Colour Omens

If a colour stands out in an out-of-ordinary way, it wants your attention.

  • Your shadow work, secrets, what is hidden or not acknowledged, unaware

    Black represents things that are hidden or concealed either by choice consciously, or subconsciously in an unaware state. Whatever is black represents something that is unknown, concealed, or hidden. It is a secretive colour that blends into the background shadows, staying out of sight. It brings depth to any scene, has a bit of a sneaky air, and can sometimes represent not acknowledging something. Black is also very sleek and can elevate or intensify the energy of something.

  • Peace, healing, letting go, *sometimes sadness

    Noticing the colour blue represents a cooling or soothing of emotions. Blue can represent a deep inner peace; the end of suffering. It is a colour of healing, letting go of what needs to be released, and in extreme cases, it can tiptoe into feeling a looming sense of sadness. Let it wash you clean; don’t be fearful of drowning. Notice the vibrancy of the blue; is it deep? Is it bright? Bright sky blue can represent a new freshness in your emotional world, and a deep blue can represent deep internal healing and shifting. Remember: you are a water being that found its way on land. You are, after all, mostly made of water. You are a constant movement. Whatever is Blue is also somehow in constant movement as well.

  • Natural changes. The volume of this colour matters significantly. It carries frequencies of dependability and security, and can carry a deep frequency around what is and isn’t considered “quality” to you. It emits a sense of stability, and composting what is ready to be broken down and transformed. It carries a deep pulse of what feels like “coming together”. However if the volume of this colour gets too high and it feels like it’s surrounding you or is otherwise an overwhelming amount, there may be a sense of suffocation or being buried in, isolated, and in extreme cases, lifeless. Pay attention to which end you resonate more to. The intensity of the colour (murky brown, or rich chocolate brown, for example) is the difference between whether you are growing stale energetically and need a change, or if you are in the positive process of change and new energy.

  • A bit of pink and orange, Coral is a colour of Acceptance. It is filled with optimism and carries a warm inviting energy. Notice what was coloured Coral in your Expedition. This colour is a sign of welcoming energy around you that can be triggering or activating, but it is a sign of blooming empowerment within. Whatever is happening around you in your ordinary reality and waking life, take this as a sign of something opening up and blooming. You will be required to summon something deep inside yourself soon.

  • Receiving a Healing/Enhancement

    Gold and Silver or any metallic glimmer represents an opportunity for a new frequency. Imagine these colours representing a beacon of light penetrating the dark shadows; these glimmers are like magic — kind of like the mushroom or flower power in Super Mario. They offer you a way to observe things differently, and receive divine, guided support. Notice what object is coloured this colour; is it significant? Is it a gift in your inner world? Is it a clue? Notice everything about the relics before you. These colours have a protective, timeless quality to them, and are charged with those energies.

  • Change in health and wellness

    The brighter and more intense the colour, the more significant its interpretation. It’s as if it’s trying to get your attention or fade into the background unnoticed. When green shows up significantly during your journey, either through a lush landscape or more localized to a specific item, green represents the fullness of life; when expression is at its peak, vibrant and rich. The quality and texture of the green provides more clues on what type of health changes may be on the horizon or underway through a frequency shift. Pay attention to how you feel toward this information and whether you feel a craving and desire toward it, or if you feel a sense of assuredness and encouragement on your current changes. Do you need to make a change? Have you already made one? Where are you on the spectrum toward changes in the quality of your life, expression and overall wellbeing?

  • Intentional or unintentional detachment

    Lack of colour is different than black or white. Sometimes we detach out of survival, and others times we do it out of avoidance. Only you will know. You’re here to live a vibrant life full of colour. Spend time in gentle contemplation to consider what you might be detaching from. Consider falling into another to hold you in the reflection. Consider what have you may have detached from, and why.

  • Wisdom, higher self, devotion

    Indigo represents deep emotional wisdom through lifetimes of experiences. It brings an air of objectivity, fairness, justice, and deep understanding and compassion. It welcomes and brings depths, and carries a deep frequency of devotion. Highly evolved, indigo objects and landscapes are reminders of all the wisdom you possess, and how deep acceptance is the act of being devoted to your highest self, and the godness within. What must be forgiven in order to be released? What would the highest expression of yourself do through these moments of challenge? How might you bring grace and take accountability for who you are and what you have seen and come to know.

  • Still carrying the healing energy of the colour pink, Magenta has a blueish, or purplish or reddish influence, adding emotional passion to the influence of whatever is coming to heal. Untraditional healing.

  • Should any colour you encounter have a neon-like hue, this colour is in high contrast. It is really wanting attention and acting like an extra bright sign to pay attention to.

  • Heightened creativity, changes in creation

    Orange represents a natural change or shift in frequency. It emits a tone of change through mixture, time, engagement or something else. It represents something coming together. It is the sweet spot where we gain energy and creativity and creation energy before we burn our brightest, or the luscious come down after an exhilarating expression or release of creation energy. It’s the exhale, sigh and breath of life that the sunsets pulls from our lips. It is both build up and release. It is the space where we feel a change in energy; the building rush just before orgasm, and the rippling wakes in the moments after.

  • Ready to heal deep wounds; chances

    The colour pink connects back to the Womb Colour, and represents the preparation for a deep internal shift. Though the wounds have not been healed when this colour shows itself prominently, it represents the change that means YOU are ready to finally process what needs to be processed; YOU are finally ready to receive; YOU are finally ready to accept what has come to pass, metaphorically returning to the womb to grow anew and heal through the betweenness of time and space. You are moving into a time of healing, or the object you discovered represents a healing of some kind. This is a very powerful colour to see in journeys as it can represent “let’s go back to the beginning and do this again wiser from what has come to pass.” It’s a colour of new chances and opportunities.

  • Royalty, magic, power, desires, protection

    The colour purple reminds you of your regality and the deep inner power you possess. This is a very powerful colour. It is a royal frequency and reminder that you are connected to all things — have you forgotten this in your day-to-day? Have you forgotten what reigns supreme? Have you forgotten that you too are grown of the earth, and you and all your technologies are extensions of your earth-ness? Notice what is coloured purple; it is a very magical and other-worldly colour. Clothing and small objects are often coloured purple (of course, not exclusively); purple cloaks or clothing are like divine armour and protection, regal forces protecting you through timelines and across dimensions. Your guides are with you, cloaking you in mystical safety nets. Purple represents magical, spiritual objects that are imbued with spirit and power. Purple will also metaphorically lead you where you need to go. It can represent the blooming of your deepest desires, particularly around what wisdom your soul seeks. Welcome Royal One, we bow to thee. What do I bow to? What do I honour?

  • Returning, summoning, attunement

    As though parts of you have been scattered across the timelines, distended and separated, the energy of the Rainbow calls to the parts of you that are far away. Come home. Return to thee. Be reunited within. Rainbow is a high frequency sighting in journeys. Look to what is rainbow-coloured for more insight, or look to the landscape in which the rainbow presents. These are the clues to look to to understand what parts of you are far away or are experiencing healing and attunement. This is a clue to what parts of you are being called home. Notice the source of home.

  • Passion, anger, excitement, love, romance, survival

    Noticing the colour red presents as a swelling of passion and urgency. While on both extremes, red can represent love or war (anger), only you will know which this is. Ask yourself if you’re in survival mode. Ask yourself if you’re angry. Ask yourself if your passion is spilling out of you. Have you kept it inside too long? Notice the quality and types of Love in your life, and what makes your heart beat. Notice what makes your pulse pitter-patter. Where is it vibrant and supportive and True? Where is it dull? Notice the vibrancy of the red; is it muddy and murky, or intense? The more vibrant the red, the more it wants to be seen. The duller the red, the more it has been hidden, buried, or infected. Whatever is red in your Inner Expedition is wanting to get your attention. You’ll need to look at what is happening around what’s red or what is coloured red — it wants attention. Red is the peak of the orgasm, the fullest release. It is not the build up or the come down (orange), but the out of body that cries out for its freedom and ecstasy, or wails through the burning angers of deep grief.

  • Communication and connections
Turquoise is the great weaver of fortune and fortunate events. It brings movement and enlivens what has grown stagnant. It brings the energy of water, currents and waves of information. It rushes in like a bridge to connect to your heartfelt expressions supporting them to be spilled through and from you, allowing you to walk toward where you need to. Notice what is turquoise in your journey; these items are protected through their movement frequency, and help deliver you to salvation, safe from harm. They help deliver you to where you need to go in order to keep going. Turquoise landscapes and items brings movement toward fortunate events. During journeys, turquoise items are at times invisible to others and only appear to the ones attuned to them. They have a cloak-like quality when delivered as a relic, totem, garment or adornment. They can represent “not available to all but available to you”.

  • Natural, warmth, creativity, healing

    What is natural around you in your life right now? When you see terracotta, there is a warmth present. A mixture of oranges, pinks and reds, there is something exciting and primal about terracotta, and also something creative and healing. Consider what is coloured Terracotta in your Expedition, and what it may represent in relationship to what it’s around when you discover it.

  • *This is a very significant colour for space, beings, creatures and objects.

    The colour white, or anything pearlescent, shimmering, or glowing is very significant in journeys. Should you discover a white animal, creatures, or being that is coloured white, this indicates they are Frequency Healers or potential Guides should you wish to call on them. Once you call on them they may remain white or take on a colour. As Healers, they have knowledge that aides in restoring your frequencies. If they make to touch you (animals will often cuddle or touch foreheads with you), or if you touch the white object, you are being offered a healing and a change in frequency that will soon permeate your outer world. White represents the potential for transformational energy. It can represent cleansing or clearing something, and everything coming together. A fresh reset is available should you wish.

  • New energy and clarity

    Yellow brings warmth and new energy. It is restorative and illuminating, and points to clarity on the horizon. It is an illumination colour, bringing many new ideas, frequencies, concepts, or feelings to light. In the coming days, weeks or months, you may become more aware of certain frequencies around you. You may see synchronicities and how things are connected. You may begin to see connections through your past, what you know, who you are, or what you desire — but only if you take the time to look and self-illuminate. Too much intensity can feel too bright, harsh, or blinding. Are there areas life is getting too saturated? Yellow can glow or it can irritate. Only you will know which one.

Decode your Energy

Who’s your Creature Guardian?

Take my Creature Quiz to connect to your Guardian’s spirit this season.