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No. 8 - Matters of the Heart with Travis Day
Come hang with me and my friend Trav as we discuss matters of the heart, including self-worth, dating, personal values, and the pitfalls of living in your Not-Self.

No. 7 - Aquarian Entrepreneurship with Jasmine Nnenna
Come hang with me and my friend Jas as we discuss the intricate dance between friendship and self-awareness, and the healing available in an aligned environment.

No. 6 - Healing Soul Loss as the Demon Hunter
Come with me into a deep and cathartic Inner Expedition as we transform into the Demon Hunter for the season. By hunting inner demons, you'll be introduced to two-part journeys with the intention of healing Soul Loss.

No. 5 - Looking Closer at your Mascots
Come with me for a closer look at the Mascots that have shown up for you. What type of creatures do you notice have crossed your path?

No. 4 - Reading the Omens around me
Come with me as the owl pays me a visit, delivering the foresight and direction for next year's pace.

No. 3 - Instant Urge
Come with me into an urge as I learn more about feeding the body properly to facilitate an urge, and how to manage that kind of energy coursing through me at one time.

No. 2 - What the Reflector showed me
Come with me into the Reflector's world as I learn more about the ways dissonance in the frequency field may affect the physical body.

No. 1 - Touch Sense in Action
Come with me to the salon as I learn more about how the state of my hands and nails are a direct correlation to my nerves in my Environment. Listen to how my Sixth Sense of Touch in my Environment comes alive in me.