How to set up your home’s foyer for a Markets Human Design Environment

The front palace, foyer, or entrance, is an important area in the home that is often overlooked.

This is the very first area where new energy enters the home, flowing through the ENTIRE space we live in, carrying with it energy currents that are charged with frequencies that affect the home’s inhabitants.

Check out this post to read more about the front palace from a Feng Shui perspective, and how to find yours in your home.

Based on your Human Design Environment, consider how you want the energy to feel when it enters your home. Prepare your space so it imprints the surrounding energy flow with that charge. Let’s tend to your front palace!

Keep it tidy

Clutter collects stagnant chi and this energy can quickly become harmful and destructive. Markets people are particularly sensitive to this, more than the other environments. When freshness is not cultivated, maintained, and practiced, these are among the first people to get sick. Whether you’re a neat freak, or love or loath a cleaning ritual, treating the entrance like an altar to the entire home will meet it with the level of respect and discipline you require. Clutter in the entrance will significantly impact you personally more than other possible members of the home. You may begin to trip through life.

Minimal clutter

Sometimes having your favourite knick knacks and items creates a sense of space that is customized and perfect for you. It’s not about removing things and keeping them minimal, but curating and working with the space. What kind of energy does it have? How might you set out the right items you need based on your lifestyle? Little kids? Do you need a bench at the door and a place to put shoes? Having designated little spots available for these things will create minimal clutter, keeping the flow of energy flowing rather than growing stagnant.

Regularly freshen up

In classic Feng Shui, maintaining the yang energy in a space throughout the day (say when people leave to go for work) is essential. Sometimes this happens through pets inhabiting the space, and other times a radio needs to be left on, or a lamp left on, or through a fish tank or fountain flowing. A radio or music on does wonders! If the curtains are closed for too long it’s going to feel dank, dark, and dreary — stale! stagnant! too much yin! — and you’re particularly sensitive to that. Front entrances can also collect clutter and the elements, like dust, grime, water and dirt; regularly sweeping the space energetically and physically will do wonders for the entire life. Consider how you can prevent the home from going stagnant throughout the day if you leave for long periods of time.

Bring life to the area

Something that grows and dies is a great reminder of change and freshness, and also brings LIFE to any space. Can a plant of some kind greet you at your front door? Depending on the light available, you may need to get creative here.

Customize something

Making spaces FIT YOU is an absolute essential practice for the Markets person. Finding the perfect item or customizing something to fit the space — whichever approach you resonate more with, make the space fit you, your lifestyle, your aesthetic, and your originality. The home has its own spirit so you’re co-creating and in relationship with that energy. Even if you move homes and keep all your things the same, there will still be a unique feel to each space. How might you read the space and connect to what works for it? Customize the available space to fit just right. Have fun with it!

Keep a change bowl

Markets people love the exchange, and browsing and shopping can be a therapeutic practice for them. Keeping money within reach encourages you to grab some change before you leave or drop off your change when you come in. It may seem like an archaic practice in a time of credit and debit cards and paying with our devices, but for a Markets person there is something therapeutic about the exchange. What better omen and reminder than the feel of actual money and coins! You can also keep a bowl of wealth and abundance crystals if that is more your scene; citrine and cinnabar are great choices.

Intimately consider your preferences

If you don’t like something it’s going to really annoy you. And it’s going to annoy you in a way that can become an irritant and can then affect your physical body. You can pretend to ignore it or work around it but it’s going to show up somewhere else in your life. If something is not working for you, remember you are a co-creator with the space around you (and also the ones you inhabit the space with), and your space ultimately needs to hold you. You’re in exchange with the space. Deeply respect your preferences and honour them. Share this with family members and work together to co-create an environment that works for everyone. We can’t have your body energetically assaulted the moment you walk in the door; it’s going to affect your entire life.

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