by Vaness Henry

Reminders for navigating the Playing Field of Life this season, whether you're Caves, Markets, Kitchens, Mountains, Valleys or Shores 

Based on the position of the stars out there, how might you best hold yourself on Earth at this moment? Read more to orient and navigate the Playing Field of Life this season, according to what you resonate to.


The Ram

Not only does Aries know how to forge ahead, but Aries knows how to forge a head. Just look at those horns spiralling out of the Ram's spirit like a marvellous crown.

The Ram is a Bighorn Sheep. Remove that crown and you've got another sheep on the Playing Field. That Crown; that Personality; that Consciousness — that's what's special about you.

That's the very part of you that emerges from the homogenized territory slogged across the Playing Field of Life.

Galloping through the fields of aspirations, Aries kicks up an invisible dew that twinges the air with embers of courage and bravery. 

Charging ahead like a prince on a mission, the Ram infuses persistence and strength into each gallop.

After the fertile grounds of Pisces Season, you've entered a time of INITIATION. Sparks will fly. Aries can fly. Aries will charge ahead and ask questions later. Or never! It's not about that right now. 

A new beginning and chapter is unfolding. The spirit of the season is with you, wherever your charge takes you. And with each new gallop, you'll kick up more sparks in the fields of aspirations.

 In this story, you're the protagonist. No one else is going to take the lead role in your narrative. You are the main character, charged with scribbling your energetic signature across the Playing Field of Life. 

Don’t know what you resonate to?

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Caves Enviroscope

The Ram digs four strong hooves in the ground, standing firm on the Playing Field. Not just any sheep, but a Bighorn Sheep, who isn’t afraid to charge into an enemy or enemy territory if a threat emerges.

Descending from the Mountains (the Ram’s natural habitat), and fresh out of the Piscean ether, new ideas and opportunities are around you. You are stronger. Firmer inside. Sometimes you need to venture out to the Mountain in order to regain perspective on what's important for you as a Caves Person.

You are different after such an adventure. Who is this person now?

If everything was about you and no one else was in the picture to distract you, what would you embrace for yourself right now? What would make you feel healthy, empowered and strong? How might you bring in elements this season to support these deep personal desires within? It's Aries Season! GO for it!

Get some Caves Inspo here.

Markets Enviroscope

There is FRESH energy around you, Markets. The vibe will be twitterpated and sparkly all season long, and you may find a breath of fresh air is around every corner.

A big part of your process on the regular is shedding and clearing out anything that has expired or gone stale. You are the natural tender and gatherer among the Environments, and you KNOW how to respect what has died, come and gone, or is ready to be recycled. You inherently know that's how space is made.

This season, the other Environments are going to feel this expiration and subsequent refresh in a very Markets way. This is comfortable territory for you where others may be a little less of a natural through it.

You have areas you thrive in; you have certain skills, or things you KNOW. As you bounce into these spaces this season, remember you have strong leadership qualities in your areas. Don't hesitate to take the lead when you're in your area. Everything benefits when you embrace this part of your nature.

Get some Markets inspo here.

Kitchens Enviroscope

It's time to get your shit together — and I mean that in the most creative way. Part of your process is embracing the creative chaos of life, and another crucial part of that process is assessing that mess to see the art.

Don't forget to look for the art. 

Things are always going to unravel from time to time, confrontations are always going to happen so you can keep growing. You're a grower and a shower — the real transformer of the Environments. NOTHING can happen for you without the mess; see the mess you're in differently. It's essential for your process.

You're finally putting yourself back in to the equation — finally standing up to say, “Hey, actually THIS is what I want — this is where my interest is now.” Like a chemist, you then grab the brightest beaker and pour it into your cauldron.

If it feels a little scary and you're not entirely sure what will happen — you're in the Kitchen my friend; you're in the zone. GO FOR IT.

Get some Kitchens inspo here

Mountains Enviroscope

How might you explore themes of individuality and centering your attention on yourself, without tipping into selfishness and becoming excessively self-absorbed?

Imagine if there was a protective sheen that could be slathered to prevent self-absorption; or a gentle layer of skin to create a sort of bounteous repellant that prevented our attention from sinking into a self-centred spiral…

Aries is the beginning; the singular spirit embarking on a new journey. The Ram LIVES in the Mountains. Aries thinks differently about all kinds of things, and many people misunderstand that internal charge that our Bighorn Hero feels. 

How might you redefine selfishness, self-centredness, and self-absorption? Why must these be inherently negative things? Why are we taught that anything directed on ourselves, or anything done for ourselves is BAD?

And yet, we’ve all met an annoyingly self-absorbed individual who was so out of touch they were repelling… or perhaps they were just wearing their own bounteous repellant? 

Maybe the secret is in the Aries Crown — for that is what separates the Bighorn from the other sheep on the Playing Field.

Get some Mountains inspo here.

Valleys Enviroscope

What do YOU want to do, Valleys? When you're plugged in to so many cool things, interesting people, and fun opportunities, it can be tricky to stay connected to what YOU want. Feeling through everybody else means you can sometimes lose track of yourself in the process.

Moving through the fields of aspirations is natural for you though. This is a time to reconnect to YOU. Book yourself luxurious treatments and fun engagements to attend. Return to the parts of you that have been scattered and called away. Play like it's your job! (It is)

Restoring your spirits and replenishing your soul is an incredibly powerful thing. When you are juiced up, gassed up, geared up, shined up, revved up — you simply MUST GO. It's a great feeling to be so READY that you're bursting with excitement. Radically taking care of yourself and investing in you - you - you – can be the best thing for your passion and energy.

Others will feel that on you, creating a magnetic ripple effect in your presence. This season, do what you truly want to do deep inside and let that heart shine.

Get some Valleys inspo here.

Shores Enviroscope

A lot of credit is given to your body and the amazing abilities it holds. You let it make decisions for you, know what's best for you, and you are learning how to respect and care for it more and more.

But your mind is incredibly special, too. In case no one has told you lately, your Personality is a whole other brilliant part of you. Dare I say it's one of thee most powerful, valuable things about you.

 When a person lacks personality, that's a helluva jab to the ego. It says you're lacking character, spirit and soul rippling through your body. Your body might be making the right moves, but when that special essence is missing — that je ne c'est quoi — it doesn't matter how perfect your body's moves are. It's lacking spirit. Personality is everything.

Your Spirit, your Personality, your Crown — carries the magic spark that animates your beautiful body. With your body it creates your presence. Sometimes we can critique or bash ourselves in a way that is damaging to our delicate formless spirit. But what if this brilliant animation spiriting through you was what separated you from all the rest? Stand out this season, Shores

Get some Shores inspo here.

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