earth's seasons, there are opportunities for assessing what to let go of and make space for, and what to try and move toward up ahead.

Pisces is the final season in the Zodiac. You've learned a lot this year. You explored a whole new territory inside yourself, and maybe even picked up or honed some really important skills. The skills are your pearls.

Get some Markets inspo here.

Kitchens Enviroscope

Is it time to phone a friend? Meet a buddy for coffee? Catch up with your business bestie? Remember: switching it up or getting out on the town are great practices for you — AND they're a lot of fun. So how can you surrender to what's natural and most fun for you, moment to moment?

Part of the way you learn is through your interactions with others, and feeling the ripple of another's energy in your aura.

Feeling is one of your greatest abilities, and the community you're connected to is an extension of your experience. You're not in control of what your people experience, but through your connection you will feel that experience in your own way.

Obviously this can be a lot sometimes. But part of the magic is the special creations and realizations that come out of those moments.

This season, feel your feelings. Let them secrete around the irritants in your life to create a beautiful pearl. Remember: you're the sorceress, the wizard, the magic-maker and numen-wielder of the Playing Field.

Get some Kitchens inspo here

Mountains Enviroscope

This is a time of sexual power. Whether you find your libido rising, or if your creativity begins to spike in a curious direction, consider your relationship to primal manifestation

Getting exactly what you want, without even thinking about it!

When a sacred spirit rises in you, creative inspiration can unfurl from some unknown place within. You possess a deep creative power and a sexual energy that enables you to manifest anything onto the Playing Field, whether that is intentionally or unintentionally.

Not all pearls are equal. Many people around you care about things that just don't mean anything to you. Your pearls won't look like everyone else's, but surrendering to YOUR needs will reveal undiscovered pearls in hidden places. 

How might you manifest something powerful from the depths of your soul?

Get some Mountains inspo here.

Valleys Enviroscope

You're in a fertile domain. Anything can happen. And yet, while there is lots of opportunity around you, your real mission is to ensure you don't short circuit, take on too much, or go against your natural flow. 
There is a way YOU do things.

Opportunities will be oh so tempting, but not every pearl is for you, sweet child of the valley. As the season ramps up and you're called to be busier, how can you slow down and anchor into YOUR process, rather than THEIR process?
Notice what irritants come up for you this season, and pay attention to what manners of coping you practice as you recognize these things creating disturbance in your field. 

The real challenge is to surrender to YOUR flow, even when you feel the pressure to get swept up in someone or something else's process of creation or manifestation. Your body, your shell, your clam. Pearls can take the oyster six months to four years to shape.
Respect YOUR timeline. Respect YOUR vision. Respect YOUR process.

Get some Valleys inspo here.

Shores Enviroscope

Your greatest power is to feel, empathize and compassionately understand those who are different than you. So much of your learning comes through recognizing yourself in something that is totally different from you. It's as if relating to something across the pond can help you discover all new pearls within you.

How can the souls outside and around you bring greater love and understanding to the one who sits at the seat of your soul?

Pisces Season can be an emotional time. Any stagnant waters within may be gently splashed and stirred up to the surface, so you may be rid of any impurities and old parasites. Your friends and family are the caretakers of your transitions. Look to the ones around you to help wash away these old remnants. 

You are entering a new chapter, but respectfully closing out one is essential before entering the other.

Remember: the bridges that connect two timelines are sacred shores sites. As you move through this transition window, caring for your body and spirit must be done as if you were worshipping a god crossing an important portal on their adventure. For any effort you put out — tend, care, and reward yourself in equal measure.

Get some Shores inspo here.

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