How to set up a Playroom for your Markets Kid

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Ensuring your child’s (or children’s) play environment is set up to meet their needs is crucial to healthy development at home. It’s totally possible to create a space that is perfect for all your kids, so be sure to look up the other Environments if you have more than one child at home.

The playroom is a great space to expose your child to the natural elements they require in their environment. By taking great care in observing what works and doesn’t work for your child, you’ll be able to train your child to recognize what they resonate to through a natural osmosis.

From ages zero to 30, our bodies are in their energetic childhood. It’s important to expose our bodies to the space they resonate to, because the Environment becomes crucial in the second life phase during the 30s, 40s, and 50s. If you are not aware of what you do and do not resonate to at that time, life can become very challenging. Our wellbeing relies on our state and resonance within our Environment.

Set your children up by encouraging them through aligned practices that work for them, and creating a nurturing and supportive learning environment that fits their unique needs and learning style.

Use open shelving

Let your child see all their options for their toys via open shelving. Markets People love to have options, and presenting your Markets child with a field of options will play to their delights. As your child matures, you may notice them develop preferences or strict behaviour with certain things. Do your best to accommodate these favourites and preferences by making them available in their playroom.

Let them help design it

If possible, let your child have input into what colours they want in their space, where they want to have certain play zones — or even the bare bones design of the room if you’re just getting started. Depending on your set up, maybe they get to help choose the paint on the walls or the rug for the floor, or maybe they get a say in where their play table and toy bin get to be. It’s healthy for Markets kids to have preferences. And don’t be afraid of switching up the space each season!

Create a crafts area

Create a designated space for your little one to hone their craft. Whatever the skill is they are developing, or whether they’re still in discovery zone, carve out space for them to create or use their special skills. Maybe your child loves origami and folding paper. Maybe your child loves colouring. Maybe your child loves beadwork, or writing stories. If they are still little and haven’t discovered their thing yet, ensure they have lots of playful options to explore.

Create different zones and cozy spots

Markets People tend to have a favourite spot — usually a unique chair, area with good lighting, or the coziest nook in the house. Whatever it is for them, it’s based around something interesting to them. Set up different spots for your Markets kid to play in in their playroom; ensure there is an active spot and a rest spot, and if you have the space — a creative spot. Think in “spots”.

Decorate with seasonal crafts and decor

Decorate your child’s playroom with seasonal decor, or encourage them to make their own seasonal crafts to decorate the space with. This encourages change in the space visually each season, and keeps things feeling fresh. Whether you make snowflake or floral garland together, or simply swap out the colours of the blankets and pillows, ensure the space stays fresh, current, and in season.

Bring them in on a cleaning ritual

Develop a regular cleaning ritual depending on your family’s set up. Whether you need to put the toys away at the end of the day, practice a weekend clean-up ritual, or go more for a monthly deep clean, bring your child in on participating in the cleaning ritual. This helps your child bond to the space and notice the difference in energy when things are dirty and stale, and neat and tidy. This will be an important teaching for your child as they grow. Spring cleaning!

Customize the space in a unique way

Create something special in your child’s playroom — preferably something unique to the room. Maybe you paint a giant birch tree on the wall and each year they add new leaves with hand prints; maybe you build in a custom toy and bookshelf into the space; maybe you paint the ceiling your child’s favourite colour. Whatever you decide, give the space something special so it stands out in your child’s memory and shows a little extra love was placed within the space.

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