Landscape Omens
Translate the surroundings and habitat you adventured through in your Inner Expedition.
You’re on a journey to receive healing from the collective spirit. While Fires represent new beginnings and cleansing, beaches and clearings represent space being made for you to receive healing. You will begin to feel different in your physical, emotional and/or mental self. Notice how you feel in the days that follow this message. Pay attention to what is opening inside you.
And where there is a beach there tends to be water; see Water Meaning.
Caves in Inner Expeditions are special: if you “arrive” in a cave and land in darkness, you are likely inside a Tower. Towers are explored in four-part Expeditions. Through multiple Expeditions, a Tower of Conditioning is transformed into a Sacred Site.
The Cave itself represents Fears and Blockages, or the place where something is or has been stored. Do your best to thoroughly explore this site if you don’t know what the block or fear is. It’s okay to repeat the Expedition with the intention to investigate. The Cave will give way to another landscape, or hold another landscape within it or just outside of it where more clues await.
The cave requires you to use other senses, and not just what you can see. What are you hearing? What are you feeling? What are you sensing? Caves often represent that there is something we aren’t seeing, or that we need to be relying on other senses to decipher our outer world… usually what we feel. Notice if you feel AFRAID when you arrive; the Cave provides solace and safety, despite sometimes seeming spooky. Remember, you are always safe in your Expeditions.
Some type of transformation might be happening around you. You may be reminded of old aspects of yourself (or others), while having to contend with the realization and understanding that time is moving onward; it may be infinite, but your experience is finite. Your experiences have a lasting imprint of your energetic signature, creating your unique legacy that outlasts your body. What are you putting out in the world? Are you proud of your experiences and how you’ve carried yourself through a particular time period in your life? What did that experience teach you, and how can you metabolize those experiences into teachings and values that help you define your life? You may be at a crossroads, important decision, or reflecting on something significant. You may be called to leave something behind and step into a new chapter. How can you pay your respects to what was?
When we explore a City in an Inner Expedition, this indicates there has been conditioning in the mind, learning, and the way you think about things. There is mental conditioning that you’re ready to become aware of. This is challenging to detangle from, and requires you to further develop your passenger consciousness so you may begin observing the way you react to things with all new awareness. There has been conditioning around the way you think about things. What ideas do you hold that may have been placed there by someone else. Who? The population of the city’s setting will matter — is it busy? Calm? Empty? — Notice, and reflect on how this connects to your mental patterning.
Whenever you encounter a Cliff in your Expedition, this indicates a change or adjustment in values. Your morals may have shifted, or you have recently acquired a Wisdom, albeit challenging. You may be on the edge of change in your outer reality, and venturing toward a Cliff in your Expedition indicates a brave choice needs to be made: you’ve gone as far as you can go and it is now time for something new. Notice what is beyond the Cliff — what Landscape do you see? Look to surrounding Landscapes before or beyond the Cliff to understand what you have reached the end with. For example, is there a Forest around you? Is there a Valley beyond the Cliff? You are not here to move backward, and this particular path you are navigating has offered you all it was designed to. Thank you for the teachings. You are now ready to step into a new frequency. Remember, you are always safe within your Expeditions, and no harm can come to you. Will you take the leap?
Like Outer Space, seeing clouds or moving through clouds holds the potential to access wisdom from another lifetime or dimension. Time is relative, so you may be accessing something from a future self or past self, but all information from these experiences are integrated into the current self’s reality. Though a gentler frequency than Outer Space, Clouds can be just as disorienting and confusing, or they can feel soothing, calm, and healing. Note how you felt while among the clouds, and what — if any — objects you saw while among the clouds as they’re significant relics from the place on the other side. Did the clouds take shape? Oftentimes, passing through clouds opens access to wisdoms you hold in other realities. Think about how your past teachings may apply to a new area of life.
These expeditions represent the LACK of water. Are you stopping the flow of emotions somewhere in your life? Deserts or barren landscapes may represent a disconnection from emotion. This may be out of survival, or be happening unconsciously. Notice what colours appear to you prominently in the Desert or emptiness, as they hold deeper meaning for what you are disconnected from. It also helps to review the Water meaning to understand what you are disconnecting from, and how that might spill clues into your empty spirits. A lack of water represents a disconnect from emotions. If you’re feeling dispirited or have felt dispirited recently, find the water in your life. Who holds the water? Water is life. What is your relationship to it?
Like clearings, these landscapes are a space to hold healing. Tendrils of healing float up from these spaces in some way. Notice if there are flowers, or certain colours or small creatures that reveal themselves in the field, or in the clearing. These settings tend to hold you in some way. Look to what’s in the field for more insight, and look to what surrounds the field in the wider setting to understand where the healing is coming from.
This indicates you are on an Expedition of rebirth/new beginnings. Fire represents a powerful and pure cleansing. It will be important to pay attention to what is burning or what has been set aflame. These are very powerful Expeditions opening you up to all new possibilities. Open your eyes to what is on fire.
(This includes climbing, crossing, or rising of any kind.)
It does not matter whether the flow space moves up or down, forward or backward; what matters is that you’re moving to a new place. Try not to think of “levels” as a sequence of advancing levels in a linear order. Your inner world is non-linear. Try not to think of this as the “next” level, or a “level-up” or an “upgrade” or “downgrade”… the passageway signifies accessing *new* information and wisdom within you. You may be seeing things from new perspectives or angles, or accessing deeper information within. Seeing a passageway, hallway or bridge, or a mode of changing elevations, signifies an expanding consciousness and an awareness of reaching or delving into a new place inside yourself that you have not yet had access to.
This indicates you are on a journey of the home or family, roots, and lineage. Sometimes, this is also a journey of the body. Most prominently, when a forest or trees appear in your Expedition, there needs to be healing around family or the body. Family puts some of the deepest conditioning upon us. Our family’s love us, and they are well-intentioned. But sometimes in their own suffering, our family’s want to do what’s best for us from their perspective rather than considering what’s best for us from our perspective. Parental figures put expectations upon us that can be hard to detangle from. Instead of reparenting themselves, our parents parent us in a way to satisfy what they did not receive as children, when this may not be what we need. And so this conditions us.
These journeys are not exclusive to parental conditioning. This can be in regards to anyone who feels like family or authority. If you’ve been experiencing challenge or confusion with your body, consider how your family’s medicine may support you, whatever that means to you. Consider how your genetics may be affecting you, and what limiting beliefs they may have created in your reality.
Rainforests and jungles hold more moisture and emotional energy in them.
A prominence of coniferous trees may point to emotions that are more contained below the surface.
In all cases, there is a powerful root system to consider.
Notice the state of the garden; wilting, thriving, etc, as this reveals important information to you. Gardens hold secret treasures and wisdoms. Engaging with a Garden in an Expedition is equivalent to tending to the treasures, talents, skills, and gifts you hold, while processing and integrating experiential wisdom you’ve accumulated throughout your waking reality. You may notice you feel restored when you wake from an Expedition where you discover a Garden. These are deeply Sacred Sites to be honoured and tended to. Revisit them in future Expeditions. Grow Wisdoms, Blooms, new Flowers, Seeds, Treasures and Relics, or something else; and store them in your Holy of Holies. Each creation from the Garden holds significant meaning. The state of the Garden holds significant meaning. The Garden can have its OWN name. What is growing in the Garden you discover? It’s significant. Is it barren? Thriving? Struggling? Diverse? All the same? What do YOU grow in the Garden? Tend intentionally. Notice the Garden around the Landscape; a forest? A city? A cliff? Note the environment around the Garden (if any) for more insight.
What are you in control of? What do you feel is out of your control? These sites are a sign of intentional healing, and taking matters into your own hands. They signify a time of designated healing, and receiving surgery or therapy through the fabric of your energy field. It is common to have surgery, be dismembered and put back together, reassembled, buried, burned, operated on, or medicated in some manner, as part of shamanic restoration on another plain. These environments represent contained spaces with strong boundaries where something magical can be facilitated. Great care and respect is needed at this time. Re-evaluate your personal healing practices.
This indicates deep wounds, past life wounds, or great obstacles. Ice represents karmic conditioning. It can also indicate survival. Remember: you’re here for awareness. What can you learn from this place?
Surrounded by water, and therefore surrounded by emotions, consider if you’ve created a prison for yourself when you intended for an oasis or retreat. If you’ve been away somehow, there may be a time of reemergence in the near future. Whatever emotions surround you, remember to always create a bridge to the other side so you are able to process what needs to be released from time to time. You’re allowed to retreat on your island, but you can also grow lonely, paranoid or out of touch with too much solitary confinement. Consider your relationship to isolation.
Whether you’re actively climbing mountains or moving between rolling hills, you’re on a journey with your Ambition, Hopes and Dreams. The proximity of the Mountains is also another clue; if you see them way out in the distance but are not actively climbing or engaging with them, your hopes and dreams and ambitions are looming in the distance, future or past. If you are hiking a mountain, trapped in one or engaging with one up close in any way at all, your career holds more weight and lessons in your reality at this time. Re-evaluate your expectations around your career and ambitions, and consider where you stand with your values in business.
When you encounter a mirror, this represents not understanding something about yourself. These are Expeditions calling for self-reflection. Do your best to witness yourself and others in your outer world. It would be wise to be more present. What is distracting you lately? What does the mirror’s reflection show you that you did not know? Mirrors tend to reveal something to you.
This indicates you are on an Expedition to look at your past or future lives, or alternate realities or dimensions. These are challenging journeys to decode but they are ripe with insight for you. This is pushing up against the limits of your human comprehension capabilities. You’re reaching your limits. Will you go beyond?
When Volcano appears, a deep inner passion is present and available to you. Something burns deep within you (see burning). What burns at your core? Who are you deep inside? For more insight, notice what surrounds the volcano as to where these passions may burn from. Notice any prominent colours where applicable.Something burns deep within you (see burning). What burns at your core? Who are you deep inside? For more insight, notice what surrounds the volcano as to where these passions may burn from. Notice any prominent colours where applicable.
If you see water in your Expedition, this indicates you are on an Inner Expedition of the emotions. Water represents your Emotional Landscape. When you see a lake, or river, or ocean or stream of any kind, know that you are experiencing the unfolding of emotional conditioning. These can be very intense or emotionally charged journeys. In the future, if you discover water and feel yourself becoming physically emotional (tears leaking from your eyes or sobs reverberating from your chest) allow this energy to escape and bubble out of you. It is leaving your inner world and this is a very healthy thing for you to do. If you see an item or a landscape that is moving like water, it is emotionally charged.
When a Waterfall shows up in your expedition, you are in the process of letting something go, or are moving into a cleansing and releasing process soon. Look to the surrounding environment for more insight into on what aspect of life you might be washing clean. Waterfalls help transform waste within the emotional realm intro rich nutrients that help you grow. The symbolize self-improvement and clarity.
If you notice wind in your expeditions — more than a breeze, but a prominent force — this will bring sweeping change in your waking world. Imagine this wind as carrying your spirits into new plains and new territories in your waking world. You are at a time of great change in your life and potentially opening a new chapter in the larger story of your life.

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