What is Environment in Human Design?
by 6/2 Ego Manifestor, Vaness Henry
Your Human Design Environment outlines the space that your body resonates best to.
There are six Environments to study in Human Design: the Cave, Market, Kitchen, Mountain, Valley and Shore.
Your Body will resonate to one of these Environments. When we are in our supportive Environment — it’s like being in our element; everything we need suddenly becomes available to us.
If you find you’re meeting a lot of resistance in your Human Design experiments, or if you’re feeling unwell in life, unclear, or unsupported, look to your Environment to see what you may not be resonating with around you.
What to know about your Environment:
In Human Design, there are four Variables to consider when discovering your depths. This area of study can really distinguish differences in people even if they look similarly on the surface of their Design.
For example, you could have two Pure Generators with the exact same definition in their centres on the surface — and while they will be similar, they will also behave very differently depending on four variables.
The four Variables are Determination (Dietary Regimen), Environment, Perspective, and Motivation. These are reflected as four arrows that flank the head of your Bodygraph, and reveal a TON of information about how a person operates deep below the surface.
Not every Bodygraph calculator populates this information, so try my Variable exclusive calculator here.
The names of the Environments are called Colours:
Caves is the First Colour.
Markets is the Second Colour.
Kitchens is the Third Colour.
Mountains is the Fourth Colour.
Valleys is the Fifth Colour.
And Shores is the final Sixth Colour.
What does “Environment” include?
I like to consider Environment from numerous angles for a well-rounded understanding of what it may look like in the materialized form. It’s not just about what town, city or country you live in. Your Environment is the entire information field around you.
The way you position and orient yourself comes into play, the surroundings you find yourself in, and the people you surround yourself with all play an influence to the information field around you.
For example, one great tip for Caves People to consider is to protect their backs — this can mean a lot of things. If you’re a Caves Person, how are you sitting right now? Is your back supported and protected, or could someone walk up behind you and spook you? When you look at your friend-circle, are there people there who really have your back? Notice who doesn’t have your back and how that makes you feel.
In my own Human Design practice, a pathway really opened up for me once I got the hang of practicing my Strategy & Authority — the starting point for anyone experimenting with their Human Design. Naturally, my body began reorienting and experiencing change in all the spaces around me. I changed homes, how I make a living, and I even relocated.
Most importantly, my relationships transformed. It’s important to know that by bringing more awareness to your Environment, you’re going to become better able to recognize what you don’t resonate with. This part of the deconditioning process can be really alienating and lonely because there is a good chance you have some relationships in your life that are unhealthy, and you play a part in that unhealthy dynamic. As you take more accountability for your own quality of life, learning more and more about what you resonate with and what you are not willing/open to tolerating, you might start experiencing big shifts in your relationships.
Some relationships will end.
In my experience, I found it was really helpful and important to connect with other Human Design lovers I resonated with in order to feel a sense of community support. Social Media is a great way to find others all over the world.
By practicing your Strategy & Authority, your body will naturally lead you to more supportive Environments.
As we make more and more decisions from our Authority, and as we navigate reality using our specific Strategy based on our Design Type…
Our bodies are hardwired to self-align to the position, spaces and people that are most supportive for our development.
With each Authority-based decision, we let our bodies move us into more supportive spaces that ultimately — radically transform our lives. Once you’ve been practicing your Strategy & Authority, there is a moment that finds you where you notice things around you have really shifted.
Maybe you were busy living life and learning about your Energy Centres and Gates when suddenly you realized… whoa! Your home life has changed! Or maybe the people around you may look different, or something else.
This realization is a great sign of an inspired time to learn more about your Variables: your Determination, Environment, Perspective and Motivation. This is the most important thing to know before you start studying.
Nothing can happen — no improvement in health, quality of life, or awareness expansion — before the Body is in a space that is Environmentally sound for it.
In other words, if you’re not in a supportive Environment, the nutrition you require for optimal potential is simply not available to you. If I’m not in my supportive Shore, there isn’t really anything available for me to consume/eat through my High Sound Dietary Regimen. We “eat” so much more than food. We consume people’s moods, ideas, habits and experiences too. And depending on what fills the space around us, we can have a variety of experiences.
Your Dietary Regimen (Determination) depends on your Environment. If your Environment doesn’t resonate with you, you’re going to slowly begin wilting across all areas of life because you’re not being properly nourished.
Environment is an essential piece of your Human Design to learn so you can begin immediately experiencing improvements in your health and quality of life.
Experiment with your Environment at home
Read my hd@home blog
What they’re saying
“Vaness is a powerfully embodied guide whose perception of this knowledge is expansive, curious, playful and unique. This was more than a delivery of information - it was a transmission at a cellular level that expanded my mind to new depths within Human Design. ”
— Sara, Projector
“Vaness Henry is the GO-TO Variable Resource.”
Holly Herbig, author of informed: The comprehensive guide to Human Design Manifestors