What are the Six Human Design Environment Colours?

In Human Design, there are six potential Environments we can each be calibrated to resonate with. These six Environments are known as Colours, and each one has a name.

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First Colour: Caves

Cave Environments have a resounding sense of security that courses through them. They are safe atmospheres where there is one access point to the inhabitants. That way, the inhabitants of the cave are able to control how others access them should they enter the cave. In simple terms, “The Cave” is any enclosed space. The Cave can be found in almost any Environment, although there are more ideal landscapes and positioning for people who resonate to the Cave Environment: aka, Cave People. Cave People are seeking spaces, relationships, and opportunities that provide them with a sense of deep security and safety. Think of how this may affect many areas of life.

Second Colour: Markets

Market Environments always have a great selection within them. They are fresh, current, and in season. There is an aliveness in these atmospheres, and in that freshness there is health and wellness and lots of exchanging. There are endless marketplaces to choose from, and each Markets person will find the market that they resonate with. They will likely make some kind of exchanges or trades in that space. Markets people tend toward making a living for themselves through their marketplaces. There is something particular that they like or are interested in, and it’s important they stay current and up-to-date with whatever that is for them. Markets people have a niche, or a collection of niches. They’re the curators and collectors of the Environments. It’s important for Markets people to keep things fresh around them because they are very sensitive to what grows stale or falls out of season.

Third Colour: Kitchens

Kitchen Environments have a core. There is something at the center and heart of these space. Often this is a core community of some kind. There is usually an interest or artform that is celebrated within the kitchen, whether that’s a collective of artists or barristas or Human Design studiers or something else. There is something that centers the space or brings others together in likeness. A Kitchen Environment will have many characters to connect with, collaborate with, work with or bump into. These spaces are usually highly creative in some manner, whether that is through activity or ideas. There tends to be a particular culture or trend happening within these spaces, and Kitchens people are sensitive to who is in their Kitchen, and who is connected to their Kitchen. Who is in your community? Who is at the core in your life? Where is your favourite place to gather, and who do you want to be there with you?

Fourth Colour: Mountains

Mountain Environments are elevated in comparison to the other Environments. There is something about them that is luxurious and simple, and yet detached or disconnected from the other Environments. These spaces really are above it all, and yet they’re incredibly helpful or resourceful at the same time. Mountains Environments are connected to a culture without all the drama we can find in the Kitchen. Nothing will drag a Mountains Person down like drama. Mountains Environments are spaces that hold elevated schools of thought, and experiences that are filtered through higher philosophies. It’s important for Mountains People to be connected to key resources they need, making connections through all kinds of corners of the earth depending on their interests. Mountains Environments hold go-to resources where you can experience new elevations. They provide wide angle views so big picture ideas can come into form. Mountains People tend to love luxurious getaways and do well with a luxurious or elevated lifestyle in some way.

Fifth Colour: Valleys

Valleys Environments are connected to the information highways of our world. All the places where there are hubs of information, like libraries, coffee shops, beaches, wifi connections — the right people — anywhere you can plug in and get information through observation or engagement. These are places you can regularly visit as part of their energy comes alive through repetition. When you become “a regular” somewhere, it’s where people know your name. There is a reputation or a connection made there, and you can plug in to it whenever you need. You’ll find a Valley Person tucked into a book or podcast, plugged in to something or living their life with their ear to the ground, feeding on the information they live to hear. The Valley always has a good flow of energy so the best things can be exchanged. Drawn to channels and corridors, hallways and outlets, the Valley is a source of enriching information that others can draw from.

Sixth Colour: Shores

Shores Environments exist between worlds. They also hold more than one world within them. The Shore is a place that lets you cross over into another reality; where you can be another person or be perceived another way. It’s a place that is culturally diverse, letting you see things in new ways or from another perspective. Shores have a lot of space within and around them. They also crossover and spill into numerous fields and areas, or can be experienced as simply as changing seats in a room in order to change an angle. The Crossovers of the world have Shores written all over them, whether that’s a music crossover, a death, or living on the other side of the tracks. They flip things around on you, and deliver you into a new world with a new perspective. They are also multipurpose spaces where you can be in two places at once, or see into multiple spaces or worlds at once.

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