How to create a Garden for your Mountains Environment

Each of the six classic Human Design environments can be found everywhere.

Caves, Markets and Kitchens People resonate with a hardscape; these are man-made areas that define a particular space.

For example, having a yard with a fence around the perimeter creates a defined hardscape — better for Caves, Markets and Kitchens.

Mountains, Valleys and Shores people resonate with a landscape; this is more formless and changeable than the hardscape as energy around a space can shift and change with time.

For example, let’s say there are a series of break-ins in your community, this would affect hardscape and landscape people differently. The landscape group is more sensitive to the changes in the wider community than hardscape people.

Of course, while these changes may still bother the hardscape people — no one likes a break-in! — it’s important to note it could affect the landscape group in a different way. Landscape and Hardscape environments are sensitive to different things.

In Landscape Feng Shui principles, looking for the four celestial creatures in the land masses around you depicts an auspicious environment. Learning to read the wider surroundings around your home using this form of Feng Shui might be a fun practice, particularly for Mountains, Valleys and Shores people — although everyone can benefit!

Check out this post to read about how finding the four Celestial Creatures around your home can bring auspiciousness.

Think — OASIS!

Notice what comes to mind for you when you think oasis. Now look at the space you have available to you; how can you create that feeling here? Do you need shade? Flowers in the trees? Is there a meditation corner? A Zen Garden? Consider how you can create an outdoor sanctuary that restores your spirits every time to tend to it.

What are your go-to plants?

You can branch out and grow new things, but consider prioritizing your essentials! Maybe you're a big tea drinker and LOVE everything mint. How many mint varieties can you grow to round out your essentials? Maybe you have trusty plants that grow really well for you. Whatever the case may be, consider your go-to plants, prioritizing your favourites, essentials, and easy growers.

Try a luxurious floral garden

Elevate your garden by planting and tending to large luxurious blooms, enveloping you in a fragrant floral oasis. Consider what the most luxurious blooms are to you (ensuring they grow in your area), and surround yourself with these blossoms in your outdoor space.

Bring height to your garden

How can you draw the eye up? Do you need trees? Hanging floral baskets? Can you build a trellis and train your plants to grow along it’s path? Look at the space available to you and review ways you can bring foliage above your head.

Surround yourself in one colour

Ready to try something brave? Wash your garden in one colour. For example, plant all white blooms, washing the surrounding space in a variety of shapes and sizes — but one stunning colour. Mountain Environments tend to feel spacious and unified. By creating one wash of colour can make the space feel bigger and also wash you in emotion. Consider selecting your Colour for how you want to feel in your garden.

Bring in luxe elements

Maybe you build a pond or install a stunning fountain. Maybe you invest in great outdoor loungers, or install solar lights along your walk ways and garden paths. Bring in elements that take the space to another level by creating a whole new mood in the surroundings. I see you eyeing that handwoven hammock! Go for it!

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