Botanical Omens

Translate the plant material you discovered.

If you’re ever unable to identify a plant, default to translating its Colour.

  • Release negativity. Seek out these little flowers at this time, and keep them around your home if possible. They are very common, and are great at inviting clarity and insights to the circumstances around you. Their presence can represent that there may be unsupportive energy around you at this time, and they can help bring awareness on identifying where this source may be coming from. They welcome clear thoughts. Something around you, your intentions or intuition, or in your home is unclear or cloudy. Clean your space and clear yourself through energy attunements. Consider placing protective amulets around your home, or welcoming in the colour purple for whimsical protection.

  • How can you be more present in the moment? Take more breaths throughout your day, and when the reminder finds you, pause to take it all in. You are so surrounded by opportunities that at times it can be challenging to stop and appreciate the ponderousness of life. Invite more relaxation into your to create space for appreciation and presence to bloom.

  • New energy is calling to you. Consider the systems you craft around you to help you find meaning in the world around you. Your belief system helps you sense reality. You are about to adventure on a spiritual quest, discovering new parts of yourself inside — unlocked only by the ones you meet along the way. You will get to know new parts of your character and experience new possibilities within yourself. Take more intentional time to explore yourself; understanding yourself will bring great gifts to you. Consider what practices, disciplines, habits or rituals feel good for you as you enter a new season of life. Be open to new ideas, concepts, belief systems, or schools of thought coming to you. Be open to expressing them. Let yourself go.

  • There may be too many ideas floating around you. If your energy is feeling scattered or dispersed, or you are managing multiple things, consider where you may be able to create space, or combine smaller things into one. You are not able to emit a quality frequency with so much scattered energy. When Baby’s Breath shows up, there are powerful manifestation opportunities available to you, but you will need to refine and get clear on your intentions. Are you being pulled in numerous directions? Do they conflict or do they move you forward in a unified way? Assess your priorities, and get real about your wants and desires.

  • Give it time. Things are already set in motion. You have wonderful energy that others are attracted to; be aware of this. Be selective who you open up to or give energy to, since so many are willing to receive you. Whatever you are brewing, working on, or hoping for will come in due time. All that’s needed now is trust, patience, and regular pruning and tending.

  • How might you match the attunement of the angels around you? Angels are not always feathered beings in the ether, although for you that may be in fact what they seem. But do not overlook the earth angels in your life; the friendships and family who are here to guide and reflect your experience to you, as you do them. How might you communicate with YOUR angels more clearly? How might you bring your energy into harmony with theirs? Consider what you may want to clear yourself of in order to activate the flow of communication necessary. Information is available for you to access and it is exchanged through your connections in all aspects of your life. Talk to your Guides. Consider who your Guides are.

  • Pay attention to Bleeding Heart. Its presence signals the release of old emotional trauma. With direct connection to the heart, these blooms represent healing in the heart centre. Release what you have been carrying and let go of what transpired in your past. If your heart has been aching, trust it is time to heal. Trust it is time to let it go. When you come to peace with whatever happened, you may release the tangled frequencies in your heart, naturally braiding a new. You are safe. You are alive. You are healing.

  • What brings you to your knees? What makes you bow in devotion and gratitude? Just as the Bluebell bows its head, so too do we bow our heads in deep acknowledgement and adoration. Pay attention to how you can share acknowledgement with others through shared moments without words, but a bow, nod of the head, shared gaze, or something special between you and the other. These blue blooms are a reminder of the gratitude, modesty and humbleness that exists in the world. They bring a warning that your thoughts can be shared with others even when you do not speak them. Take care of your thoughts and what you may be sending to others intentionally or not. As others may to this to you as well, consider how you may recognize your thoughts from someone else’s.

  • Pay attention to the thoughts and language that spills from you. The way you choose to narrate your experience in fact describes the experience you have. How might you tend more carefully to the words you choose to express yourself? How might you consider pruning the edges of your thoughts for the crinkly bits that are dried up and no longer serving you? You are being guided to evaluate the positivity and negativity in your life at this time. Learning what you don’t want or what does not feel good for you is valuable information. Now that you know, you can continue toward things that feel more aligned. Do not stay focused on what did not feel good or what you don’t want. Accept what you learned and let it direct you.

  • The powerful vibrancy of Bougainvillea’s magenta hue calls for protection and spontaneous healing. Your body is incredibly sensitive, and it’s pulling in aspects of its environment at all times. Look more carefully at the ones who surround you and the spaces you find yourself in. There may be something leaching off you, or sucking your energy in a way that calls for protection. Refining what is available to you and what or who accesses your energy is a way to care for your sensitive form. Consider what might make you feel safer and more at ease. Sometimes that is by removing something.

  • Notice who is around you right now. What people show up? There is quality energy around you that cares for you. And if you can’t see anyone with your eyes, trust you are surrounded through spirit. A text away. A voice note away. Lean on your support your circle IRL and in spirit. Whatever direction or guidance you are seeking will come through your network of trusted relationships. Pay attention to your relationships.

  • When you’re your most self, you are the most beautiful. Sometimes life can be a journey to discover who that True Self is, but leaning toward what feels good can be very revealing if you’re willing to go there. Let your True Self out, and know that you are so incredibly beautiful when you do. It will not feel good for you if everyone falls in love with a version of you that you’re performing as, rather than letting yourself be comfortable and free. There is romantic energy around you now whether you are in a relationship, seeking one, or content without a partner. Pay attention to the opportunities around you at this time, and what happens when you’re your most self.

  • A tincture within, when Chamomile shows up, you are entering an internal cleansing process. Your space needs to be cleared of stagnant chi and out of season influences. Regenerate your spirit within by bringing peace to your inner world. Chamomile is calming and soothing, and may be used in tandem with psychic rituals. A potent pain reliever, when Chamomile shows up consider what it is surrounding or what is surrounding it. How might you bring more “active relaxation” into your life at this time? Any time you see Chamomile, let it remind you peace is available here. Healing is available here.

  • Who feels like family to you? Any time energy begins to feel familiar, it may rub up against us in places that are uncomfortable. But those familiar energies can only get to those uncomfortable places through continued bonding — through continually showing up. These are your people. The ones we are in deep relationship with are the ones who hold us through the challenges and uncomfortable aspects of ourselves. We do not need a stranger to call us out or in, but our safe people. We can have hard loving conversations together. In fact that’s the point. How might we hold one another graciously when we need it most? Sometimes it will be you doing the needing, and sometimes it will be them. Assess some of the deeper dynamics going on in your key relationships. What might you learn about your Self and Them?

  • Whether you’ve just begun a new idea or are preparing the space for one to enter, know that charged direction is coming. Something exciting is around the corner. There is new energy all around you at this time — and it smells sweet! Go with it. Allow yourself to charge ahead and delight in the process. Share your delight with others and trust that others take in your goodness when you let it out. Bring your people along. Let yourself be seen enjoying your own process. When you’re yourself you encourage others to be the same.

  • You have a talent and an interest and those two things are available to come together through a teaching. If you are being called to teach, know that this is available to you now. By modelling what you have learned, you carry the potential to teach and affect your students with great care. How might you embrace your interest and share it with others? How would you share this with others? How might you instruct, outline or describe something?

  • The Daffodil brings a message of healing. It is filled with love and asks this to flow through you to others. There will soon be a delivery filled with good news, healing, and peace. How can you call these energies more presently into your life in the moment now? Share loving messages with others, including those who have moved to another realm. Whether you are actively in relationship or if the relationship has metamorphosed, know you can always access the connection you had through visiting your inner garden.

  • Where can you simplify things? When Daisy shows up, it’s a call to simplify something — whether that is something specific you find yourself in, or in general in your waking life. If there has been much activity happening around you as of late, it may be time for a change as your quality of life is being compromised. Do you need to be involved in so many activities, events or even relationships? Your energy may be presenting in a lacklustre or tired manner as you may be putting too much energy toward energy draining things and not enough balance toward energy giving things. Assess what is energy giving and what is energy sucking in your life, and consider how you may simplify things for yourself and those around you. Take the easy route.

  • Let your soul out. Spread your arms wide and be ready to receive. Let the collective energy flow into you and bring new life and vision. How might you see through your inner world? What might you see run parallel with your outer world? Hone your intuition at this time for insights are popping into your mind more and more frequently. Developing discipline with how to cultivate your new awareness will help you feel more balanced in your body. Bring Echinacea into your waking reality where possible.

  • A sign of good health, Eucalyptus invigorates the senses and helps bring energy into the body. Bring it into your waking life to celebrate the specialness of the Earth and invite good health and good spirits. A sign of leadership, Eucalyptus knows when to stand alone in order to stand out, and when to add to a larger bouquet when something calls for an arrangement. You carry a deep wisdom potential that moves beyond vanity and beyond divisions. Consider what you’re concealing at this time, and whether it is in your best interest or not. Authenticity and vulnerability can be great teachers in the story of your life. This tree brings a great strength through accepting our vulnerabilities. It is a Wisdom Keeper, spilling teachings across numerous areas of life. A sign of attraction, remember to be clear, aware and invigorated by what you’re attracting.

  • You are not there anymore. You are somewhere knew now. Who ever they part of you was is in your past. Consider this part of your past lives. Wherever you find yourself now — something from your past is affecting your judgments and assessments. It is affecting how you move forward. You can let it go and let yourself heal the past. If you’re feeling activated, consider what wisdoms you have gained from the past and how you might be able to take advantage of those lessons and what you learned to continue forward. Look how far you’ve come.

  • Are you being taken advantage of? Is someone draining your energy or bringing you down? Reevaluate the relationships in your life, and be honest about the ones that are not feeling good — for whatever reason at all. The Gerbera Daisy is a sign to reassess the friendships, partnerships and relationships you find yourself in at this time, and find ways to let go and be free of what is no longer aligned.

  • If you love your people and respect your people, the kindest gesture you could give to them is to tend to your own frequencies in a miraculous way. The deep connection you have with them allows them to feel how you feel, and when you’re taking care of yourself, being responsible for yourself, and ready in good spirits, they feel that in deeper ways than may be conscious. You have the ability to positively influence all who is around you through accountability and kindness. Whatever is happening around you is about more than just you. Look who is connected. Consider their perspective. Each connection brings its own power. Consider the wider view of what is happening.

  • Take the first step. Whatever is before you, consider how you might break it down into something more bite sized and manageable. What can you do to make it easier to take the first step. Consider what is around you that is making things hard. How can you make this easier on yourself? Take the first step in whatever way that may be for you.

  • Connected to goddess energy, the Iris brings an energy of worship, adoration and trust. It welcomes deeper connection to mind, body and spirit, inviting more abundance and growth to you. Are one of your subtle bodies needing more support to come into balance with the whole of you? Life is about tending to our subtle bodies through the changes we move through as we continue to life our life. What was once in harmony may at this time need attuning for loving maintenance and care. Through deep connection to your own inner divinity, new awareness will find you soon. Pay attention to your intuition and insights in the coming weeks as fresh meaning and guidance will be dropping into your crown. Notice what seems to jump out to you. Bring this bloom into your waking reality for a reminder of your own regality, royalty, divinity, and the goddess within.

  • When Jasmine shows up there is fresh inspiration around. Newly inspired or soon to be inspired, it is a bright omen when Jasmine makes an appearance. Known for its sweet fragrance, Jasmine reminds us to pause for the sweet things in life, and to recognize all the beauty around, ripe and ready to be siphoned into a stream of inspiration source. Jasmine’s white flowers are healing and are a sign of fresh times on the horizon and new beginnings available. Prophetic in nature, notice what is around Jasmine for deeper clues and insight into your personal prophecies. In some scenes, Jasmine can also be a sign of sweet romance, or love with a spiritual quality of awareness.

  • You’re ready for some rest and relaxation. Your anxieties and stresses are leaving you. Through this sense of rest and clarity, new information is coming to you. Consider bringing lavender into your waking life at this time. Calmness is available to you at this time, and though seeing through calmness is a priority, it at times feels like a privilege. When calmness is prioritized and restfulness is restored, you will find clear answers in yourself.

  • Lilacs are short blooms with big scents. What was short lived in your life, but came with a big imprint or impact on your life? There will be many times of short blooms and big scents. But the magical fragrance is you. What can your past lives or your past loves teach you? How can who you were inform you of who you are now? When Lilac shows up, past memories, past loves, past passions or past dreams may resurface bringing new insights. Lilac is a wisdom bringer. Confidence and new understanding follows their presence. They will bring a renewed romance for your spiritual life. For more clues on who is in involved, look at the colour of the lilac.

    White Lilac: healing or spiritual relationship

    Dark Purple Lilac: deep karmic relationships

    Light Purple Lilac: light karmic relationships

    Blue Lilac: emotional relationships

    Pink Lilac: healing relationships, who feels like family

    Magenta Lilac: passionate relationships

    Black Lilac: secret or hidden relationships

  • There is fertile energy around you right now. Whether this is literal conception or pregnancy, or the birth of new ideas and creations through your vocation and dreams. The Lily welcomes birth and rebirth and is auspicious in nature. You have many options available to you, and all directions hold possibility for you. There are no wrong choices. They are a sign of long lasting love that transcends time. The Lily is a wide variety and holds additional translations.

    Red Lily: New passions and energy

    Pink Lily: Keep your promise. You’re close to completion.

    Yellow Lily: Abundance and overflow are en route

    White Lily: A sacred teaching is coming through, opportunity

    Tiger Lily: confidence and assurance surround you, body journey (See Big Cats)

    Calla Lily: birth, death, rebirth, majestic, faith

  • The Lotus is incredibly auspicious and represents a clearing through your energy centres and chakra system. What once may have been blocked is being gently transmuted, has recently been transmuted, or will be soon. To see or come into contact with the Lotus is to release any outdated frequencies or heavy vibrations, creating lightness and space within the energy system. Whatever practices you participate in for wellness and mental and emotional clarity, consider dedicated more personal time to these areas, prioritizing release and personal discipline. Your greatest responsibility is taking care of your body and mind.

  • You are sunshine energy. As you collect new experiences, you’ll learn new things about yourself. And in order to keep growing and learning, it’s important to heal. It’s important to let things scab over so the skin can renew. What can you be doing to care for yourself more wholesomely? Can a luxurious oil anoint that scab? There is healing sunshine energy around you now. Bring energy to honouring yourself, caring for your form like the holiest of creations. Your healing process is already in motion. Whatever was plaguing you before is no longer a part of you. You are new. You will continue to get bumps and bruises as you live into the miraculousness of life, and you will know how to tend to your spirits as you continue on your way.

  • Orange Blossom is very lucky and auspicious. Ripe and abundant, their presence represents a purity, paired with maturity available through a form of mentorship or new awareness. Bringing their fragrance into your life is lucky and powerful as is seeking guidance where you need it. How might you build a team of support around you? What might that look like for you based on your lifestyle and desires? Sometimes orange blossoms are a sign of bonding, merging, or coming together formally through marriage, relationship, contracts or deals. They are romantic, innocent and special.

  • Consider the orchid’s delicate beauty. Pay attention to your focus at this time. What do you keep talking about? What do you keep thinking about? Notice what is holding your attention and whether it’s for your absolute best or not. You are surrounded by energetic support and strength. There is a sense of spiritual unity around you, whether you are consciously aware of it or not. There is something about you that is magnificent and yet inaccessible in a way. How can you embrace more luxury in your life? How might you submit to the dominance of the universe? Consider your own virility and what seduces you consciously and unconsciously. You only deserve the best and must focus on what’s best for you at this time. You’re moving closer. It’s OK to ask a little more of yourself at this time. You can do it.

  • These blooms represent invitations coming. They welcome in new abundant energy, connections and prosperity. A symbol of luck, bring these blooms into your waking life to actively call in new energy and luck. The Peonies seeds hold magic within them, but they are connected to night magic. Pay attention to your energy level in the evenings, or what passes through your dreams in the coming weeks. Keep your ear to the ground where possible whether that is through material connections or through spirit. You are entering a time of new alignments.

  • A sign of peace. When pine shows up solo as a needle or cone, on a tree, or in a forest, it is a sign of longevity. It is a tree that can live for centuries because of it’s ability to adapt and endure its surroundings. Pine is a sign of assurance for whatever is going on around you. Like Pine, you are very strong and flexible. You have the ability to endure harsh conditions and all kinds of intense environments, but be sure to evaluate whether you need to be tolerating these spaces or not… especially since Pine, You, can thrive anywhere. Is this where you want to be?

  • The Poppy’s brilliant colour red is fused with passionate energy. If the poppy you see it another colour, interpret it’s additional meaning in the Colour Guide. Poppies grow among their kind. They grow tall in good company. They are life-bringing after times of hardship. Who is your kind of people? Who do you want to be around? Do you have access to them, or have you been separated in someway? You are connected to all things; what must you let die in order to move? This may be a relationship, a mindset or something else. Trust you are entering in to a time of recovery, likemindedness, and reprieve. Swift changes in your health or the health of someone around you may follow after poppy’s appearance. Consider if you or someone around you has been unwell. Poppy brings signs of change, eternal life, luxurious lifestyles, and can be a sign of a past loved one’s presence near by.

  • Who are your angels? Are they known as archangels or do you know them in your waking life? Are they your friends? Whoever your angels are, know they are with you. A great cosmic eye is open to you through the Protea. Assurance is here, you can release the clench and relax into life. Gaze deep into the eye of the Protea to see what you need to see. Go where you need to go. Continue to trust yourself more and more. Your angels are with you. You are surrounded. Let the healing pass through you. Allow yourself to let go so you can receive. Pay close attention to the signs around you at this time. They are all around you, communicating through a steady stream.

  • The Rose holds the energy of all your soul mates across all your lives. All the love and support from the ones who care for you most deeply — a reminder to open your heart and let out your spirit. You are here to experience the richness of life. You are here for a deep infectious love that makes your entire body vibrate and sing. Remember what you stand for and be clear what you don’t stand for. Your values help you navigate this playing field. How can you fall in love with life and the romance of being alive?

    White Rose: Deserved rest, purification, release, peace

    Pink Rose: Beauty, honesty, self-love, healing

    Yellow Rose: Deep enjoyment and pleasure

    Red Rose: Receive, pay attention, deep love

    Blue Rose: Cooling of emotions, forgiveness, special

    Black Rose: Regal, direct, deep emotion

  • The Dragon’s about to snap. If emotions have been all over the place or tempers have run high, consider how you may express yourself to vent and clear out all that’s been drummed up inside you. You’re allowed to feel upset. Accepting the dis-ease you feel will allow you to embrace that it must be released. We can not release what we refuse to look at. If you’re upset, let it out. Excess anger or frustration must be expelled as it will fester and create unintentional verbal weapons or actions later. Communicate with who needs to be communicated with, and consider how you may connect with them once you’ve worked through your own upset around the situation or circumstance. Coming from peace will bring the situation where you desire it to go. (See Mythical Creatures)

  • The big beautiful face of the sunflower brings joy and happiness. How can you bring more laughter and joy into your life at this time? Lightness, laughter and friendly banter shine around you now. It is available to you should you wish to step into it. Let the sun’s beautiful rays touch your skin. Close your eyes and breath in the warmth on your face. Like the Sunflower, let your face follow the light; let yourself be flooded with light. What might light feel like in your body?

  • When you surrender to the sweetness of your reality, what might be possible for you? What might suddenly open up to you? Your desires are available to you through manifestation. The more you accept your desires in your heart, the closer you are to moving into that timeline. How can you be a willing participate in the creation of your reality? Get clear on your wants and desires at this time, and take some considered time to give energy to manifesting your decisions.

  • It’s time to take space for yourself. How can you nourish your spirit in a way that prioritizes what is best for you? Let yourself enjoy activities that fulfill and restore your personal preferences around relaxation. There is stale energy that is ready to be moved and released through the wholesome activities you love. How might you create healthy boundaries with others by prioritizing your own self care and wellness?

  • No matter what you decide, you’ll always end up where you’re meant to be. You’re always on time and always in the right place. Anything else is an illusion. If you allow yourself to exist in this reality available to you, you’ll see that any decision you make will lead you to where you’re going. You can not make a wrong choice. By not making a choice you are effectively keeping yourself where you are and you will never get to where you’re going. The time is now. You are ready to make your decision. Trust yourself. You are about to begin moving forward in a new way.

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