How to set up a Playroom for your Caves Kid

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Ensuring your child’s (or children’s) play environment is set up to meet their needs is crucial to healthy development at home. It’s totally possible to create a space that is perfect for all your kids, so be sure to look up the other Environments if you have more than one child at home.

The playroom is a great space to expose your child to the natural elements they require in their environment. By taking great care in observing what works and doesn’t work for your child, you’ll be able to train your child to recognize what they resonate to through a natural osmosis.

From ages zero to 30, our bodies are in their energetic childhood. It’s important to expose our bodies to the space they resonate to, because the Environment becomes crucial in the second life phase during the 30s, 40s, and 50s. If you are not aware of what you do and do not resonate to at that time, life can become very challenging. Our wellbeing relies on our state and resonance within our Environment.

Set your children up by encouraging them through aligned practices that work for them, and creating a nurturing and supportive learning environment that fits their unique needs and learning style.

Bring in a play tent

This creates an artificial hardscape for your child, creating a sense of security. You may find your little one crawls into these spaces as they grow! Your child may also crawl into the play tent for naps, quiet time — or whenever they are naturally trying to regulate themselves. They may even bring in their favourite toys into the space. If you’re child is still really little, expose them to a play tent and notice any changes in their temperament.

Have soft textures on the floor

Caves kids love to roll around on the ground. Fluffy soft carpets and rugs will call them to the floor to roll around like a cuddly bear. Keeping things low to the ground will help your Caves kid develop, while providing them with a sense of security. Ensuring the ground beneath them is cozy will also ensure it becomes their favourite place to hang out. Don’t hesitate to layer rugs to get just the right feel for your space!

Try furniture that lets them lay on their back

This can be a play tent, but can also be a daybed, a couch, a lounge, a play mat, soft pillows and blankets on the ground — whatever calls them onto their back for rest and support when they want to unwind, or even build a fort! It’s important their backs are protected, so creating numerous safe play areas will feel good for their little bodies.

Make it ultra cozy

When you’re looking at the space available to you, where can you add in even more coziness? Do you need more texture? Different lighting? A change up in colours? Read the space and trust your instincts when it comes to what your child likes, what works for your family, and what the space itself can handle. If you’re move is to make it as cozy as possible, you can’t go wrong!

Create nooks and corners

When you’re looking at the space available to you, notice if there are any areas where you can create a cozy reading nook, an interesting play corner, or something cute and custom — like a playhouse built under the stairs, or a closet turned bench with pillows and stuffies. Caves kids love to crawl into small cozy spaces — not too small that they can’t move, but so their energy feels held and secure.

Safety First

No matter what you design, ensure your space is set up with safety in mind. While this is important for all children, it’s extra important for Caves kids, because if something dangerous happens in the space — it can really rattle them and turn them off. It’s important nothing makes your child feel afraid or spooked (like a creepy vent or furnace, or someone always coming around a corner and spooking them). Ensure the outlets are covered, no cords are exposed, and nothing dangerous is protruding from anywhere.

Never let it get too dark

Ensure the space is well lit, but don’t worry about making things too bright. Caves People love low mood lighting with lamps, string lights, or even colourful spot lights. Consider leaving on a light at night, or leaving welcoming lights on even when no one is in the space so that your child is always encouraged to go into the play area.

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