Create your DREAM dressing room
I think the Dressing Room has the potential to be a holy site in a person’s home. Imagine a Caves Kid playing in their closet, or a Mountains Woman retreating to her oasis to get away from her family.
It’s an amazing space for a Markets Person to customize; creating outfits can be medicine for a Kitchens Person.
A Valleys person can ground themselves in this space, folding and hanging clothing and organizing their outfits to admire their fancy items. Even the act of dressing can be ritualistic and therapeutic.
So can undressing. ;)
And don’t get me started on the Shores Person walking in, transforming, and emerging as a new character. How fun!
Our Environment comes into play in every space we inhabit, even our closets. Aligning to our environment is available everywhere, no matter what room or space we find ourselves, we only need to train our eyes to see it. Below, you’ll find examples to help get you thinking differently about your closet space, sharing ideas on what you can do in this space to set yourself up for high-quality experimentation and alignment.
What's your HUMAN DESIGN environment?