The Night Gardens
Plug in to the Night Gardens for a cleansing expedition that reimagines your inner world. After steeping in a season of deep rest, new sprouts are beginning to grow within you. Reveal the seeds and blooms you have growing deep within, and tend to the plants and roots you discover all season long.
Who will be waiting for you inside the Night Gardens? Visit the inner place of enriching fertile soils, where aspirations and magic bloom into special talents, gifts, opportunities, and new power.
Whether you’re plugging in for the first time, or coming back for a deeper adventure, the Night Gardens are open for a limited time to reveal new blooms and seeds growing within. Discover any areas that need tending, and return throughout the season to continue mending and caring for the things growing in your life.
Available until June 21, 2025.
1. Settle in somewhere calm and quiet.
2. Put on your headphones and lie down.
3. Close your eyes and press play.
4. Travel deep inside yourself.
5. Return and translate what you saw.