No. 26 — Ego Restoration with Amy Lea

In my latest InSight, Amy Lea and I explore Ego Restoration. Formerly from the Fashion Field, Amy breezed into the realms of Astrology, Human Design & Gene Keys from the golden coasts of Australia. Known for her romantic visionary perspective that oozes the sweetness of life, we discuss her health crisis that led her to a Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis. Amy's health changes had her re-evaluating what she invested her time and energy into.

And just last year, the sudden news of her sick parent summoned Amy to re-evaluate everything in her life again. I found myself really studying her totally open heart. Amy shares with me how she currently cares for and supports her mother, what her totally open heart feels through it all, and the crucial restorative rituals she practices to get her through it.

Here's my friend's beautiful Colour Palette:

Colour Palette: Nervous Touch / Valleys / Probability / Desire

Here's a Highlight of her InSights:

  • Fourth Dimension!? Come explore the connection between time zones and reaching each other across the globe

  • Amy shares insights on living as a Quad Right person and how she navigates receptivity

  • Amy shares her journey through a health crisis, loss of a parent-figure, and reaching the climax of being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes

  • We explore the complex interplay between familial responsibilities and our personal emotional wellbeing

  • What exactly are we “passing on” in our DNA, and how do the Environment's we're nurtured in contribute to our sicknesses?

  • Amy guides me on how to use fiction and creative outlets for Ego Restoration I listen carefully to her totally Open Heart

  • We explore her mother's Breast Cancer diagnosis from a shamanic lens, while using the Human Design Bodygraph as an anchor point

Find Amy Lea's work at:
My Constellation
Unreasonable Podcast

Vaness Henry: 0:03

It's Vaness Henry, you're listening to insights, my private podcast, exclusively for community members like you. Here's my latest insight. I'm here today with my friend 5/1 splenic projector, Amy Lea. It's been a little bit of a wrangle to connect with Amy. You know she's on the other side of the world, I'm on the other side of the world. It's day, it's night, what time is it? But we have come together. Isn't this so wild, Amy? Like across timelines. We're like because you're in my tomorrow and I'm in your yesterday.

Amy Lea: 0:41

Yeah, isn't that wild, it is. It's Friday for me, Thursday Jupiter day for you. Yeah, yeah.

Vaness Henry: 0:47

And like we're doing this in the past. It's going to come out, but it'll feel like real time. Then people in the future will listen, but it's in the past. You know what I mean that whole thing. So I can't be with you in the physical 3D. So we're kind of like what are we connecting? 4d? Where are we connecting? What is this? How would we even In the eighths.

Amy Lea: 1:06

I don't know, how do we when?

Vaness Henry: 1:07

have you, just this is not where we're going to go.

Vaness Henry: 1:10

What are you initiating Right off the gate? Open head, open heart, on Amy Lee with a. She's a wide valleys person with a inner vision in her environment and she's also a nervous eater with a feeling cognition. I love these because this is five, four, four, five, this little inversion. We've got this beautiful pair of fives in the personality. She's got a view of probability, she's got the deep sense of judgment there, and then desire, motivation with the undertone of acceptance. So beautiful consciousness, beautiful form, quadrate. So the most vulnerable, the most receptive to whatever's going on. They're taking it in. What is that? What is that like as a quadrate? By the way, if you could just summarize it to me in like a, how does it feel to experience reality as a fully passive, receptive feeling?

Amy Lea: 2:06

being yeah, look, I feel, because I'm a Pisces moon too it just feels like very cohesive for me, you know, in that it feels like I live in a very unstructured sun in 15 too, so unstructured one in 15 too, so unstructured, flowy, receptive, surprise and delight, kind of like reality with my body as well, with how my days unfold. I don't know, it's one of those things. It's like, it's how, it's what I've always lived. So it's like I can't imagine what it's like to be like a quad left. But the experience of taking in everything, like around you as well, Like I remember when I learned about that, I like doesn't, isn't that everyone, doesn't everyone sit in a cafe and they're like, then they know what's going on in the corner. You know they, they know that, they know someone who's over there, and it's like, isn't that just everyone's reality?

Vaness Henry: 2:54

and then so, learning that, no, no, no, that's kind of different for a lot of let me tell you, emily, in Paris I've said this to you my favorite show was Amy Lee in London. Amy Lee in Rome, like when you were out on the like and the vibe popping around you're one of my favorite valleys to watch and you, you were, you would. You would just kind of slink into this cool little cafe, but like outdoors, and you'd be watching some sexy guy play the violin or something. You'd be eating pasta and having wine. I was like I'm here for this show.

Vaness Henry: 3:24

Let me tell you you know, and it was so neat to, it was such a good valleys moment. I don't know, amy, it was just like look, cause you look different when you're in those spaces. I really see this on you a lot. Your eyes are different, the hair is different. It's just a way you're carrying yourself and it's not the way you style your hair, your makeup, you know, although it is, but it's not. There is just like something that comes alive there. So you've been on a little bit of an experiment, an environment journey. Okay, can you tell me a little bit about that and what's been going on lately?

Amy Lea: 3:57

yeah, I have. So Italy was last year and then I spent a few months in London this year and, um, I think I started to feel you're from Australia.

Vaness Henry: 4:06

Yeah, from Australia.

Amy Lea: 4:06

If you can't tell by the voice here, I guess yeah from Australia have lived in Brisbane or either the coasts around Brisbane so Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast like my whole life and started to feel through my human design experiment, like as I was deepening in my human design experiment, the discomfort I started to feel more and more was in like the location, the space you know, and realizing like I don't think this is actually healthy for me. Like the more I decondition, the more sensitive I feel. Like I became things that used to be okay and used to work. All of a sudden it's like I can't tolerate that and I can't tolerate working in an office with 30 people anymore. I can't tolerate.

Vaness Henry: 4:43

certain Is that where you come from. Yeah, yeah, what's the background?

Amy Lea: 4:47

What's the Amy Lee background? Oh goodness, how long have we got? That's like I feel like I've done such a like it makes me.

Vaness Henry: 4:54

Was it fashion for a minute? Yeah, it was.

Amy Lea: 4:57

It was so I started out like earlier on after high school, like earlier on after high school, studying business and fashion journalism, but then dropped out, never did anything with it, had several years of being really confused and being like I'm gonna be an interior designer, I'm gonna be a psychologist and like all these different things really confused. And then had a health crisis and went into fashion and then, within that was, went into more of like the fashion admin and then HR. So okay, but worked in offices.

Vaness Henry: 5:27

Pause, pause, pause. I'm not with you. I'm not with you. You dropped some. You dropped a bomb. You dropped a bomb.

Amy Lea: 5:31

You dropped a bomb.

Vaness Henry: 5:32

Now we're going to react. Okay, there was a health crisis.

Amy Lea: 5:35

Yes, yeah, so that was 2012 for me.

Vaness Henry: 5:38

Okay, so a health crisis, and then in that time you decide I'm going fashion.

Amy Lea: 5:44

Yeah, well, so I.

Vaness Henry: 5:46

What's the health crisis? Then, if you can tell us what's the health crisis, what happens in?

Amy Lea: 5:49

2012? Yeah, so 2012,. In October 2012, I was diagnosed as a type one diabetic and that came at the end of a very like probably the most difficult year of my life, like I was 23. It was a 12th house year for me too, and my anti-infections, which I'm in again at the moment, but so much older and wiser, I like to tell myself you know, um, but yeah, had a really difficult year, like really charged emotional relationship things had a family member pass away from cancer who was being cared for at home, and um, and then I got sick. And it's funny with type 1 diabetes, you know it's connected to the solar plexus. I mean, you'll have more understanding.

Amy Lea: 6:32

there's my like limited understanding is always solar plexus oh, don't limit yourself.

Vaness Henry: 6:37

Come on now. You know this is your body and your health story. I'm sure you know quite a bit about it, yeah, so let's, let's, yeah's, yeah, please continue.

Amy Lea: 6:44

Yeah, they say, and I think it's at Louise hey, like different people in like the spiritual, mind, body, health, kind of world We'll talk about, like diabetes being connected to, like sweetness of life, like not enjoying the sweetness of life or too much sweetness of life, and I'm like your son in 15.

Amy Lea: 6:59

I do feel like I experienced the extremes of everything like not just in my rhythms too and so when it comes to like the sweetness of life, I feel like I've experienced the extremes of that where I've gone like so far into it. Too much of a good thing, very duper like, and then like the party girl, energy or me, right?

Vaness Henry: 7:19

Yeah, like, okay, I'm gonna have fun, I don't. I don't give a fuck, I'm doing whatever I want. Yeah, not gonna be make throw responsibility and caution to the wind.

Amy Lea: 7:26

yeah, and live a little okay, yeah, so one extreme to then the other extreme of like probably like repression, isolation, you're like not enjoying things, you know. So I feel like I bounce between those extremes a lot in my 20s and yeah, so now I had that in the October and then was literally like so lost and confused and just had this feeling of like I want to just do something that's fun and that like that I feel like a passion for and that kind of feels, um, like creatively inspiring for me.

Vaness Henry: 7:59

It's like that's what it felt like, like I needed some kind of like creative outlet or like, well, okay, this is interesting because when we, when, when diabetes comes up, yes, the kind of classic teaching is well, we've lost the sweetness in the life. And then you want to self inquire around well, what, what does that even mean for me, like what the sweetness be? And so it's interesting to me. Then at that moment, which is a vulnerable moment, then go, I just want to fucking have fun, like what would be that, what would be fun for me to do? Like I'm gonna fuck it, I'm going into fashion. You know, yeah, um, I took fashion for four years. We had a program in high school, so we were and we did cool, like it's like a basic thing people should fucking do, but we don't anymore. Oh, my god, I also have a little potty mouth. Depending who I talk to here, it's like I have such a potty mouth so you're picking up the Aussie.

Amy Lea: 8:48

I have to warn people um. Sometimes Americans seem to get offended you know like not not all, not all people. But you know like I offend people, sometimes it's like I can't help.

Vaness Henry: 8:57

It's an Australian. That is too funny to me. Yeah, I have a bit of a mouth on me and it's something that people can comment on. That's all I will say about that, but anyway. Anyway, not to lose sight of what I want to talk about here, so at this time where you were in a relationship that was perhaps not healthy and then simultaneously, there was an important person, in your life who passed away from cancer in the immediate family.

Vaness Henry: 9:29

So mom's partner, yeah, stepdad and stepdad. So there's all this kind of trauma. In your 12th house year and as you progress through that year, we get to October and you're diagnosed with type one diabetes. What's your primary symptom Like? How do you discover that that's what you have?

Amy Lea: 9:44

yeah, well, I was really sick that whole year, that whole year I am because what happens with type one? Because it's autoimmune yes, you don't know, you've got it. You, your, your body stores all of the glucose from what you're eating in your bloodstream and then your body's not getting the glucose to use as fuel like. So that's normally what happens. The glucose goes to the bloodstream, insulin converts, it basically becomes like energy that you can use, and so you're not getting that. And so what happens is your body starts eating your muscle, the fuel. So, and here's me thinking it's fabulous because I lost all this weight. You know, and I've been I was really pushing myself too, like I was really that year just not in a good place after like the relationship, stuff that had happened, and went into this hardcore, like bootcamps and exercising and like punishing my body through fitness and health and stuff like that, and was eating in a very restrictive way, trying to get feeling out of control.

Vaness Henry: 10:42

So trying to control something, right yeah, not in control of my life somewhere, obviously look what's happened to my health. So I'm gonna do everything I can to control what I can. And it's a very natural way to react, you know, especially when we've been spooked or something you know, you know, as somebody who's had a sickness inside that I can't see. It's like like there's this feeling of like what else could get me. I don't know. I gotta and I've seen this expressed by some people who like clean a lot or you know they have to process that nervous energy.

Vaness Henry: 11:14

That way you're making some sounds there. Is that something you relate to?

Amy Lea: 11:17

Yeah, yeah, the cleaning a lot, that's as you said, and processing like the nervous energy, but probably in ways that aren't like look healthy but maybe aren't that healthy as well. Well, I.

Vaness Henry: 11:28

I wonder if we could look at that another way, because, yeah, we, we, actually it sounds like we want to look at that as like you're not aware, you're unhealthy. Look at you doing something, but what you know what is really going on there? That body's got a pent up energy somewhere and it's doing what it can to kind of move that energy through the body. And I guess, on one hand, yeah, it may look like erratic cleaning, right, but what would we have? What would we do? What would be the healthy way to do that you know and cause? Sometimes we're told like, move, move your body. As a non-sacral person, I'm like move my body.

Vaness Henry: 11:58

As like a passive environment, move my body. There's gotta be another way. And so if somebody said to me like the only way to process your emotion would be to go work out or do a punching bag, like I would resent them a little bit, you know. But if I was puttering around my space, you know, I could see how, like, moving around, like the way that this would express in me I'm going to move around this room because I'm going to, I'm going to switch up the energy and make it feel better.

Vaness Henry: 12:21

If I'm looking at another angle, that might look unhealthy, right? So I think what I'm saying is, let us be aware of how we're looking at things then, because maybe that's a body deeply trying to take care of itself, you know, and it doesn't have anything else to do. Well, what, what would it do? And I'm thinking of my mother, who was that markets person who did that like, and she was an emotional authority lots of stress and trauma in the life, and she would clean, clean, clean, clean, like resetting her space, resetting her space, and in the times she stopped doing that, she had a whole like breakdown and she was arthritic and she couldn't move.

Vaness Henry: 12:53

She just got so twisted. She's touched cognition and I'm just like looking back what happened there. So so maybe I was wrong for scolding her, thinking her bad for always cleaning Like mom relax. Well, maybe she fucking couldn't relax, you know, or maybe that was her way of relaxing. I've kind of seen this again in some friends, husbands and spouses and stuff, and it just I'm like, and they're emotional beings and I'm like I wonder if, is that so bad? Yeah, because I'm looking at it like no, there's a healthy way to process. Well, is there, I don't know, wouldn't everybody be? Cause I'm, I'm a big fan of like watching what we just do, instead of like trying to say what's good or bad or right or wrong. It's like, well, what would they do? And then just understanding why they're kind of coming at it that way, just kind of I don't know, creates this space of space of like, yeah, be who you are and I'm still here with you and there's nothing wrong with you and we're together. I don't know.

Amy Lea: 13:48

I don't know what's going on. I love the curiosity around it rather than shaming. Shame, yeah, I guess. For me, looking back at it, it was like I'm gonna work out to a crazy amount.

Vaness Henry: 14:03

You know it's not, wasn't coming from a healthy place.

Amy Lea: 14:05

Yeah, and yet we could.

Vaness Henry: 14:07

We could also as a totally open-hearted person, we could kind of understand why you would have behaved that way.

Amy Lea: 14:13

You know, yeah, it was a lot of like undefined ego stuff. I think for me not enough.

Vaness Henry: 14:18

What do we expect this young woman to do? She's coming out of the most devastating time in her life. She's found out her health is fragile not what she thought. What do we want her to do?

Amy Lea: 14:28

Yeah, exactly, yeah, that's it.

Vaness Henry: 14:31

Like you know, and she might not know, like sure as fuck if we know, like yeah. So we were on this type one diabetes journey, amy, and my own naivete, forgive me. I thought you know you had to be born with that. I think a lot of people think that and they think type two is the one that happens later. So if you wouldn't mind educating me, how do you get that? When you're is, I must be wrong somewhere.

Amy Lea: 14:53

So where am I wrong? Well, no, you're not wrong. It used to be called juvenile diabetes, so it was always that it was more common. You got it as a child, normally, and it's becoming more and more common for people to get what's called late onset type 1 diabetes. So you know and I think there's a lot to say about that that's probably environmental as well.

Amy Lea: 15:11

You know, in like the toxins in our world, the pesticides, because all of that is endocrine disruptors, you know, and so even fragrance can be an endocrine disruptor. There's things in our moisturizer. You know all the things we use for beauty. You know like there can be a lot of stuff in that that can disrupt and something that is probably part of it, possibly also like a. You know, I very much believe in the energetics and the the emotional aspect of it, like probably contributing. And then you know there possibly is like a genetic predisposition as well. So autoimmune disorders like do run in my family. Both of my grandmas had thyroid dysfunction. I have a cousin that has Crohn's, you know. So it's not like it's. They're definitely autoimmune things within my family. But you know, when you go to hospital for this, they're like it's just luck of the draw. They're like you probably got a virus that set it off. You know, like they really don't know and it's like well and I have so much to say fuck around this.

Vaness Henry: 16:13

Oh my God, Sorry Go ahead.

Amy Lea: 16:15

I mean it could have been a virus Cause I was sick Like the whole year before I was diagnosed. I was constantly sick, constant infections chest infections, ear infections, Because you're diabetic, yeah, and because your body gets fat.

Vaness Henry: 16:28

Yeah, but it's like oh yeah, there's, there's a okay.

Amy Lea: 16:31


Vaness Henry: 16:32

There's this, there's this is all sounding very familiar when, when we're sick, everything you were listing sounds like environmental things, it could be something you're putting on your, you know, and so we are to look to the environment, but I think we, I think we're too literal, you know, like I think, like we think these fabrics make us sick, we think, and while that's all can be true, because we were learning about the pesticides, and there's another dynamic at play, though, and you talk about things like genetic predisposition Well, we were kind of got into this a little bit before we hit record here, but what is? That.

Vaness Henry: 17:02

Do we actually carry. We think there is a cell in my body that's like a cell in my mom's or dad's body and we pass that on. And what and I don't have any power in that, you know, that's what we it's like, kind of this formless thing. And also there are studies where cancers will be in a family and they will be in that family for for a few lines and they'll adopt a child who has got no biological tie and the child will get the same cancer. So what's going on there? And we have multiple examples like huge stats and documents on that, because it's curious. So it points to well, what is hereditary? What is what is that? What are we actually passing on there? Are we passing on behaviors? Are we passing on ways to deal with or not deal with things? You know, an autoimmune is a curious one because it can go. That's a deeply confused cell somewhere that you know, and it's instead of kind of protecting itself. Well, the environment I've been in says otherwise, so I must be wrong. So I'm going to be this way then, and I'll do this because I guess I'll attack myself, because that's what it's saying to do. In the world around me, everything is attacking me and if I'm just absorbing it and taking that in, I don't think it's just like a gene we pass on. I think it is a way of living that we accidentally groom into each other sometimes Because when we talk about certain illnesses, they're more hereditary.

Vaness Henry: 18:35

You know they're more hereditary and I know when I was treated for lymphoma getting a certain number of cancer excuse me, certain number of chemos, foma getting a certain number of cancer, excuse me, certain number of chemos then says you, because of the volume of these chemos, you now have a 50% chance of getting all other cancers because we're breaking down your system and so there's a chance that it could grow back this different way. And then you also have skin cancer in your family, so you now have a 75% chance to get that. So I was like these numbers suck dudes, like I don't want to. I don't think I'm going to tune this all out. You know what I mean, because I clearly didn't write like a clearly rattled me. So when I'm thinking about what we pass on and what we pick up without knowing, oh my God, there's something I'm putting a little pin. There's something I wanted to tell you because you were like I'm in a 12 house year again.

Vaness Henry: 19:26

You know, 2025 is my 20 year remission mark, so it's a little bit of a holy moment for me because I used to dream about making it here, because there's not a lot of people who live that long without getting another illness or another cancer, or it's possible and they're out there it's not as high volume and so doctors now look to us and they go. We don't really know what your long term symptoms are, kind of beyond that point. So we kind of look to you to just share with us, because we're still learning. How old medicine is, you know, and so I felt, especially with all the astrology at this new year, like new chapters, new, but we're wiser and we've had kind of lots of conversations around this. I don't think it's any accident that you and I started talking again because you were doing all this traveling, I was watching you, I was all excited and then the illness struck the family again. You were called back home because mom was sick with a very common female cancer breast cancer.

Vaness Henry: 20:31

This is one of my most studied cancers from a shamanic perspective because it happens a lot.

Vaness Henry: 20:37

It's very hereditary, happens to the female line and some of the energetics behind it are people who have openness in the chest, like an open heart, like an open G or open gates, and some type of burden has happened in the life where trying to take care of everything, take care of things, handle it, I've got it.

Vaness Henry: 20:57

Well, there's no capacity to be responsible in that way, but the world is telling you you got to be. So it's almost like the energy centers try to okay, define, but they're confused and it's, it's actually a tumor of some kind, whether it's manifesting in the energy center or wherever that kind of openness is. And the more people I kind of connect with about that particular illness, as soon as you start asking questions about the life, there is something that has happened in the lifestyle, the environment, the life around them that they've built for themselves, that forced them to be a way that perhaps was a burden. So now that I've kind of opened that and set that up and this is going on with mom and this is kind of a very sensitive topic when I say that to you and you know your mom as as you know her what comes up for you?

Amy Lea: 21:46

Yeah, I, I can. I can see the burdening you know when you, when you mentioned that to me privately, I was like. Well, this is bang on. You know like this is like bang on for her experience. So, and she is um, undefined G, undefined ego. So lots of openness there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, lots of openness there. She's very undefined generator in general, undefined throat. She's only got solar plexus to sacral channel of mating and then Ajna to crown with awareness.

Vaness Henry: 22:13

So she's pretty open, so wide split, wide split, yeah, wide split.

Amy Lea: 22:17

Yeah, it's definitely been there. I feel like she's had a lot of in her life like added responsibility, having to take the lead and control in a lot of ways and maybe not having the support at times.

Vaness Henry: 22:28

Yeah, sometimes it might've been nice to just be taken care of. Then here comes her open-hearted daughter Mom, I'll take care of everything. I'm going to live with you while you're going through treatment. I'll handle it. I'm here, mom, it'll get done. The dishes, it'll get done, I've got it. I've covered for you and we're we, your mom, it'll get done. The dishes it'll get done, I've got it. I've covered for you and we're we're just kind of talking about you know what genetics and predisposition and what we're actually passing on. And then here comes this totally open heart handling absolutely everything for mom, and we know things are passed on to us. Okay, what is the teaching? Your mom is passing on here. You're the projector, you're looking at her life, you're seeing what has happened here was passing on here. You're the projector, you're looking at her life, you're seeing what has happened here and you kind of were a front seat witness to her experience, especially being quad right, what did you take in about womanhood?

Amy Lea: 23:13

from her. Yeah, I feel like I am where we're. So we're opposites in a lot of ways, like my mom and I like, where she's my best friend, she's like my person, right, we're really, really close, but we have a lot of oppositional energy and we actually have. Our nodes are actually almost identically opposite to each other. Where I'm a south node first, house, north node seven, and she's the exact opposite yeah, south node seventh, north node first, cool. And so I feel like in a lot of ways, I've watched my whole life and been like, yeah, that's what I'm not gonna do, that's what I don't want in partnership and relationship.

Amy Lea: 23:53

I don't want that pattern, you know but open heart, open head, like ultimate wisdom potential there, right yeah yeah, yeah, but then in a lot of ways we're very alike in regards to like work ethic and wanting to make money, and you know handling the resources, handling it, we take care of it, we're both fifth line.

Amy Lea: 24:12

She's a three five and I'm a five one, so it's like I've got this, you know. So, yeah, it's interesting for me to watch. I do feel as a projector, like I'm learning a lot about myself through her experience as well, and there's a lot coming up for me personally around, like reciprocity and receivership and like, of course, how could they're right? How?

Vaness Henry: 24:33

could they're not like when there's something like this that happens, it's like there's such a reevaluation that comes up. So wherever we're needing to reevaluate something, like something that was important suddenly is not important anymore, you know or something that wasn't important.

Vaness Henry: 24:46

So it's like suddenly, fuck it, I'm going to go pursue fashion, you know, because that's what's going to light me up and like kind of give me joy. Um, just a couple weeks ago I was. I went for brunch with this couple who was in town, and my husband and I don't always like get to go for brunch, so I was like, ooh, adults to talk to, let's go. So we went for brunch with this couple and she was stage four breast cancer, but we, we haven't really heard about it, you know. So I'm obviously in my work, I'm very interested to talk to her about that.

Vaness Henry: 25:13

Like I want to know how she's doing and, as somebody who was a cancer patient, people can sometimes be afraid to talk to us about it. They don't know how to bring it up when all we want to do is like kind of unburdened Cause we're fucking terrified. Like you know, it's like, oh my God, like there's something in me that I can't see. I don't know. It is so scary I don't know what to do with myself. Even if I'm here sitting alone, it's still with me. It's very scary. And then nobody wants to talk of feeling. So I go into the room and I'm like I don't care who's around, I'm going to bring this up Like I gotta know how a girl's doing. So we're going, we're having brunch, and then my opportunity opens and so I ask her you know like what's, how are you doing, what's going on with treatment? And she's like, yes, we'll, we'll. She wants to like kind of share everything. And I immediately feel the energy shift at the table and her husband is having an incredibly hard time, like I, like you can feel his devastation, like it was. That was really hard and I noticed my husband had a really hard time in that moment Cause he keeps feeling, he plugs into him, he's feeling everything. I know what you feel. Like I've had the sick wife like, oh my God, you know, and he can relate to him in that way. And she says to me um, she, it was.

Vaness Henry: 26:27

She had lump in her breast and then they operated. She was just had a really, really sore back and so they thought it was like stage one. And she went and they looked more and it had metastasized and had eaten through the chest wall and had eaten four of her vertebrae, ate her spine, and so she had to have a fake spine put in and I this is where you came into my mind, because I was like how do I tell her your cancer ate your spine, you're spineless somewhere. Where have you been spineless when? And she goes everybody's always asking me about how I'm doing. And like nobody's asking my husband how he's doing, and like you know, that must be really hard.

Vaness Henry: 27:09

She put all the focus on him and I just thought, where have you always been doing that? And that's gone so deep now that you can't hold yourself up anymore. And she's strong, she's a boxer, taekwondo, she's got definition in the chest, you know. And I just thought, and she's so kind and just takes it, takes it take, and she can. She's equipped herself physically that she can physically fucking take it. She could knock you out if she wanted to. But she was caring for everyone else, so much so that it went through her, right through her spine. And I just felt such a devastation being across from her and thinking like I can't say this to her. I'm not going to say this to her, I'm not, I'm just going to nod and kind of be here. And but I'm thinking this, you know, and I didn't.

Vaness Henry: 28:01

I didn't speak to you for about a week after that because I was like I need to really cause. You were with me when I was there with her and I was thinking, like how do we connect? I'm like this is so values, amy. Like how do we connect when I'm with you and I feel you and I know what you're going through and I don't know how to explain to you whatever it is I'm feeling called to share with you. And I feel you and I know what you're going through and I don't know how to explain to you whatever it is I'm feeling called to share with you. I don't actually know how to connect, but I want to. What do we do? What do we do in those moments?

Amy Lea: 28:33

I'm so sorry that, just yeah, that your friend that's. Yeah, I'm so sorry she's going through that. The way I mean, the way I've approached it with my mom and it's probably a real classic projector way has been more just to ask questions and to try to open up the curiosity, rather than because I can't. You know, actually there has been a couple of times where I've said like kind of bluntly, like you know, maybe in a little bit directly, like, like, do you want, like we need to talk about the emotional stuff that's going on here you know like but it didn't land, of course not, so okay.

Vaness Henry: 29:12

So, so that that must be hard, cause it's something you're wanting to connect, cause you're afraid for your parent and you're like, fuck mom, like it's really me, the little kid right now, who's so fucking scared that mom is sick. I'm afraid what is going?

Amy Lea: 29:29

on. You know, I'm afraid if we don't look at the deeper issues, that it won't ever resolve fully, you know. So I feel very like we. I think it's important we get to some of that, like everything you've been talking about, the emotional and the energetic things that have maybe contributed to this. So, no, it's really difficult. It's tricky because you don't want to. You want to respect them, yeah, and not cause any kind of a rift or upset them, or, you know, and especially if they're new to that world, it the cognitive, the cognitive.

Vaness Henry: 30:04

So that's, that's what I mean. Let's. We're people who speak astrology, we speak gene keys, we speak human design, and there's a lot of us who find these fourth dimension relationships or whatever the hell these are where we're never physically with these people. We connect on sort of a personality, spirit, intellectual level and understand something in the same way. So you have a, you have a just a totally new deep kind of connection. And then sometimes you go into your physical life where you've got that really pure physical connection and you don't always know how to connect the personalities.

Vaness Henry: 30:34

But especially when you get excited and you want to share, you know you try and put it on someone and it's so, at least for me, I repel the shit out of them. They're like can you not be so forceful? And and ultimately I want to connect right. I don't want to repel them and I want to be able to connect with a way that lands. I want to be received. I think we all want to be deeply received, you know, and, and encouraged and affirmed in that.

Vaness Henry: 30:56

But where the disconnect is is we just don't know how to connect about certain things we don't if we don't have a shared language, like so much of of our connection, being able to understand even what's going on with you and going on with mom, is because we have that shared language. Whether we're very like, fucking technical, but like your cognitive architecture, it doesn't matter, you know. But we know, like maybe we want to self inquire differently because maybe we realize we've been conditioned to be someone we don't want to be and we've been forced to do that our whole life. And now I see you as an example of someone who's had to suffer through that, as a suffering being, and I want to learn from you, as my mother, what happened to you, mom. But I have kind of said to you, like I've always, I'm always surprised at, when the right opportunity opens up and the invitation is there, how someone can really reevaluate and are suddenly open to things that they never thought they would be open to. If you think of my life would be, I never thought this would be my fucking life. I'm an absolute weirdo on the roof talking about spirits and I, like, was raised in a hospital. You know what I mean Like medical Virgo, south node, pisces, north node, very classic little story there, but you know what I mean. But, yeah, like. So I so from this, from this case.

Vaness Henry: 32:13

In this example, I could go into spaces and talk about neutrophils and talk about cyclophosphamide and what your counts are doing when you have vincristine or bleomycin red devil chemotherapy like I can go in and talk that talk. But then I can also go over here and be like jupiter is conjunct over this and we're gonna. I'm actually saying the same thing. You might feel that in your body I'm just using a different language. What do we do when there is no shared language? What's our like, what's the default way that we can connect? Is it our stories, our history? What do we do?

Amy Lea: 32:46

Looking for the common thread, you know so with my mom, even though she's not open to no, not that she's not open, I shouldn't use that language even though she's newer right To the this world, she's been very open and receptive when it comes to like nutrition and food and those sorts of things.

Vaness Henry: 33:03

So I was too. I found, yeah, yeah, I found it was like I clearly missed something. So I'm suddenly open to re-evaluating what I think that's very, that's very healthy. I think natural reaction, right, that's the re-evaluating thing. So sorry, where did that lead her?

Amy Lea: 33:19

she's been the medical medium. She's been all in that again. Like she kind of went down with curiosity into that, like whenever that was first, like when he first kind of came out and was a big deal. But she's been revisiting some of that and I've been looking at that like, oh, this could be like the gateway, it's like the gateway drug into like maybe more of this, more of the energetic I.

Amy Lea: 33:42

I mean, I would love to even just suggest like therapy like I'm just gonna talk about it, yeah, yeah, totally get it off your chest. You know like and I think she'll be she would be open to that, I think she's probably got some shit.

Vaness Henry: 33:55

She's got to get off her chest. You know what I?

Amy Lea: 33:57

mean, oh, absolutely, yeah, yeah, yeah. So no, I don't think I've got, like the the answer that other than that's what I've been trying to do and when it's probably easier when there's, it's probably easier for me being someone I'm with all the time too and who I can, probably I can be a little bit direct and know that she still loves me unconditionally you know, in certain ways, like I don't gotta say stuff you know um, it's a little bit different with a friend who's open?

Vaness Henry: 34:26

yeah, yeah what's that weird ass dynamic with our parents, though? Hey, like it's just we so badly want them to, you know, but that makes sense because we love them and they're our parent. But, you know, are we actually equipped to have those conversations with them? Have we set up the environment and the setting? Are we actually equipped to have those conversations with them? Have we set up the environment and the setting? Are we available if they need post care, if they, you know, like, and we want our parents to learn, we want to stick it to them, especially like around like a holiday type of season, you know, uncomfortable conversations around the dinner table, or you know, oh, I just want to stick it to them, or I want them to see my side. But, like, are we actually equipped?

Vaness Henry: 35:01

You know, cause, if you're having a confrontation with someone, or you're, or you're bringing up something with their health or a worry that you have, or anything, now that I know about emotional authority, people who need some time to feel things out, like, am I following up or am I available after the conversation when they're processing? You know, is that really fair to them to like, bring up a trauma, you hurt me this way, and then peace out. I don't know. You know, not that my parent is my overarching responsibility, but if I was coming up to the situation in the most compassionate way possible, I don't know that I'm ready to have some of the conversations that might open up new pathways between us.

Amy Lea: 35:39

You know and I'm kind of angling this this way because, like you're living with mom now- yeah, but I would outsource, you know, with all the stuff I'm thinking about I'd love her to do. It would be more me wanting to send her to guide her in the direction. Yeah, like um to the different systems and modalities and people like more so than me being the person that does the exploration.

Vaness Henry: 36:01

Absolutely yeah.

Vaness Henry: 36:02

Yeah, too close to the situation Too close, I agree, actually. And like, as somebody who will like navigate the spirit realm, I'm not here like talking to spirits. Okay, that's not, that's not my thing, although people sometimes might think cause I talk about weird things. But listen, that's not it. And people have asked me like have you connected with your dad? I'm like no, like that would. That would be so um, it's too close, that would be so traumatic for me. I asked my mom, like do you ever dream about him? She's like not often. Like I daydream and think about him but he doesn't come intercept, you know, and I'm like that's weird, what's up with that? She's like I don't know that I'm ready to, I don't know. And then he did like come to her once and she had like a nightmare and she's like I just I can't, I don't want to look at it and I was like what's going on there, mom?

Amy Lea: 36:44

Also I don't.

Vaness Henry: 36:44

I don't see him either, so why aren't we seeing him? It's just, yeah, it's just kind of interesting. You know what I mean. Anyway, not to take us too far down this little segue, because I feel like you are miss influencer and you like are like no, no, no, I'm over here doing my little thing. I'm like every time you post about a blow dryer or a book I gotta read, or you know what I mean.

Vaness Henry: 37:16

So let's go into a little book chat for a second here. You, you have completely guided me through my fiction journey, and there was something that you said to me about ego restoration and how you think people go on a different kind of self-healing journey when they start reading fiction again. And I was like I'll bite Amy Lee open heart, giving me the teaching. Okay, I'll, I'll do this experiment. And what an experiment. Like being having trauma bonds with books and being so into the characters that you don't want them to leave, and you're so unplugged and then you can come back to the other world so rejuvenated. What are you? What is going on there? What is it about fiction specifically? That is like medicine.

Amy Lea: 37:59

What is that? Is it the fiction, or is it the smart?

Vaness Henry: 38:04

Thank you, because we have. We have let me tell you the patterns of Amy Lee in London, in Paris, in Rome. She has a teaching following her about respecting and prioritizing the sweetness in life and the joy and the pleasure. Okay, and you're here to become wise about that and you've been impacted by that teaching and now your life is adjusted from that. You are a fucking flirt. So when you go and you're over in Europe and you're here and you're boop, boop, boop, you're dating, you're doing these things and with your fucking little chic coats on and everything going on, the fashion I love the fashion and the art and the candles and just the worlds that you kind of create for us and then she reads smut. It's giving sexy girl friend energy. You know what I mean.

Vaness Henry: 38:49

So the teaching that I think you're giving me is like sweetness in life, sex beauty, like what? Venusian, what are these pleasures in life? You know what I mean and you've been on this environment journey because you've been jumping around from place to place and for whatever reason, maybe it's your quad right nature. We can see it on you. We can see your alignments in these different ways and like I'm ready for you to come out and be like I'm the fucking flirt, I'm living my best life.

Vaness Henry: 39:17

This is my beautiful hair. This is where I got the blow dryer. Get it. It's amazing they pay me to tell you about it. Like you know what I mean. Like just fucking give her the money because we're buying it, give her the coupon code, give her the whatever, get into the sexy, fun, friend, girlfriend, energy, and then I think it's a love story. But you know how I am, I'm a six line. I'm always waiting for the love story to emerge and reveal itself, but you do got this like sexy cool girl thing going on, you know and you hide a little bit.

Vaness Henry: 39:48

So why are we doing that? What's going on? What's going on? Why are we doing that?

Amy Lea: 39:49

Why are we doing that? Thank you, I don't see myself as a sexy cool girl, I just see myself as nerdy. First line no no, it's.

Vaness Henry: 39:58

That's cute, though, but that was my projection. Five one is the six two, looking at the five one being like what are you doing? What are you doing? You're a star. Why are you? Why are you hiding? Just tell us where you bought that. Let us send you our coins because you look great, leo rising, but we're hiding why?

Amy Lea: 40:19

yeah, I feel the hiding is more when I'm in australia, so, and we've kind of spoken about how the environment I absolutely, I absolutely agree.

Vaness Henry: 40:26

What is that, amy? What is that?

Amy Lea: 40:29

yeah, australia, I love Australia, like I'm like it's your origin site.

Vaness Henry: 40:34

Yeah, yeah, it's my origin site.

Amy Lea: 40:36

I love like the nature and the beauty and we're so lucky here within a lot of ways and it doesn't I need to plug into different cities where I get the frequency.

Vaness Henry: 40:48

Yeah, and and nervous eater like you feed off vibes. Oh yeah, oh my body.

Amy Lea: 40:54

If I'm eating out every day, my body is, like me, too high sound I could have every meal in a restaurant.

Vaness Henry: 41:01

That would be the dream. Like I'm so chill talking to someone, it's literally the worst for my husband. You're not my dining buddy. But yeah, it's like it's, it's so environmental. You know the experience is. So it's eating is an experience. It's not just this act. So it's eating as an experience, it's not just this act, so much more that we're like taking in and we see it on you, your vibe, Like when you're bopping around, you look different.

Amy Lea: 41:28

Amy, I always lose weight when I'm traveling too. I've always-. And you're eating pasta and shit Gelato like croissants every day. That was in Italy. I mean, how can you not, though? And the gluten is different there, though, every day? When that was in Italy, I mean, how can you not go? And the gluten is different there, though? I swear I'm like the gluten there is.

Vaness Henry: 41:46

I think it's easier to process Absolutely Well, because the ingredients are different from there.

Amy Lea: 41:50

I just took a whole course.

Vaness Henry: 41:55

I took a whole course on this and this guy from the northern parts of Italy me and my husband took this little like cooking class and he was educating us on all this. Like he's like here's the ingredient. And they're snobby about the ingredients. You know, as they should be, because it comes from the land here and so you don't need to use so many different things. It's pure, it's simpler, it's easier, and I was just like this is and the food was incredible. The food was incredible and I'm eating, like I'm eating pasta, but it's handmade right there. It's not full of all this other kind of stuff. So I always I always look at some anyways, my husband and I have been encouraged to do it more of a Mediterranean diet Like this. I'm like we love that. That is so like we're just into that. Anyway, you know what I mean.

Amy Lea: 42:30

Well, your body, you, your ancestry comes from that part of the world, doesn't it? Mine, yes.

Vaness Henry: 42:37

He will have some, but he's yeah, he's indigenous to canada, where we're located, but he will have a line he's a french line as well that will go back into europe. I'm french and austrian, so I'm right. In that little kind of yeah, in that little hub, yeah, there is like food, cultures and and eating rituals that just come from these places, you know. But we're cool girl energy and you've just kind of gone on this journey. Well, I, as some, as somebody who's what I'm hearing? What I'm hearing is you make sounds when I call you cool girl energy and that's very cute, cause you have an open heart and she's given the sweetheart, sweet sweetheart. Oh, my God, that's so you. That's so your energy sweetheart energy.

Vaness Henry: 43:18

But she is, let it, let it be known. She is a cool girl, flirt, who loves good art, loves good music, is enriched by culture around her, and she's been called back to the homeland because the mother needs her and her plans have been kind of interrupted and now she's was wanting to bop around from place to place and kind of see where she lands. What is the plan now?

Amy Lea: 43:48

So the plans, they have been changing and it's only really been this week that we've got like a solid plan. But you know, I'm realizing more and more like I do need to be able to plug into environments that have that stimulation for me in order for me to feel well and for my body. And when I came home we weren't really sure what the treatment plan was going to be with mom. She ended up having surgery and she now has to start. She has to do five months of chemo, a month of radiation, and so I'll be here with her through that. But they're not starting it until the end of January.

Amy Lea: 44:20

So I've got like, and the moment we got that news it was like my body dropped 15 kilos of like. Okay, wow, I, I have the plan and so I can go plug into something in January before her chemo starts, you know. And then I just know, I think mentally, knowing as well like is really helpful when it's like unknown, and then I can prepare to just kind of be here for those six months and then look at plugging into wherever, wherever I can sort of at the end of the year. But those cities, does anywhere call you? I love that part of the world. I find I really like Australia. We don't have, you know, because our history here it's the indigenous history we don't have, so we don't have the architecture we don't have, so we don't have the architecture, we don't have the art, we don't have the kind of western like culture.

Amy Lea: 45:06

You know that I seem to really have connection to obviously, right, yeah yeah, and there's something about like England and like the lands over there that have been really interesting for me to explore. That was kind of the other part of me wanting to go over there was that that's where my ancestry is from, like all my ancestors it's like england island, scotland, wales, like that's it, and I just had this feeling of like I need to go explore, like how my body feels there and I had a big I don't know if people are gonna resonate with this, but I had like a big fae fairy I'm so fucking glad you brought this up.

Vaness Henry: 45:45

I was ready. I was ready.

Amy Lea: 45:46

I knew nothing. Oh, I knew nothing about that. That was not a part of my consciousness, like I had read books on like Avalon and Atlantis and Lemuria, like 10 years ago, but it wasn't a big part of my awareness. I feel like I've done more around like alien you know, multidimensionality, reality of aliens.

Amy Lea: 46:04

Yeah, and so I had this big initiation. I was in, you know, while I was over there I had two friends visit who are both sort of very similar to yourself, vanessa, do shamanic work and have had big initiations and shadow work and all the things. And yeah, so two people while I was there said something to me about it and so I was just like anchoring into that to the point. But right before leaving Italy I started to think like I think I'm controlling the weather here and I don't you know. Look at my confidence I was going for. Like what is this? No, I live, I live.

Amy Lea: 46:39

Yeah, let it out, but you know look at my confidence I was going for like what do you love it? No, I live, I live. Yeah, let it out. But like the weather was really good while I was, everyone was like it's it's never like this in October.

Vaness Henry: 46:48

We were having like sunny all day, sunny 22, 23 degree days, like it was a really good October. While I was there I was like, yeah, it's me, it's me.

Amy Lea: 46:59

You're welcome, I've arrived, yeah. And then so I was starting to call in like white Christmas Cause I was meant to be there till Christmas and I was like no, come on snow. And it snowed literally two days after I left. So I, you know, I'm just kind of claiming that of like claim it's yours on it.

Vaness Henry: 47:14

Yeah, look at, look at the harmony in the environment when she's in the right place. Hey, she, I control the weather, so, so, okay. So you feel like an enriching, ancient type of connection when you go there. Okay, you're now called into, we will. We have got to get into a conversation about this. We'll get this. We'll get to this privately on boxer. But the fey heritage and learning about that I have found in my family the angelic one and there is the just fucking today. Oh God, I'm seeing these little weird papers I have. Look at these weird ass symbols.

Amy Lea: 47:45

Oh, my God.

Vaness Henry: 47:46

My one of my grandpas who passed away. Look at this creepy hat he's wearing. Okay, he was. This is brand new news for me. I have a very strange relationship with him. He's a manifester, okay, so I've obviously villainized him and I have to evaluate that. But he's part of this secret, mystic, mystic, shriner type of fucking society and I'm like, oh God, and they wear red hats and I'm like, oh God, my little symbol.

Vaness Henry: 48:17

I'm doing lately, like so I've and I've had to be doing a lot of research, because I actually don be doing a lot of research Cause I actually don't know a lot about, you know, my family. I was very separated from them. Like my dad went on the roof, very much kind of broke up with that family and there was kind of a point of contention always, and I always wondered why the fuck did my dad separate from them? Why did he go on the roof? Why did he get sick? Where he got sick for him was totally open head. What was being put in his head that he didn't like obviously Right. And so now where I'm like, oh my God, you had this like not only did you have this like mystic father, that I did not know about, he was the, the head shriner of the lodge. So like the person who runs the temple and like and if, with a thwarted ego, that could be easily a King who thinks he's like in charge of everything you know. So cause I could pick up a big ego journey in the in the male line in my family when I was growing up they were like we.

Vaness Henry: 49:14

There was a lot of pressure for them to have a son, like a grandson. It's weird thing in the family that my parents were really anti about and there was eight granddaughters born no sons and my grandpa was so upset because in this weird fucking thing he's in excuse me, it might be very beautiful, I need to do more research. But you know he's a white man and so I'm just kind of like my caution is up. You know what I mean A white man in a weird hat, so my caution is up. But there was a big nobility if you could keep it in the line, like your son would come in and then his son. So when his son was like, no, I think there could have been a breakup or something that happened between this manifestor dad and this generator son, kind of thing, and then my dad literally went on the roof and became sick after this kind of happened, and sick in the head center area. Then it traveled I have kind of gone over this with you but then it had traveled all through his openness and his design. And one thing in my dad that was never diagnosed is he always had a sore left side and they could never figure it out. And I'm like as an adult I was like, oh my God, that's the ego Like, and he was open and his cancer traveled all through the openness and his design and had like spread through his body when we weren't as adept with our medicines as we are now and I couldn't help but like, look at the relationship with his dad and this now the strange story, but anyways, it connects back to all this angelic lore.

Vaness Henry: 50:37

That's like made me think again of you with like connecting back to the failure and the fairy kingdom and what's going on there and what is where do these stories stem from? And that those ones are hugely Celtic in nature and they come from specific areas of the world that are really rich in lore. But we sometimes cast it off as like fairy tale and are dismissive in the same way we are with some of our religions and things we find in the Bible, or you know, that's been translated. That's weird, that's not real. But like what if? What if everything was real, all these realms existed? And yet we go far enough back.

Vaness Henry: 51:13

Those stories are based on different little things. So when you fucking bring these fairy books to me and I'm like translating the meaning of fairy and you're like I feel really connected to this, I'm like go go all in like just investigate, like just just see what you discover, especially when I can see you look so good and vibrate when you're in that environment, you know. So now that I have just put all that onto the table here and you are realizing Australia doesn't hold me the way I need to be held and I know I've been held in other places, why haven't you moved there and planted?

Amy Lea: 51:47

Yeah, well, I think I probably still will. I mean the ideal for me. I think I'll always need movement, though, between places.

Vaness Henry: 51:55

You can have homes in a bunch of places, Absolutely yeah look a home in Italy and then a home somewhere else. Girl, look at the character you're playing. Of course that's available to you Of course that's available. If that sounds fun, if that sounds sweet, go after it.

Amy Lea: 52:07

Very fun and Rome's my favorite city in the world. Like Rome is like for valleys, the frequency, the music. You can go a little bit out.

Vaness Henry: 52:16

There's a chateau, like do you know what I mean? Yeah, environment, absolutely magical environment, yeah, so what are you waiting for?

Amy Lea: 52:26

yeah, well, this year is kind of you know, I guess an unexpected like twist. So we shall see what happens in 2026 probably, but there never was a plan to plant there.

Vaness Henry: 52:38

Right, you were always like I'm gonna go and I'm gonna plug in, I'm gonna, I'm going to come back. So you were like but you've already done that. You've already done that journey.

Amy Lea: 52:44

You've already gone and plugged in and come back and you like to travel, but it's like you're looking for something I'm looking for, the place to get that feeling of like this would be the place I want to stop kind of more longer term, have you felt that I don't feel like I was there long enough? I don't London, I don't know if London's it you know, I I felt really good there and I think it would serve a season, but I don't know if, being in that big of a city, like yeah, I feel like I would probably need to be kind of like out and like come in and plug into the city and the vibe and like go away.

Amy Lea: 53:18

Yeah, but my valleys you know that's been interesting because I think when I first learned about being valleys I was I took it very literally and like, okay, it has to be landscape. You're not built for the hardscape, you'll you'll get sick if you're in the city and you know which is is something I have heard Ra say. And I didn't get sick. Well, I did.

Vaness Henry: 53:40

It was just like a cold, but nothing, but nothing I got sick in the country because there was nothing to look at, nothing to observe, nothing to watch. Yeah, people watching a delight yeah, oh yeah, it's my favorite, me too favorite sit back on the me too, oh yeah that see, that is valleys to me yeah, that's it look at all the information going by, but then also, what makes it sweeter and richer is having someone to whisper it to.

Amy Lea: 54:04

Yeah, yeah, yeah, look at them, look at that cute outfit.

Vaness Henry: 54:08

Ooh, look at him, look at her. You know that's what's. Well, you know what? Maybe that is the transpersonal part of our nature, you know, or of our personalities. I should say it's fun to like witness it with someone. Does that ever happen to?

Amy Lea: 54:33

you. Do you ever want to turn to someone and be like do you see this, is there like a girlfriend or someone that you, you know, you get those bonds and you're like I have to tell you something. Yeah, this man on this street, or do you, or you snap a picture, or whatever it is, but it's yeah, it is Is really important, yeah, and so I think that's what I'm just like. I just want to try on different places and I feel really lucky that I've got, like the, the luxury of being able to do that.

Vaness Henry: 54:49

The capacity to do that for sure. So you've tried on certain places, which ones so far, have felt the best for you with all your awareness and what you sensed? Where have you recognized the best spots are for you?

Amy Lea: 55:02

I don't feel like I have that yet. I feel because even here, sometimes, when I go up to the Sunshine Coast which is where I was living before for a few like it feels good for a season and then it's like you need to move on and go plug into something else. So I feel like what I'm still trying to navigate and you get like sun in 15, like the changing rhythms too. It's like that's probably the trickier thing. And then I go somewhere. It feels really good for a period of time until it doesn't, and then I start to feel stagnant and I do just want to offer something here that might just create a little bit more space around it.

Vaness Henry: 55:35

You know when we, when we look at valleys and you have a fourth tone underneath it inner vision. That's a periodic tone, periodically in the environment, something's going to start to become distracting because your inner vision, you don't want distractions in the environment. So once you start to notice that something has kind of been, maybe it's pulling focus, maybe it's just not feeling good Only you will know. But once you recognize this is kind of feeling itchy or pokey or whatever the thing is, it's now time to periodically change, or for you it would be like periodically unplug.

Vaness Henry: 56:08

So there'll be times where you're probably disconnected from people or places for quite some time, maybe months, yeah, and then I, you know, and I would offer that's perfect. Nothing like that's exactly probably how you should be. You know, and with the awareness of that, it's like so much more permission giving in space, right, like every once in a while, not even every once in a while periodically that's quite regular.

Vaness Henry: 56:32

You know, periodically I'm just going to have to unplug from you or periodically I'm going to have to plug in. You know that's another, that's another big one. Like every once, every periodically, you could all of a sudden feel like I need that, I miss that person or I hmm, maybe it's mom, maybe it's a bestie, maybe it's my work. So you might need to unplug from your work, sometimes periodically totally, and that's what the fae fiction akita.

Amy Lea: 56:59

That's where all of that was so medicinal.

Vaness Henry: 57:01

Thank you for bringing us back to the most important thing here, like, oh my God, the smutty books, this is all. There's a whole culture around this. If you knew the impact you've had. But literally just for me being like, here's the book I'm reading people through me which comes from you. He's like I, my, oh my God, my, my, um club manager. She listened to them on audiobooks. She's like I got into a whole other fucking world. She's like nothing existed to me, like it was, and she listened to the like dramatized version. So there was like sounds and voices and I was like, oh my, maybe I could explore that. She's like recent. I'm so in love with this guy. And I was like, oh my god, me and my other girlfriend, canton, alex canton, I I'm not sure if you're familiar, but she got into them too and she was like I was calling him Rysand and I was saying all these fucking names wrong, and so then we had this whole moment of just figuring out how to say their Thera and like.

Vaness Henry: 57:56

Azriel. And you say it with an accent so you make sounds so nice to me in my ears. Right, you're like, oh, you're reading Akita.

Amy Lea: 58:02

I'm like I am now I am now.

Vaness Henry: 58:06

So what is going on with our egos? How is this? Why is this so restorative to us?

Amy Lea: 58:11

for me it was like it was such an escape that I feel like I hadn't had in the whole time I'd been running a business and even I can think in like in my career, like I think I'm pretty good at switching off and I have done a lot of work around rest and self-care.

Amy Lea: 58:27

You know, to survive as a projector like and nice to find root you know, yeah, yeah, but open head, you know you can't always switch your mind off. You know, and um, they just provided that like the reprieve that I hadn't had from anything else since starting my business, to the point I was like I need to finish these books because I don't want to do anything. You know, like extreme.

Vaness Henry: 58:51

I had the same experience yeah, like we, we joked that it was a trauma bond, but it was like it's like crap absolutely I was so addicted to and and and happy to be like, did not like needed the disconnect you know, there's a bit of resonance here because there's a valley and there's a sound thing that we have going on.

Vaness Henry: 59:08

So I noticed that people were commenting on how quickly I was reading my books and I was like I'm fucking devouring them. How could I not like? Because I'm being fed by that. It's nourishing to me. And when people are kind of in studies, like we're in or they've built this life and they have this lifestyle, that's like digital nature, kind of a digital entrepreneur. A lot of what we read is like self-help or study or a chart, or I'm going to increase my learning and I, somewhere along the way, like I had shared with you, I'm a fiction author. Somewhere along the way, I stopped reading fiction and started studying more, and even when I thought I was relaxing cause I was like in the bath, I was still reading like a study book, it was still studying, like you aren't, you're not actually relaxing.

Vaness Henry: 59:52

You're doing your best you can, I suppose, but do you actually know what it means to relax? And then when I started reading fiction again, and reading it for days and going to the store and getting another one and like not needing to do anything else, it was so nourishing. And then I would share about it and people would reach out and they were like I'm doing this, it's the same thing, I'm so locked in. And I kept hearing you being like there's some ego restoration that goes on when you like, move on from self-healing books to fiction again. And I was like this fucking projector, what web is she spinning? Why is she not just telling us the books to buy the blow dryers, to buy the jackets, to buy the places to travel to, and just also telling us like, don't get me wrong, I, we also like what you.

Vaness Henry: 1:00:35

I love the way you braid what the stars are doing, your gene keys, your human design. That's very quad right to me. Just let's braid these all together and let me go just with the rhythm of the planets, not the rhythm of the calendar. You know like I love that, and when we get locked in that for so long, we can burn out. And you seem to have figured out the things that you need to rest and you need some more sweetness in your life, which to you is some sexy books, some sexy books and maybe dating.

Amy Lea: 1:01:05


Vaness Henry: 1:01:06

Sexy books and dating these are your go-to medicines. This is what I'm hearing.

Amy Lea: 1:01:09

Yeah, and beauty more like beauty and big time artistry like those sorts of things.

Vaness Henry: 1:01:17

And no shame in that, because there's there is some type of. There is sort of an opinion that that's like a luxury. And there's more important things. To me, as somebody who's been on like death's door, life is way too short to be surrounded by ugly things or ugliness, and you can find beauty in absolutely everything. If you put that on a pair of Leo rising individuals like ourselves, it's like well, everything is a little bit of a performance and a little bit fun and like why wouldn't I put myself together to give you a look? Because it's fun for me, you know, to do my hair to like put on a coral lip. Heaven forbid, oh my god, if I come out without my lip.

Vaness Henry: 1:01:50

Everybody's like are you okay? Are you feeling okay? I'm like, oh, I've trained you all to recognize this bright little mouth and if I don't do it, that you're like are you sad? I'm like I don't know why. Oh my god it's become your signature and they look so good on you, the bright lip.

Amy Lea: 1:02:06

I look at you. I'm like, oh she, yeah, you rock the bright lip.

Vaness Henry: 1:02:09

I live for a compliment. Thank you with this. For me over here on your end is when you do this, blow out with your hair and it's like kind of all wavy to the side and you like oh you've been on a hair journey. We both kind of lightened up. We went both dark again. You grew it out. We both had short hair for a while.

Amy Lea: 1:02:25

There's like we've had some hair similarities here actually yeah, yeah, I live for the hair journeys me too, because I'm so leo rising maybe it's the main, you know like these brave girls who who shave their head.

Vaness Henry: 1:02:37

Yeah, oh the way, I could not. No, you know when a when a woman shaves her head, she's about to do something cool.

Amy Lea: 1:02:43

Yeah, I think it, think you would suit it. Actually I've got too much of an oval. I just wouldn't suit my head's too long and oval, but you would actually suit it.

Vaness Henry: 1:02:51

I will take and receive that compliment. As somebody who has been bald, I tell you I did not have a cute head shape. It was like flat a little bit right here, and I was like never did I know. So now that I have hair again, I like do a little bit of extra teasing in this one spot because, like I remember this little flat, fucking bald head and my neck looked so long.

Vaness Henry: 1:03:11

Anyway, I I found I have historically found baldness to be very triggering because of that time in my life and there was, um, a bunch of dudes in my life I played music with. They all wanted to shave their head and I was like, please don't like. I just it's, it's not doing for me what you think it's doing. I'm, you know, and I asked them to just shave their legs instead. Okay, now, every time I see a like my one of my dearest friends is a beautiful bald black woman and I'm like I live like. Every time I see someone come with a bald head, I'm like, yeah, I'm drawn to them and I used to be so afraid. Poor little Leo baby.

Amy Lea: 1:03:46

Oh honey, I don't know.

Vaness Henry: 1:03:49

Anyway, thank you for indulging me and soothing me when I'm like my Leo things. The hair is important, but you have, the hair is important. Tell us what we're going to be expecting then from you, because you're going now on this personal journey. You know the astrology of 2025, I'm going to be expecting then from you, because you're going now on this personal journey, you know the astrology of 2025. I'm going to say you're expert in this area. We look to you, we plug into you as a source to guide us kind of through this, and also you're a real human being, having your own experience, living something, even though you know what's going on in the sky. In the sky, excuse me. So how are you guiding yourself through this starscape this year so that we can kind of look to you for guidance?

Amy Lea: 1:04:26

How am I guiding myself? Oh, I feel like I'm really anchoring deeper into just trusting, like trusting in my authority, trusting in my intuition, trusting in what my body kind of guides me to, and trusting that like I'm here for a reason. You know, I'm planted here for a reason and everything I mean when it comes to like work and things like that, I think what I'm moving through is like I'm going to simplify, like next year. For me, 2025 is all about simplifying me too.

Vaness Henry: 1:04:57

Okay, that makes me feel confident, yeah.

Amy Lea: 1:04:59

I've spoken to a few people who are feeling the same and I don't know if it's like the dregs of the Saturn in Pisces, energy like moving into Aries.

Vaness Henry: 1:05:09

Well, so many of the external planets are shifting. Yeah, which is exciting there was all this internal planets with their retrograde. So we really feel that. But then there was this like all the shifting of the external planets entering new signs, starting big new chapters, like it's a lot.

Amy Lea: 1:05:25

You know it's a lot. Yeah, there's a lot of change next year, which is good, so I just even like I just don't want things to feel too full, you know. So it's a lot of spaciousness yeah, I feel like it's a restructuring kind of year for me and like a reprioritizing kind of year and, in all honesty, I'm looking at the trends it's less and less though yeah, me too.

Amy Lea: 1:05:45

Yep, yeah, the more yeah the more you're in your design, like even over the last few years, and I still write about and I still check in with the new moon and the full moon and I look at the major things that are going on I don't track them in my own chart.

Vaness Henry: 1:05:58

Religiously like I me too, but I used to, but it used to stress me out yeah, and then you think, you're thinking, you know all this stuff might happen.

Amy Lea: 1:06:06

And the way I approach transits too is it's always a spectrum. You know, I think in astrology it's very black and white. You know Mars is bad, saturn is bad, venus is good, jupiter's and it's not like so, not it simplistic, no, and so even when there's more difficult transits, I sort of know going into it like this is this is going to be a spectrum, there's a spectrum of possibility with this and it's how I meet that and all I can, all that's really in my control, is can I make decisions correctly for myself through this, and that might ease some of it.

Vaness Henry: 1:06:37

And and if nothing was, if nothing was inherently good or bad, how would I look at this? You know, because what I was doing was, yes, psyching myself out of all the possible bad anxiety things that could happen, and what was happening was I was doing nothing, because it was like I was psyching myself out before I even started, because I was over leaning on the astrology, and so the further I got my experiment it's the best way I could say. It is like I take a soft gaze.

Vaness Henry: 1:07:01

No, like every year, my business, I begin the year and I do the astrology for the year, so I do know like whenever there are mercury retrogrades, I typically ease off and I go through a big review, like all the quizzes I sent out, all the emails I sent out. Let me review what actually worked, and that's where I go and I find all the what worked, what didn't and where I make my decisions on how to make the adjustments.

Vaness Henry: 1:07:22

So I do like to use it in that way. But you know, when it's like an eclipse or a full moon or a this or that, or the planets are aligning, it's like if I work too hard to try and I don't know, you know. But then you know, I have worked with astrologers before and they're like this is a really enriching time for you and we love that.

Amy Lea: 1:07:42

You know like I love to be guided like that, but but for.

Vaness Henry: 1:07:45

But I really only want to be encouraged. I think you know, like you know, I don't want to be like, I don't want to be rattled because it will cause disturbance in me. You know, and sometimes with predictive astrologies it can kind of just. What is your take on predictive astrology?

Amy Lea: 1:08:04

I think it's a real seven-centered approach. Sorry, love it, love it. What an insult. So a less evolved, less evolved expression yeah I do, because it's it's well. Yeah, astrology in general is a seven-centred system and I think it needs to be adapted with the lens of each individual's their own authority, which is what we have now as nine-centred beings. So you know, the roots of astrology is so old. This is where it's so different to human design.

Amy Lea: 1:08:37

It's thousands of years of hundreds of thousands or millions of astrologers collecting data, you know, and looking back, it's very retrospective and it's a group effort, and and then there's all these different interpretations within astrology, which is what makes it fun to me and that it is like your interpretation. There's it's it's a lot more fluid and that's.

Vaness Henry: 1:08:55

That's how you get a following, because people like your interpretation of the material, but you're I like that you said, though it is a seven centered because it's derived from a different time like do do you know what I mean? It's just simply a friend of mine, karen, who works with Reiki. She does nine centered Reiki because Reiki is based on seven chakras, and so she did this mutation and I was like projector, splenic projector. I'm like love it, love the things you guys come up with, just want amplify, you know what I mean.

Vaness Henry: 1:09:26

And and yeah, you're, I think the way that people braid astrology with things like gene keys, with things like human design, with these other modalities, even showing the different systems in, like do you remember when everybody lost their shit when, like true sidereal and all that kind of stuff started happening in the human design world? But the astrology community was like, yeah, like vedic astrology, tropical astrology, placidus, like like there's all these different types of measurements, like that's, that's normal, you know and so like we can look at this through all these different ways yeah, we're just sitting back with the popcorn, like just fucking enjoying the show.

Amy Lea: 1:09:56

Learn how to explain these types of things right. People are going to ask you but no, when I say seven centered, I also mean in that the dynamic in astrology has been the, the astrologers, the authority you know, and that is something I have to be very careful with. When people come for like transit readings and like that, they're not in the position of authority, it's like you're the authority you know and that's kind of that seven centered dynamic of like it's out there, it's the mind, it's the schools, it the government, it's everyone else around me but me being that authority in my life.

Vaness Henry: 1:10:27

I see myself in that. Thank you for sharing that that way, because there is that aspect of like come heal me. It's like whoa, whoa, whoa. I don't do that. I'm not that I can't do that. Like, like people, like she's a healer, I'm like whoa. I don't know that I would, I don't know that I would use that title on this little undefined G center, but I hope that I can stir and awaken your inner healer. Yeah, but I'm not coming and putting my hand on you and thinking I'm Jesus or something. You know what I mean. Like, that's not. We're not doing that.

Vaness Henry: 1:10:51

So you're right, it's about an authority thing. It's about the power is not out there, it's not a man in the sky, it's in you, at the seat of your soul, actually. So how do you make your decisions if that's where the power comes from, here, instead of out there? Because we have an epidemic of giving our power away, you know. But if it sat here, how would I move? How would I exist? 

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No. 27 — Spontaneous Healing with Brandy Gilmartin


No. 25 - Using Nine-Centered Healing Arts with Karen Scholle