How to set up a Caves Deck, Patio, or Outdoor area

There are many ways to identify what type of spaces you resonate with.

From a Human Design Environment perspective, looking at your Environment Colour will let you know what your Body vibes best with. This can be translated to the people who fill the spaces you find yourself in, to your surroundings — from your location, to your nation, to your city, to your home — to how you hold your physical body in time and space.

These tips are for setting up an Outdoor Area that feels best for a Caves Environment person. These ideas are meant to be a starting point for you to expand on when considering your Outdoor Living Space from a Caves perspective. Always go with what feels good for you — and leave out the things that fall flat.

Indoorsy Outdoors

Caves People aren’t outdoorsy by nature. They’re concerned with what is available to them inside their Cave. It can be great to make the Outdoor Area homey in some way, making it feel like an extension of the home. A screened in area is ideal since it doesn’t feel super “outside,” but tucked safe against the main structure of the home. Caves people can enjoy the outdoors, it just needs to feel cavey and homey. Safe. Comfortable.

Prioritize the seating area

A Cavey outdoor area will have a cozy spot to settle in. Prioritize the seating in your outdoor area, regardless of the space available to you and what you’re using it for. Ensure there is somewhere to “park” the body, and ensure it’s back is protected. Ideally, there is a nook to tuck into somewhere against or near the house or main structure of the outdoor space. Big dome-like chairs with lots of cushions are also very cavey to tuck into.

The fence

A fence can be very Cavey. A fence says, this is my space. Anything inside this space is mine. My property. My cave. Taller fences are better as they create walls of safety around the boundary of the home, but any fence can do! A house on a lot with a fence around will feel safer for the Caves Person, rather than an undefined open space. Having that defined space IS what the Cave is, so to make that as obvious or intentional as possible is great. Sometimes this can be done with plants! A fenced backyard, a railing on a deck — these all outline a space. The Cave is whatever is inside that defined space.

Cave Lighting

If you’re one to cozy around a fire or use your outdoor space at night, consider low or dim lighting, such as stringlights, floor lanterns or candles. These are amazing Cavey items that create that cave glow that can be really nourishing.

Consider Safety

Depending on the layout or set up of your outdoor living space, consider having security cameras, or security lights available. Maybe you can log into an app on your phone to see the front of your house. Maybe you have motion sensors. Maybe you can see the neighbours. Whatever makes YOU feel safest, consider implementing that when you use your outdoor space. If you live somewhere rural, and it makes sense for you to set up protection from wild animals, consider this intimately from a Caves perspective.


Caves People enjoy their simple luxuries — like a good pillow or blanket. The right candle. A goooood light fixture. Whatever the thing may be for you, consider bringing in natural textures, like wood, stone, cotton, wool, etc. Woven materials also bring comfort. Surrounding yourself with cozy nature inspired materials creates a cave-like environment that holds you comfortably — outside.

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