The Best Bodygraph Calculators to try

If you’re a Human Design Lover, a trusty Bodygraph calculator is basically your BFF.

Much like how the astrological natal chart maps the position of the celestial bodies at the time of your birth, a Human Design Bodygraph outlines the energy map you’re equipped with as a human being.

It outlines features in your Body and Personality, and creates the framework to understand how your energy flows together.

Below, you’ll find my top Bodygraph Calculator resources to help support your Human Design studies.

Best Variable Calculator:

INSIGHT: not for those brand new to hd
PRICE: free!

Admittedly, I was annoyed I couldn’t find what I wanted, so I created my own Variable-focused calculator that writes out the Colours and Tones found in the depths of your Design. You’ll notice it says 2nd Tone or 6th Colour in the description. I created this to support those who study Variable with my resources in my Variable Training and Wellness Club. I wanted to place emphasis on learning the names of the depths of your Design. Snag my helpful reference sheets below.

Most Dynamic Calculator:
Genetic Matrix

INSIGHT: not for those brand new to hd
PRICE: $4 - $12.95/m

Genetic Matrix is my all-time favourite calculator, so much so that I’ve been an affiliate of theirs since 2020, and paying for their calculator since 2018. When you take my GM recommendation, I am compensated by them for referring them as one of my trusted resources. I love how dynamic their calculator is, offering all kinds of alternative calculations to really open up my mind. Astrology, Gene Keys, Tropical, Sidereal, Godheads — you name it! They also have an extensive library of celebrity Bodygraphs, which make for great referencing.

This is a GREAT calculator for VISUAL learners.

I like Genetic Matrix because of the easy way it lists out Bodygraph information that can be otherwise challenging to find without certain software. They have also developed an app to make the experience more user-friendly for a growing number of mobile users.

Deepest Calculator:
Maia Mechanics

INSIGHT: not for those brand new to hd
PRICE: $6 - $13/m

Maia Mechanics is owned by the Jovian Archive and original source for Ra Uru Hu’s transmissions. I love the way it visually presents the Gate — Line — Colour — Tone — Base information. If you know what your Variable or Colour/Tone information translates to, this is a wonderful calculator with all kinds of depth and options to explore.

It also features a fun little dark mode option that I really appreciate. This is a subscription based app and produces very advanced imagery. It also includes an offline mode where you can view your library and load any chart — perfect for any off-grid moments throughout your deconditioning journey.

And maybe the coolest feature of all, Maia Mechanics offers a “birth time reliability” score, automatically checking for major changes in chart information and indicating when they take place. Literally so cool. This one is really growing on me!

Best for Generators
Pure Generators

INSIGHT: extra options for sacral-beings
PRICE: Free with options to buy

Rachel Lieberman’s Pure Generators calculator shows all basic Human Design information including Variable content! This calculator is colourful and cute, matching the iconic Pure Generators vibe. With this calculator, you can find a quick start guide custom tailored for those with sacral definition.

This is a really great calculator and resource if you’re a Generator or Manifesting Generator.

Rachel is one of the four stars in the Ensemble Cast of EACH OTHER — a Human Design Podcast, and she book out an amazing Human Design book in 2024: A Modern Guide to Human Design.

Best for Beginners:
My Bodygraph

INSIGHT: This was my first calculator!
Price: Free with options to buy

This was the first calculator I discovered and is connected with Jovian Archive, the original unit to bring Human Design into the collective field! This is a great calculator to walk you through the basics of your Design.

This calculator features talking Bodygraph features and is very easy to calculate basic charts and build your own collection of Bodygraphs for clients or family. You can get a lot of great information for free, with options to pay deeper.

If you’re brand new to Human Design, this is the calculator I recommend starting with.

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