How to create a Garden for your Markets Environment

Each of the six classic Human Design environments can be found everywhere.

Caves, Markets and Kitchens People resonate with a hardscape; these are man-made areas that define a particular space.

For example, having a yard with a fence around the perimeter creates a defined hardscape — better for Caves, Markets and Kitchens.

Mountains, Valleys and Shores people resonate with a landscape; this is more formless and changeable than the hardscape as energy around a space can shift and change with time.

For example, let’s say there are a series of break-ins in your community, this would affect hardscape and landscape people differently. The landscape group is more sensitive to the changes in the wider community than hardscape people.

Of course, while these changes may still bother the hardscape people — no one likes a break-in! — it’s important to note it could affect the landscape group in a different way. Landscape and Hardscape environments are sensitive to different things.

In Landscape Feng Shui principles, looking for the four celestial creatures in the land masses around you depicts an auspicious environment. Learning to read the wider surroundings around your home using this form of Feng Shui might be a fun practice, particularly for Mountains, Valleys and Shores people — although everyone can benefit!

Check out this post to read about how finding the four Celestial Creatures around your home can bring auspiciousness.

Think in Seasons

There are different plants that grow during different times of the year; how might you be able to bring in perennials, annuals, and seasonal fruits and vegetables into your garden — to stay in harmony with the seasons? Instead of planting everything at once, how might you be able to garden in cycles?

Make sure your tools are cute

Markets People always have the best gadgets, tools, crafts or wares! Have fun selecting a cute pair of garden gloves, or a handmade trowel — or even a gardening apron from a local maker you just love. Gather your woven garden baskets to collect your plants in when you trim them — and don’t forget those sheers and mini herb scissors! A big part of your gardening enjoyment will likely be found in using your special gear.

Create something custom

Build yourself a custom raised garden bed, hand-thrown ceramic pots for your plants, or a DIY plant wall built out of wooden crates. Look at the space you have available to you and create something custom that fits you perfectly. Big or small, work with what you have, but allow yourself to get clever and make it your own.

Consider your interests

Are you a big tea drinker? Grow fresh mint leaves or chamomile flowers. Do you love to smoke cleanse? Grow rosemary, lavender or sage to bundle, or try bay leaves for their quick burn. Grow organic roses to put in your DIY face scrubs. Zoom out and consider your interests in life, and see if there is anyway you can bring their influence into your gardening practice.

Only pick your favourites

Not big on most veggies but love salads? Go heavy on the lettuce varieties and plant a salad garden. Love tomatoes but not a fan of the big jumbo varieties? Grow a climbing cherry tomato plant that better suits your taste. Don’t have the space for fruits and veggies? Stick with an herb/mystic’s garden, or opt for a flower-only garden. Whatever you do like, you likely have a preference within that selection. Don’t settle when it comes to your favourite selections!

Pick plants with multiple uses!

Is there a plant you can use in a variety of ways? Maybe your mint tea idea can also become a minty mojito idea, or your garden cucumbers could be doubled and used for a juicing season — or spa season! Love lavender? Put it in a candle. Put it in a dream pillow. Add it to your in-house bouqs. Burn it in your smoke cleansing rituals. Tuck a strand in the wrapping for a friend’s gift. Add it to your fresh loaf. How can you get creative with the items you select and use them in a variety of ways?

Build in a secret ritual spot

Maybe it’s tucked in a corner of the yard where you can pull oracle cards privately; maybe its a cozy chair and pillow beside the bright pink flowers where you like to sit in the sun; maybe it’s a meditation pillow in the herb garden — look at the space available to you and see where you can create a special area to do something special for yourself.

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