Plug in to an Inner Expedition

Shamanic journeys charged with a mission.

Inner Expeditions

  • This is a digital oasis for shamanic healing. Watch my 5-min instructional video below.

    When you’re ready — pick an Inner Expedition to plug into an à la carte shamanic adventure, or try my suggested path.

    • comfortable clothes

    • headphones

    • blindfold, eye cover or blanket

    • 15-20 mins of undisturbed time

  • What did you see inside yourself? Inside your Expedition, you'll discover omens to translate for deeper meaning:

    Landscapes: these provide the backdrop and setting to your expedition, revealing undertones coursing through your inner world.

    Creatures: your inner world is full of messengers. Discover deep personal messages depending who you meet.

    Colours: sometimes an object or setting stands out in colour, offering bonus information.

    Additional Omens:

    Botanicals: if some kind of plant stands out to you, review the medicine that comes with it. Please note: these are growing collections and meant to be used as supplementary insight.

  • Each season inside my Wellness Club, you’ll find time-sensitive Inner Expeditions to plug into. Part of an annual deconditioning series, move through four seasons of spirit detangling with me all year: Cleansing, Activating, Nourishing & Deep Rest.

Suggested Path

Explore an intimate collection of shamanic sound healing adventures. Take my Suggest Path from Initiation to the Big World-building One, or Choose Your Own Adventure.

  • Tower 1 Cover.jpg

    The Tower Sequence 1: Locate

    Stage 1: Plug in to a four-part sequence for a deep deconditioning experience. Discover a Tower of Conditioning on your inner plains, and transform it over four expeditions. Recommended over four weeks.

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    The Tower Sequence 2: Enter

    Stage 2: Enter into the Tower of Conditioning you found on your inner horizons, and thoroughly explore the interior. Notice any peculiar teachers or creatures that come to you.

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    The Tower Sequence 3: Conquer

    Stage 3: Deep inside this Tower is a Throne room; a place where all the pain from this Tower pulsates from. Locate this area inside your Tower, and bow before it to recognize the force it created in your lifetime.

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    The Tower Sequence 4: Peace

    Stage 4: Somewhere on the exterior of the Tower you discovered, there will be a glowing seed. This seed can be anything. Plant the seed you find inside the Throne Room to illuminate and transform the Tower.

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    Holy of Holies: Outer Courtyard

    Stage 1: Plug in to a three-part sequence to meet your trusted Guardian. This entity will deliver you to a magical relic you hold within. Cross the first courtyard to discover what amulet it waiting for you.

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    Holy of Holies: Inner Courtyard

    Stage 2: Greet your Guardian and ask to be lead to the Inner Courtyard to retrieve another relic. Whatever you discover at this depth, find a way to bring a version of it to your waking reality for added power.

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    Holy of Holies Interior

    Stage 3: Ask your Guardian to bring you through the secret door that leads to your Holy of Holies; the room that holds your greatest treasures across all lifetimes.

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    Sacred Site

    Reserved for Advanced Inner Expeditionists, revisit a previously conquered Tower to download the wisdoms acquired there and meet old characters. This is a great expedition to try if you can’t connect with someone in physical reality but want to journey to their spirit.

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    Soulmate Retrieval

    Mend and heal soul loss through Soulmate Retrievals. Meet soulmates wandering your inner plains and fuel up on their love when you find yourself in challenging periods.

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    Big World-Building One

    For the Inner Expeditionist who needs to get lost in their world and spend time at length adventuring and visualizing on their inner plains. This is great to use for Land Journeys/Outer Expeditions. (30 mins)



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