No. 9 - Manifestation Mastery with Rachel Lieberman

Rachel Lieberman is a 1/3 Pure Generator, Vessel of Love, and Kitchens Person with Power View. She is one of my long-time collaborators in the Human Design space, and recently released her book A Modern Guide to Human Design - a necessary resource for any Human Design lover's bookshelf. From working together on our podcast Each Other, to building the Spacious app together, we share the trial and errors we moved through as co-conspirators in the field, while revealing what works and doesn't work deep inside both our businesses. We discuss the mutative process of taking something formless in your mind, to firmly holding it in your hands, and reveal what projects we're working on over the course of 2024.

Find Rachel's work at:

Vaness Henry: 0:03

It's Vaness Henry, you're listening to insights, my private podcast, exclusively for community members like you. Here's my latest insight. Today I've asked the pure generator, Rachel Lieberman, to come have a little chat with me over on Insights. Rachel is a dear friend of mine, one of my first real comrades I made in the human design space. Rachel and I, I think, first worked together maybe all the way back in 2019. You'll correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it was like around then. It was before the 2020s and Rachel is a 1-3 vessel of love, pure generator with kitchens and power view. One of my favourite little combinations. Rachel Lieberman, welcome to the show.

Rachel Lieberman: 0:54

Thank you for having me.

Vaness Henry: 0:56

Thanks for coming. I recently just traveled to see Rachel Rachel's one of the few people within the human design space that I've met and touched in real life. Very exciting for me. And Rachel recently had her book come out A Modern Guide to Human Design where I was able to go to the book launch, see her and talk with her about business in real life. Rachel, this is a huge part of our friendship.

Vaness Henry: 1:20

We both have these defined heads. We love to kind of come together and talk strategy, and one of my favorite moments with you in Portland was when we were sitting on the bed in my hotel just talking shop but like the things that work, the things that don't work, what you need to adjust in entrepreneurship and whatnot, and so I wanted to have you on today to chat about manifestation specifically, and taking something in your mind and holding it in your hands, cause you've made so many I've watched you make so many creations. At this point, the book was an incredible one to witness, but one of the very first ones was your Oracle deck. So how did this all get started for you? In like something in my head. I've got to trial and error and figure it out and hold it in my hands. What is that experience like as a kitchens person?

Rachel Lieberman: 2:08

I mean, when I made the Oracle deck, that was really the first time I had ever made anything like that. It was born out of a time of being really artistically like deprived. Ooh, okay, yeah, I was just working at my nine to five job very uncreative job and I just felt like I don't know, I was seeing all these tarot decks, I was seeing these Oracle decks and I was like, oh, I just it was a response really. I think I was like, oh, I think I can do that. And it was kind of even though maybe I'd been thinking about it for a little while all of a sudden I had this moment.

Rachel Lieberman: 2:49

I remember it was in like January or February, I think it was like a February, and I guess this was 2016. And I was just like, okay, we're doing it. And I immediately just like requested the next week off of work and I was like I'm just gonna take this week to make this thing. I didn't make the whole thing in that week, but I had it out by the end of the year. It did exist. So what year was this when?

Vaness Henry: 3:14

did you first start?

Rachel Lieberman: 3:15

2016. Yeah, okay, so it's like coming up to a decade that you had this deck. I know, yeah, I think it. I think I put it for sale like December 21st of 2016 or something.

Vaness Henry: 3:31

I remember going and spying on a live of someone on Instagram, some person I was like casually watching and they were just doing their little thing on their live. There's, let's say, 40 people in their room and all of a sudden they're like yeah, let's do, let's do an Oracle spread. Should we use our favorite deck? Let's use the minimalism or the minimalist deck, excuse me. And I was like what? And sure enough, they pull it out and they pull out your deck and shuffling, it's my favorite deck. They're basically selling, marketing your deck and I had deck, excuse me.

Vaness Henry: 4:02

Ooh, little of like secondhand excitement Like I can get. I get wild secondhand embarrassment, like if somebody gets hurt or is doing something cringe, I get so embarrassed Like my whole body contorts it. So it's like a feeling I'll pick up other people, undefined solar plexus things. This was one of my first experiences where I was like secondhand excitement. I was like, oh my God, my friend is famous. They're using her deck. Oh my God, I got to go tell her. I think I rushed to you. I was like sending you screenshots. Look at, these people are using it. I was just there by accident. It was so cool. So what was that like then, seeing other people use something from your head that you then made that we could hold in our hands.

Rachel Lieberman: 4:42

Yeah, I mean the process of making that and making it real was definitely transformative. Like that was. I felt like that was something that was just a huge part of my spiritual growth and awakening, and all of that because I was becoming aware at that time of like, oh no, this is. You know, I was thinking a lot about purpose, as many of us do, especially back then. I think I think about it a little differently now, but I was really thinking about, like what is my purpose here? Because it's like clearly, it's not this job, it's not this thing.

Rachel Lieberman: 5:14

Like my outward world wasn't really reflecting a lot of what I maybe was starting to feel inside and I was like, okay, definitely part of this purpose is taking something that exists in this other place and that deck is very intuitive. It's very like channeled, you might say, and I was like that is existing somewhere else. Like I have to like bring this through, translate it, if you're into human design, as we all are, channel 6447, like bringing abstract things like into concrete reality. But I will say that when I actually came to like, because I didn't have any kind of online presence, especially at that point, like nothing public, I mean, I barely had like a personal online presence, I guess, line presence, I guess. And when I actually created like an Instagram and a Facebook page for this deck, I almost threw up because I was so like it was. It was like a almost a panic attack Cause I was so embarrassed of like people that I knew seeing this thing, like me selling something that.

Vaness Henry: 6:25

I had created. What is that about?

Rachel Lieberman: 6:27

What's that? What is that? I think it's just obviously I don't feel a lot of that now. Sometimes it's kind of one of those things where it's like if you say a word enough it becomes weird. Like, if I think too hard about the fact that I sell stuff that I make every day, I can start to feel weird about it. But now, about the fact that I sell stuff that I make every day, I can start to feel weird about it. But now it's just kind of normal. But I think it's like undefined heart, just like Aries, north node, libra, south node, just being seen like that. It's just very to me. It's just very vulnerable to be like selling something you made, I don't know. It just felt cringe, like I didn't have that, that word back then, but it felt really cringe to me. But I I was like you know what we gotta like, we gotta get over this. I think it was especially Facebook, because you had to like invite all your friends to follow. I was like, oh my God, I'd rather die.

Rachel Lieberman: 7:16

I'd rather die.

Vaness Henry: 7:19

Speaking of this, we're coming up, we are right in that kind of eclipse portal and thank you for reminding me right, you're an Aries North node, libra South node, so this time, in spring of 2024, is potentially very activating for you. What have you been feeling over in your world, if you're brave enough to talk about it, because it might be a lot, but you're having eclipses on your nodes. So what's going on in your world around that?

Rachel Lieberman: 7:44

I experience microcosms of that same feeling frequently, even though I have a successful business that has been supporting me for like five years now. I still have moments where I'm like, why do people pay me for this? What? What value am I offering to the world? It's just that undefined heart on steroids really like speaking, and so maintaining a I guess having like specific thoughts I can go back to sort of ways to correct those things and let that go, is really key Cause I think, just left to my own devices, I would psych myself out so bad and I still do sometimes.

Rachel Lieberman: 8:27

Like, even with that Oracle deck I thought I was getting down to like not that much stock and I was like, oh, I don't want to go through this process of like reordering it, it's really expensive. Like I'm like I'm just not going to promote this. Like I took I took it off Etsy a couple of years, like I definitely hold that back, like I don't share it in the way that I could. But then I just found like three big boxes of it and I was like, okay, I need to look back at this and obviously I have, like I have more to sell right now. I don't get the out of not having any to sell, and I need to just start thinking about this a bit differently. Girl, I gotta fucking tell you something?

Vaness Henry: 9:04

There's a character. I need some vessel of love perspective here. Okay, yeah, there's a character in the human design space I've been trying to find for years and I will explain why, but I recently they came into focus and I was like I had this whole moment. The eclipses right now and the energy are affecting me a lot. I'm not. My nodal placement is Pisces. It's not the same as yours, but oddly I have a Libra sign with an Aries moon, so I have that configuration, another part of my chart and Ra Yuru, who one of his children is named Loki, and this character is still associated with the international human design school and he's talked about a lot in Ra's variable program, where he references like Ra's a calm eater and his son, Loki is a nervous touch and they're always kind of he speaks very highly of this kid.

Vaness Henry: 9:54

okay, I can't find anything about this guy online. I can't find a picture of him and I can find most things on most people on the internet. I know how to go through the internet. Do you know what I'm saying? An investigative journalism background.

Vaness Henry: 10:06

Yeah, can't find anything on this guy. I can find that he had this media company. I even found one of his high school projects that he did online. Can't find this guy. The other day I usually get I have a secret name that I get like I have a private email that I used for like all my Jovian archive stuff and all of a sudden, the office email that is usually sending us stuff about like the dream rave or whatever, comes from Loki Krakauer, riley, what the fuck? Oh my God. So I email.

Vaness Henry: 10:37

I'm like you're very hard person to find. I was. I was probably not my most articulate and eloquent. I have no response. I'm not expecting a response, but I got so emotional the whole next day just from the point of contact with this person.

Vaness Henry: 10:51

And I want to tell you why. Because over the last couple of years I have really been reflecting on, let's say, ra's impact and he is such a polarizing individual, which I think is too bad, because I think he was really actually a dad who talked a lot about his kids and the importance of human design for his kids, but once he really got into it, he saw that I really need to do a deconditioning Like this is where I have to decondition the adults before it can even get to the kid and so much of his work moved away from children and into like helping the adults, and so I really think about that like and what you know how that must've affected raw. But then can you imagine being his kid? Or kids and people are saying horrible shit about your dad sometimes and like judging him, and he's not around and you're there, like keeping his company going and putting his face out there all the time and telling a story and there are these people who are just so harsh on him.

Vaness Henry: 11:52

So having this indirect contact with Loki made me realize and I had a huge cry about this how much I hold myself back because I am terrified that, let's say, something happens to me, I, my legacy then outlives me, I'm not here anymore. I'm a polarizing manifester. Heaven forbid people should say these awful things. But we and my kid would have to endure that Like so it's easier just to not put myself out there, so my kid would never have to possibly maybe even have the chance of having to endure whatever that is. There's no way I can even say that I would have a legacy that extended beyond my life or you know what I mean. But just having that interaction with him made me see like holy cow, I'm self-limiting in a way that I don't think I was fully aware of. And now, when I'm now that I'm aware of my why, I can really justify that in myself.

Vaness Henry: 12:50

And so I was talking to Derek about it and where I got to was, ultimately, I don't want to teach my kid to hold back, and you know we have two, four children and there is this, this risk that they'll never move out because they'll stay home forever, because they'll go out into the world. They'll be disappointed by what they discover there and be like, nah, I'm just going to stay home with mom and dad, and so I I don't want to have this like sheltered kid who learns from me like don't put yourself out there, but to actually contend with the cringe, the. And like Rachel, I'm a confident person, I can put myself out there, I can carry myself, but there is something about wanting to protect others from what I'm not in control of and I'm self-limiting. So that's what I was really hearing and when I was listening to it.

Vaness Henry: 13:40

Thank you for letting me tell you my weird creepy thing with Loki that I'm trying to track this guy down, like what. Like what you're the. You're the, you're the child, you're this mythical creature of this guy, like what. You know. What's his story as the individual, rather than the shadow of his dad, you know?

Rachel Lieberman: 13:55

No, I love that story. Thank you, and it's also funny that you mentioned the two four thing Cause I was recently thinking about my stepson. I was like, will he ever leave?

Vaness Henry: 14:09

Well, I even think, like financially in the world, the world costs to live in now, like how is my child supposed to like get set up in his young life the way I did? Like it's a totally different world. And as the parent I'm like, well, I don't want, I wouldn't want to just be like, okay, bye, go figure it out. And he's like living in some shack or you know what I mean. Like I'd be, like I see now why parents help their kids to the point of where they're so privileged because you're like, well, if I have the means, I'm not gonna let my in my world, my poor little baby suffer. You know what I mean. Like the protective instinct is pretty wild.

Vaness Henry: 14:39

I was also just thinking about Tyler this morning because Rachel's son, tyler, when I met I am a big fan of him. Okay, so I just need this to be known right away. We, we clicked, but I call Rachel Rachie. Sometimes I make nicknames for people. Nobody likes it, but whatever, here's what I, it's what I do. He hated this. He was like you calling her Rachie and I was like I love it. And he was so annoyed by it I like did it more. And he's looking at me like I'm just a fool, you know he's fun to annoy because he's not.

Vaness Henry: 15:07

He doesn't get super annoyed Like. He's like part of the fun. You know like he'll tease you back yeah.

Rachel Lieberman: 15:12

Yeah, he likes, it.

Vaness Henry: 15:15

So a lot of people in my life are very similar to Rachel in that they have a defined head. And, rachel, I want to know if you are like this, or you notice this, because I find like, first of all, statistically, the undefined the head center is the most rare to be defined. There's only three gates, there's only three ways in. It's not very common, but when I look around my friend circle, most people have defined heads and I find I prefer to be around that kind of energy for some reason even though technically I should be I would vibe with people who had undefined heads. Do you notice this in your life, like undefined head people? Sometimes I can, I almost get, not that I get psyched out, but I find no, sometimes I just want you to know how to think and me to know how to think, and let's come together and think together If that makes sense. Do you know what I'm saying? You're nodding, but like, can you verbalize? What is that like for you?

Rachel Lieberman: 16:08

No, I'm the same. If I look at like my longest friendships, almost all of them have defined heads, which is just statistically strange, yeah, and me too.

Vaness Henry: 16:17

Statistically strange. It's the same in my life, yeah.

Rachel Lieberman: 16:21

I think I don't know it. Yeah, I think I don't know. It's basically what you're describing is. There's just part of it, I think, is that they keep up like that's kind of. What it is is that some of these people are just like the most like the ban undefined heads, at least like my husband and my stepson, and I've even like told alan, my husband this, like I'm like no, you're, like you're not thinking right, like you, you know you're not you're like like this is not the correct way to think about this.

Rachel Lieberman: 17:02

Like the spins, they get the spins, they get the spins, oh, they get the spins. And especially if, like, just something stressful comes up or whatever, and sometimes I just have to be like, no, no, no, this is how we're thinking about this. But for me, watching those spins can just be frustrating because it's like you're not thinking about this right. Like the panic and the whatever, and you know there are different centers. That kind of panic can come from a clean thing.

Vaness Henry: 17:28

But Well, it's no disrespect to the defined head, right, like it's not, like it's no disrespect to excuse me the undefined head, I should really say, but because how it feels sometimes to be around that is that they okay. Well, let me, I want to explain this with my, with my husband, because when I kind of started studying energetics, I realized I was trying to make him all things to me in my relationship. You need to be my lover, my confidant, you need to parent with me, you need to talk strategy with me. And I re, I realized that that wasn't fair to him, but that I had way more mental energy than him and what I noticed around him and then, specifically, other undefined head people, was that my mental energy was exhausting to them. Like they were like, okay, like I can see they the both my boys would start to glaze over because it was too many questions in a row or I'm still talking about it and I and I'm high sound, so I like a lot of information and Derek doesn't want a lot of information.

Vaness Henry: 18:27

But what was happening was it felt like he wasn't hearing me because he was checking out, you know, because he couldn't. It was, it was just too much mental energy. He could go be physical all day, whereas I can't. But we have to have one debate about something and it's game over, like he's exhausted and Derek's an undefined head. But my son is a totally open head and it's a different experience and he's also an MG and the MG and generator with the spins are different and from what I've noticed and I know you've got two MGs over where you are- Tyler's a generator actually, oh he is oh my God, excuse me, for whatever reason I clocked, is two, two, four MGs at your place, emotional though yeah.

Rachel Lieberman: 19:08

Two, four emotional, but one generator, one MG.

Vaness Henry: 19:12

Okay, my mistake.

Rachel Lieberman: 19:13

I think Alan is also completely open head.

Vaness Henry: 19:16

So I noticed that's a different, that is a different experience Like that's. I noticed my kid gets the spins more than, let's say, derek will with his undefined head, with some activations, and Hawk doesn't get as mentally exhausted, at least not in a way that I'm able to decipher as Derek does. And so again, manifesting generator, generator, defined head, undefined head, totally open head, all those things kind of come into play. But what I noticed with my son is he absolutely copy pastes my thought process, the way I think and approach things. He completely mirrors that, which is fascinating to me, also makes me nervous Like oh boy.

Vaness Henry: 19:57

I gotta gotta stay really accountable. What do you notice over there in your world, how the, how your boys affect are affected by your defined head. Yeah, they definitely will like alan.

Rachel Lieberman: 20:09

Same thing like the glazing over. Yeah, he's pretty good yeah just yeah like, but there's just like a certain point where he's like, okay, I'm like, you're just not even.

Rachel Lieberman: 20:20

he's like yeah, so it's just too much like thinking and like lately yeah, I've definitely seen that happen with you know like he got laid off recently, which means we're on our own for health insurance because we live in America, and we're trying to like figure that out, and so I've been doing all of that because I'm definitely like the brains of the operation he is the brawn of the operation Like that is definitely how it works. So I'm figuring all of that out and you know, I'll all of a sudden start thinking about it like 11 at night and send him all this text and he's just like I can't even engage with that. I mean, he doesn't even say that, but he's just like ignores it.

Rachel Lieberman: 20:58

And I'm like yeah, he's just like what.

Rachel Lieberman: 21:01

But, but I have noticed, like they'll pick up thoughts from other people, like, for instance, tyler will get thoughts from his mom that are often really negative because she just has a lot of like issues. And I'll notice he comes home like, or from a phone call or something with her with this new thought that is so odd and so different from anything that's based in reality and I'm like oh, that came from her. And then I have to like, challenge that in him, like, and then kind of replace it with a new one. Or I've noticed, just if they panic, I can kind of be like no, no, this is what we're thinking about this. And then they're like oh, okay, the ledge.

Vaness Henry: 21:47

Yeah, I really noticed that with my son too. He will pick up things and bring it home and I'm like where did he grab that? Even to the point where he's like I'm afraid of heights. And I was like, are you Cause we used to live in the sky? And he's like, yeah, I'm afraid of heights. Heights, did you know that that is the most common fear? And I was like, well, is it your fear or is this the most common one and you want to? You know like he picks up information like that and then like it's like he tries it on and embodies it. But he's a defined heart, so he speaks with so much freaking conviction and like I wonder where he gets that with his two defined heart parents. But what?

Vaness Henry: 22:21

What I had noticed in my dynamic with Derek, what was happening was that I was feeling a way about him not being able to hold mental space for me or go toe to toe, and that's when I was realizing, okay, he can't be all things in my relationship. I have to seek out friends because I still need to release that mental pressure. And I think that that's a big difference between defined head and undefined head, people and their relationships with each other. I feel like the people I hang out with who have defined heads. They get that sometimes it's like you you need to chew on a thought or something or distill it down or just release, Like you know exactly, at bedtime. It's 11 o'clock. You're thinking. Well, I have to open my phone and take notes and get that energy out of my head, otherwise I will be up spinning, and I was just up last night till 4.00 AM because my urges have been nocturnal in 2024. And it's like all this mental load turns on and that's when I get my work done and it's like I can't really just shut it off. Thankfully, I have friends all over the world now, so if you need someone to be awake at 4 am, they are on the other side of the world since the afternoon or whatever.

Vaness Henry: 23:32

But I realized that I got to a place of my own lack of health mentally because I didn't have the people to do that with. Now, energetically, an undefined head person in theory should be able to hold space for the defined head. That's how we all mix. But in my experience I then psych them out, I then become too much for them and then I feel a way about that and then I hold back. I'm seeing a theme of holding back here, but how about for you? Have you ever noticed this in relationships, in that the mental pressure that you have that maybe they don't have, or you needing the?

Rachel Lieberman: 24:09

outlet Definitely, and I do think that if someone were aware of their design and worked on that, just because it's a skill kind of you know as totally a fine solar plexuses learn to hold space for the feelings.

Vaness Henry: 24:26

I completely agree.

Rachel Lieberman: 24:27

Yeah, it's just a skill. But I think a lot of people don't have that skill because they don't really understand what's going on and they just tend to I don't know just get try to get away from the discomfort because they're just trying to release that pressure. So I think hopefully in the future more people will have that skill. And I think there are people in my life who do have it. But yeah, oh yeah.

Vaness Henry: 24:51

Like people in the human design space, for sure, and they're aware night and day like that, like they're so good at that. But when there isn't that awareness, I, even with my mom my mom is double pressure centers and I would psych her out and she would, she would just get going on it. Now you know, yeah, exactly Like this isn't like like we're just talking, and she would just act. You know, and it was.

Rachel Lieberman: 25:14

Yeah, that's exactly the experience I have with Alan, especially as, like a 3420 MG, Like I'll be like oh, we should do this, and he's like no doing it.

Vaness Henry: 25:22

Yeah, we like it.

Rachel Lieberman: 25:27

Quite literally, it's midnight. That store isn't even open.

Vaness Henry: 25:28

We're just discussing it. Yeah, oh, my gosh. So you have tons of powerful no pun intended, power of you ideas in this head. You have put out this Oracle deck I remember you made some shoes like you may always make an art over there and recently put out a book. Now, this book is a labor of love, a vessel of love, and is is substantial, is beautiful. What was that process like? Cause that's going to be a different kind of manifestation to get all that information out of your head and then into a book. What was that process like for you?

Rachel Lieberman: 26:08

Yeah, I think that, had I had to do it a hundred percent from scratch which parts I did, but a lot of it I had dabbled with before in some way. So on my blog I had written about a lot of the topics in small quantities here and there, so I was able to draw on some of that. I think it's just one of those things where it's a massive project but it literally just gets broken down into like five or six deliveries, okay.

Vaness Henry: 26:39

Haas. So I have written books before. I know the setup that works for me. But, like you, I'm strategic and I've really been wanting to do a human design at home book that I think I'll probably start approaching publishers about. But, just like you, I started it with my blog and, like here, I'm going to write all these out because I know I can't do it all at once, needs to be broken down in chunks. Something that I want to just point out about your depths is you have in your, your internal variables.

Vaness Henry: 27:11

First, colors, and I think we see this so much in your work. Even if we look at the, the minimalist Oracle, this, it's simple. This is an appetite color. It's simple. You're even touch cognition. So even holding it in your hands has so much like. How can I simplify this? When we look at the design on your deck simple graphics, but still creative and fluid, beautiful features on it, but a simpleness you know. And then the same thing.

Vaness Henry: 27:40

When we look at the book, it's like your design of that beautiful simplicity, because you have a look to your brand and how you do things. It's carried through, it wasn't manipulated away to like what a publisher might want to do, is very on brand and then the way the book is written. Let's break it down into these simple chunks Rachel's power view with action sense. So when she's looking at things, that action sense really does break things down, it can really disassemble things and she wants to see that and she can see that. And then, when it comes to being manifested, it's fear, motivation. Let's get to the bottom of that with a sense of security underneath it.

Vaness Henry: 28:18

So making it stable, trusted, a resource, a reference tool, and that's really what the book felt like. It felt like a big reference tool, but it wasn't overwhelming. It wasn't like information overload. It maintained that thread of simple, valuable information that can be digested and broken down. When I'm saying this to you, do you see this show up in other places in your life, this simple design expression making things simplified? You do you see this show up in other places in your life, this simple design expression making things simplified? Where do you see that?

Rachel Lieberman: 28:50

Yes, I mean I quite literally don't know how else to do things. Really. I mean I would say, yeah, like adding a lot of like layers or complexity, like that's always been really hard for me and I can't digest it. I can't like it's in the way I dress. My interiors are a little bit maximalist. Maybe that's just kind of touch cognition. I like to have a lot of things around me, well, well.

Vaness Henry: 29:18

I'll point that out right away. Girl, I'll point that out right away. You've got a pair of threes in your environment, your kitchen's outer vision. You need stimulation, you're, you need to see things brighten it, even your colors that you use Papa red and I always think your little red jacket, papa green, like you put these brights, papa pink, magenta, and they're, they're stimulating in your environment. So I think even that is perfectly on point.

Rachel Lieberman: 29:51

It is and it's not like I have a natural balance of okay if I'm having color here.

Vaness Henry: 29:54

I have to have neutral here, Like I still keep it.

Rachel Lieberman: 29:55

That's something I'm thinking about all the time, cause it's definitely not one of those things of you know. There are those maximalist people where it's like whoa, like just extreme explosions. For me, it's always like pretty much all. If I buy something, I always have a color and a neutral, a color and a neutral, so I can always like match all them together. But, yeah, like I would. Do you know your palette? Do you know your like color palette for your fashion? Yeah, I'm a clear winter, which is like the brightest winter. It's actually like one of the brightest palettes. I'm a winter.

Vaness Henry: 30:29

I just was talking to Alex Cantone about this this morning because she's like a summer. Yeah, she just found out she's a soft summer. That makes sense. I want to just pull this up a little bit really quick, because I just sent it to her. Oh my God, I have five messages from her now. Derek is a deep autumn and I'm a cool winter.

Rachel Lieberman: 30:43

Okay, that makes sense.

Vaness Henry: 30:44

Yeah, you know how there's like the deep winter, that's more berries. I wear like these muted colors. Yeah, totally washes me out, totally same. And when we were together I noticed that even in our, on our palettes. I was like oh, fun coat.

Rachel Lieberman: 31:05

Oh, fun outfit you had. You had the black coat but your lipstick matched my coat. I had the bright coat and like I would do the same thing, Like I would do black in that coat but then have like a bright bag or shoe or something.

Vaness Henry: 31:20

So yeah, love the balance, okay. So that's something that I want to point out. You have really cool, like a really cool differentiated design in your depths. When I look at your two external variables design in your depths, when I look at your two external variables so the externals of your body, the environment and the personality you have third colors and third tones. So externally, so mutative, that's four threes.

Vaness Henry: 31:45

So when we think about, like, if you think about the thirst color, that's a three the balance of what they ingest, they can get really dysregulated so that we can see that showing up in your external world, right, the balance in the kitchen or in the outer vision that is showing up there, it can easily get dysregulated or fall out of harmony or fall out of balance. So that's why, even if we look at your grid because, like, if we look at people, kitchen's, people's Instagram grid, it's the perfect way to understand how kitchen works you will use a lot of, like, creamy color to just balance out, let's say, the loudness of some of the brights on the screen, and it's very put together because there's that touch cognition. Yeah, it's very put together. Just going to read you for filth here, I'm like hi, let me just look deep into your soul and your external variable. Thank you, very much.

Rachel Lieberman: 32:34

Well, something you might find kind of interesting with that is I was noticing recently because I'm working on a new physical thing.

Vaness Henry: 32:41

What is this, If you're allowed? What's the new physical manifestation?

Rachel Lieberman: 32:44

I've already talked about it a lot. Okay, it's a journal for generators and manifesting generators.

Vaness Henry: 32:49

Love that.

Rachel Lieberman: 32:50

So I was finishing, maybe I'm doing like my next test print, which might be like my second to last, like I finally got everything in there so I can see it physically for the first time, like all the info, all the graphics and everything, and I was using some graphics, kind of updating some graphics that I've used in things previously that are like for these affirmation pages, just to kind of break up the yeah, the, the pages in the journal, and I was like they're, you know, they're all just like simple shapes on that creamy background, and I was like you know, I think like we're gonna add another dimension here, like I really had to teach myself, like each year. It's like first it was so, so, so simple, it's like then I started using like a little bit of shadow or maybe like a little outline, and I added some shadow, or I was like every one of these has to have a little bit of dimension and that was a little bit hard, but it was a good challenge and they look good.

Rachel Lieberman: 33:47

But yeah, I was like, yeah, that's a little bit hard, I love that I also was just remembering.

Vaness Henry: 33:52

You did sweaters too. Yeah, I've done a lot of things so many. Yeah, have I missed any? There's been so many. I think this is such a good example of a kitchen's person and their craft and needing to transform, create and, like you know what I mean. That is and that's so healthy. Have I missed any things? Have I missed any things?

Rachel Lieberman: 34:15

I mean I had, I had a silk scarf. Silk scarf I had like, yeah, like a, just a blank notebook. I didn't think there's probably other things, but yeah, basically, if there's something that I'm using, I'm like I have to make one. So, like right, even like right now I'm doing, I just learned crochet yesterday because I had this one project in my head I really wanted to make. I mean, I knit but touch cognition. Yeah, I had this project in my mind and I was like I have to make this, and so I finally got the materials. They're not super easy to find, so they arrived and then I just sat down and I figured out how to crochet. It's like coming together. So the one three.

Vaness Henry: 34:50

I definitely feel this from my mom too. The one three can figure out absolutely fucking anything, and you know, rachel and I have collaborated on a lot of different things now, and she would tease me and be like so I'm a two line and we joke like you're being a baby Cause I'm like I don't know how to do it. You are the baby, you're the baby, and Rachel would always know exactly like where to go. Also, fear motivation, though, and again, that appetite color on a one three knows exactly where to go on how to figure something out, and this is also to the credit to having that action sense in the way you see things, because you can break it down and see where to separate things and distill things to get to kind of what you need. So, at this point in your career, you've now been doing this. You're established. You have all these successes behind you, all these creations behind you. What are you wanting to manifest when we're looking like we're inching towards even 2027? What are you feeling for the 2020s?

Rachel Lieberman: 35:52

Yeah, it's interesting. So I've been thinking about this a lot too, and I there is always this feeling and I had this the other day, maybe because it's currently it's March we're nearing like the astrological new year, which to me always feels kind of like the real new year.

Vaness Henry: 36:07

Me too, that's getting loud now. Hey, like January, whatever, I'm asleep. Aries season, let's go, I'm ready. Everybody look at me, yeah totally Exactly.

Rachel Lieberman: 36:15

That's like I'm ready for a new cycle and I do. I don't know if you experience this, but I've experienced this a lot, especially since what was on my I guess my roadmap for so long was like working for myself, doing this type of business, and then, once I got here, it has been a lot of like toiling in that, finding a way to make that work for me, and I mean I'm a third line. I'm never going to arrive. I always have to remind myself of that. Sometimes I forget. It's not good.

Vaness Henry: 36:47

You don't think you've arrived. Wait, wait, wait. Undefined heart. Excuse me open heart. You don't think you've arrived. I was flown to Portland for your book event.

Rachel Lieberman: 36:58

You don't think you've arrived. I've arrived in certain ways, but in like just how I'm structuring and what I'm selling it like it wants to change a lot, you know. Like that's how it feels, is like I'm not necessarily going to find this one thing I do for the rest of my life.

Vaness Henry: 37:16

Well, maybe I don't know that any of us do, though no, you know.

Rachel Lieberman: 37:19

So no, I don't think anybody does, but I don't know, maybe some people are a little bit better.

Vaness Henry: 37:37

But I know. I know what you mean, though, that there is something out there, some invisible pressure or something like.

Rachel Lieberman: 37:40

We should have it figured out and it should be able to take care of us forever and never change, which we know isn't like how the world works. And yet I know what you mean. You know, yeah, I have some like I have moments where I'm like I almost feel like I could just die tomorrow. Like I don't know, that's just like a weird feeling that I have, where I'm like I can, like you know, it's like am I dead? Am I dying? Is this the end? Like where is this possibly going? And I think that's something is dying.

Rachel Lieberman: 38:00

You know some, some cycle or version or whatever. That does happen once in a while. And then the other day I got this feeling like, oh my God, I am so young, like I am quite literally just beginning, and maybe part of that is because, like, I don't plan to have my own children. So I think for a lot of people that begins a completely new cycle in their life, and that's what I've always seen modeled around me. So I'm like what is this next 20 years look like for someone who's not going that route? And because I'll feel like, oh, I'm already behind on this, I'm behind on that. Like mostly it's just you know, like, oh, I've been looking at like finances a lot lately, really like trying to take care of that, because I had to kind of make some sacrifices in that area to do this business for the past five years or whatever, and I'm like okay, I'm in a place now where I can start to like project forward with that a bit more.

Vaness Henry: 38:53

I'm like more stable and I'm like I felt we couldn't do that over the pandemic, like I felt like it was you couldn't, you couldn't look ahead and plan everything, and so so just to say, like I think we are all kind of in that state of of of you know it was hard to forecast into your financial future, I think.

Rachel Lieberman: 39:14

I think so too, and even just any future during those years. But there was also something kind of freeing about that.

Rachel Lieberman: 39:20

I think it was a little bit easier energy for me to deal with where I'm like, oh, I don't have an excuse now, like I actually need to think about this. But then I think back to like, oh my God, at this age, like my parents, that's like the beginning of my conception, like the way that I conceive of them as human beings, like they were right at the beginning of all of that, like there's so much ahead of me and I'm just like I have no clue where this is going, because I definitely feel, as I get older, my life is more stable, there is less excitement, there are less things happening. I do go through periods of just really like contentment and contentment and happiness, but there's just like not a ton happening, and so sometimes I'm like what's going to happen next? Like I don't know.

Vaness Henry: 40:05

I want to tell you something that somebody had reached out to me recently to let me know about something you had said on the Each Other podcast that really impacted them, which and I don't remember what episode it was, but maybe you'll know but they were saying we were all talking about, I think, like global warming and how the world was shifting, and you were like you know what.

Vaness Henry: 40:24

I actually don't worry about that too much because I trust how brilliant these new generations are, that when they come, the solutions will be quick and overnight, Like they will see the world differently and they will be able to make these changes. And this person was like I had never thought about that before. It completely shifted how I think about things and that is something I got a lot of feedback about on our each other podcast throughout the years was Rachel saying things that like a lot of mental power, like I had never thought about it like that, and this is always delivered on your vessel of love frequency, so it's always like a loving emission that makes you just think differently about something you've always maybe thought about. Like you can see how someone would get the spins like global warming. Oh my God, what do we do. The world is falling down. And then you're like well, actually, based on what I've seen and how intelligent and brilliant some of these future kids are, I feel like they're going to really show us. You know, you just had this way.

Vaness Henry: 41:21

And I've seen that in you. You do have this way. You're nodding here, You're like what's coming up for you.

Rachel Lieberman: 41:27

Yeah, it's funny because I think, as an undefined heart person, a lot of my life has been about like finding my power or feeling very powerless or that. That's not so much a theme at this point, but I will say, with the thoughts, that's one place where I get that feeling of oh, that's what it's like to really like, I guess, affect other people or assert that power, and I think it's somewhere that I feel comfortable doing that and it is always a little I was actually thinking about this this morning for some reason, like I was thinking about one of the people at the book event asking it was the person who asked about the like they were like I never feel that hell yes, you know, or like, because they have emotional authority, basically, right, and yeah, I just hell yes, you know, or like, because they have emotional authority basically. And yeah, I just remember being like. You know you're never going to feel you like.

Rachel Lieberman: 42:21

You may never feel that, and that's OK, and like, and you just feel people taking that in so deeply and it could be a little overwhelming like, oh, I like. Wow, these people are like really listening to what I have to say, but I think I just like defined head. I feel very confident in the way I think, like I don't know if you feel this too, but in those places where we have that definition, we have a lot of responsibility. So I feel like I'm constantly like checking and auditing my thoughts. Like am I thinking?

Vaness Henry: 42:47

correctly about this.

Rachel Lieberman: 42:48

So really like taking responsibility for that. So when it comes time to share that kind of thought with someone who has basically like a vacuum and openness, like a place where they need to insert something is kind of what it is, they're ready to be conditioned by something in a good way. I feel pretty confident with that thought that I'm putting out there because I'm like you know, I'm a first line, I've done my research, I've figured out, I've really questioned my thoughts and like I'm confident like putting that there and allowing that person to take that in if they so choose. On the flip, side of this.

Vaness Henry: 43:22

I have been in situations where I can feel my limitation in the way I understand something, you know, because there is a flexibility Not that the defined head can't be flexible, but there is a flexibility not that the defined head can't be flexible, but there is a flexibility in the undefined head where they can take you. You know, they can get lost absolutely and what's like we're thinking about something that doesn't matter, like where did we go? Let's come back over here. I find that can happen a lot. But then there are the experiences where I'm in something and I think about it a certain way. It's like my head has built a concept. That's the way I understand it and it is very hard for me. I'm closed-minded. It is very hard for me to change the way. I think. It is not impossible, but it takes a different kind of awareness and effort and repetition for me to change the thought pattern.

Rachel Lieberman: 44:15

Can you relate to that at all? Absolutely yeah, I definitely it's. It's a gradual process, I would say, because yeah, it's like if I'm thinking about something a lot like in a certain way for a long time, then I start to be maybe presented with some new information, or there's just something about the way I'm thinking that like doesn't feel good anymore, or yeah, or you've grown something yeah, then it does take a while and I do have to.

Rachel Lieberman: 44:46

I can't just kind of shift that thought like really easily. I have to like sort of back it up with. Yeah, it's just a, it's a process like process. At points I I've noticed myself if it's something really pressing and of the moment it's like I go into this crazy like vortex, thought vortex where all the thoughts same fight, fight like it like keeps you up all night oh god. The mental pressure waking you up at night, oh my God yeah. They kind of like Duke it out, and then one is left as the winner.

Vaness Henry: 45:21

You're in my head. You're in my head, yeah, yeah, actually, I'm hearing. I'm even hearing, though, power view and some stuff, and there is something I would like your opinion about around that. Just recently, I've been watching a lot of power view people and I would love to hear if this is something that you've experienced because it's something now that I'm tracking with them that there is this interesting power dynamics that go on and sometimes these people end up in these situations where they're being taken advantage of because they've gotten lost or the power dynamic has gotten thwarted in some way, and they're then being taken advantage of and have almost lost their power. One does that resonate with you? And two, if so, do you have experiences of something like that going on for you? Is that actually something with PowerView people?

Rachel Lieberman: 46:08

I would say so. I think it's hard to separate that, maybe from the completely open heart for me.

Vaness Henry: 46:16

Good point.

Rachel Lieberman: 46:16

Good point. Yeah, I would say my basically my entire life, like I had. It was like a delusional way of thinking because it wasn't grounded in reality. I felt that I had like no power in anything in my life. I didn't feel like I even had control over like the trajectory of my life and basically every single work situation became like just I don't know, yeah, getting taken advantage of, not just, but not even that. It was just not having my own boundaries around things and yeah. So that's a lesson I've learned many, many times.

Rachel Lieberman: 46:54

And I think part of that is why I wanted to work for myself, because I was like, at least then I have control over a lot of these situations, like I don't have to get into them as deeply as when you're in an environment where people are constantly pressuring you to do more or be more or whatever.

Vaness Henry: 47:15

So you also have the brilliant capacity to recognize when something like that is going on, how do you like? What do you do then when you realize, shit, I've lost my power in this situation or something has gotten thwarted, what's your way of moving through that? Then, Once you've, you know, you're very aware, you have the awareness, shit, I'm seeing myself transfer. I can see that's a supreme amount of awareness. You know, like I think if we could actually have a little moment for that. If someone is at the place in their life where they're able to recognize in the moment, ah, I'm not clear-minded, you know, I'm not myself. I could say, am I not? I'm not myself, I'm not self. I could say, am I not, I'm not myself, I'm not self. If someone can do that, and then they have the awareness of, like I'm kitchens, I'm going to just go, and I'm going to go in my office for a bit and I'm just going to go. You know that's supremely aware, Like that's more aware than most people.

Rachel Lieberman: 48:05

So so first there's that but what do you do when you notice like I've lost control or I've lost the power or something? How do you recenter yourself? Yeah, I think I take a little time away and I never like to confront something like that with a lot of emotion. I mean double Virgo, that's just not a place where I, if I come at something with a lot of emotion, I kind of feel like I've lost already.

Vaness Henry: 48:30

That's just not how I like to feel. You're not clear, though. Right, you're full of emotion. Yeah, totally yeah.

Rachel Lieberman: 48:35

So I like to take time to just process that emotion so it doesn't pop up. And then I think I just usually try to figure out, like what do I actually want out of this situation, like what is my move? And I like to come at it already with like a solution, or what is a solution to me, I guess. And then it's just like this is what I'm doing, kind of, even if, like in previous maybe you know corporate work environments I approached it as a discussion, it wasn't really because I already knew what I was gonna do and what I wasn't. Yeah, so I think that that was a lot of it is, and maybe that's like an overcorrection, like I don't.

Rachel Lieberman: 49:19

I'll also say at this stage I avoid situations where that could happen. I just do. And does that hold you back? Maybe? Maybe, I don't know, that's right, it doesn't, it doesn't really. I'll confront that when it. When it comes down to it, like I don't know that's where I am, but it doesn't, yeah, it doesn't really. I'll confront that when it, when it comes down to it, like I don't think it does to, you know, cause there there could be part of me. That's like oh, you know, I want to do a book, but I don't want to work with a publisher Cause maybe I'll end up, you know, getting taken advantage of or whatever it's like. No, I can, I can deal with that, I can. I'm not going to let that stop me from being able to do that. But those are definitely thoughts I have, because it's just uncomfortable.

Vaness Henry: 49:57

But yeah, Something else that I want to touch on, because there are people who are aware of this too, is we did this spacious app. Even this is another creation of yours. You know what I mean? Yeah, and you were really the one who like like that fear motivation. Like that one three figured out. Really the one who like like that fear motivation like that one three figured out. Well, how will this work? What like developer do we use? How how does this all work? And you were really the foundational person and going and figuring out for the spacious app, which was a, which was a project Rachel and I did with six other people, where it was like we're going to all come together, make some art, put it in an app, see what happens, kind of thing.

Vaness Henry: 50:38

It was a messy experience, but also one of my favorite experiences that I've done. It was one of my most proudest things that I've done, too, and Rachel and I really took a lot of the grunt work in there, and all the duties of what all of us were doing was not balanced. We didn't have great leadership there, because I think we were figuring it out and there were definitely times where I could see there was too much falling on Rachel and then this was like Rachel's totally open heart was showing me that also there was too much falling on me. I was also taking too much responsibility. I was being taken advantage of, which then Rachel was being taken advantage of, and that was challenging to go through. But Rachel was ultimately the catalyst there who was like I need to break up with this now because it's it's now got imbalanced, which we now know is so sensitive to you. But we've learned a lot and we always knew that that would reach that point, because it's just the nature of what human design is, and what that experience really showed me was okay, I can go into things, I can do contracts, I can make things, I can make a mess, I can make art and I can still peacefully dissolve, Like I can still peacefully move away and know that I still have that kind of experience in my toolkit.

Vaness Henry: 51:54

But that was challenging for me because I felt like my presence was overshadowing the project. I was looking at something on apps one day for something that we were doing, and then I had come across something that was like reviewing Vanessa Henry's Spacious app and I felt this devastation because I was like, oh my God, what if anybody else on the team sees this and thinks like they're not getting credit. And then from there, I started to get this holding back energy where it was like I'm now starting to resent this because everybody should be seen the same and it's being put that it's my thing, and I felt a big way about that and then felt like I was being held responsible for like what was going on. That was really challenging for me, but even that to me, was a beautiful kitchen's creation of putting all this art and stuff.

Vaness Henry: 52:51

And you were like you were very much like I want to figure out how to make an app and I need a reason. Yeah, and we were like, okay, that's cool. And then from there, you, you made other apps. You were, you figured out how to do this app and you helped with the healing mind app and then you even with on your site which I think is with Kajabi, though that, that app. But there was the app available then on there because people needed that easy, simplified, broken down way of accessing their information. What did you learn through the multiple app building processes then?

Rachel Lieberman: 53:24

Yeah, I mean, similar to you, like I regret nothing about that experience. I think what we tried to do was very difficult. I think some of the like most seasoned business people and collaborators would have a hard time making something like that work. And we made it like we made cool stuff but it was an incubator for everyone involved.

Vaness Henry: 53:43

Like look what everybody went and did after, which is very cool. My family went full into production after we just produced podcasts. Now it was like, oh, that was an incubator for for us to figure that out. People started writing books after that. Do you mean like everybody just started going? And then even even I noticed with P really honing in on the art form like everybody. Really, it was fascinatingly mutative.

Rachel Lieberman: 54:08

I agree and I think, yeah, like, that experience for me was very like, different to other work experiences I've had where I had to make a change or move out of something. It it like okay, I felt emotions about it, but it was very like. Ever since I started my deconditioning process I'll just feel that it's that sacral, no, or it's like that third line this bond has to break and it's just this extreme pressure that until I make that decision I'm just not going to feel right Totally. And so it's very if I try to assign a lot of reasons for it in my mind I guess I could, but I kind of just don't anymore. Yes, because it doesn't need them, it's not really yeah.

Rachel Lieberman: 54:56

It's not personal to me or the other people, it's just this feeling of it's like freedom or not.

Vaness Henry: 55:04

freedom is kind of the way it feels to me Relief, right, it's this relief feeling like, oh okay, yeah, totally, oh, my God, I, I, I totally resonate there. Uh, as somebody who leads with heart, it it can be. It's kind of a weird, it's weird. It's weird and you can feel like this, almost like confessing energy, like you got to get something off your chest, you know, and I've got to get that off my chest. And there will be times where I have, let's say, gotten something off my chest. But there was, I was emotionally charged, you know, I didn't do what needed to be done to clear myself, to get myself to that kind of neutral state, and I would have regret as a feeling after or like a, but then, as I got more adept, the feeling after that confessional release or following the heart was relief.

Rachel Lieberman: 55:50


Vaness Henry: 55:51

Have you ever broken up with someone? And then it's like after, you're like, oh, I'd fucking needed to do that, cause you needed to break the bond. You needed to like unhinge the auras or whatever that was going on. And so, yeah, at this point, when I'm making these decisions, I'm usually met with washes of emotions after, and once you know what that feels like, your mind isn't as loud Like it can talk and it can have all these reasons.

Vaness Henry: 56:16

But you're like, at this point, I'm devoted to following my body, and I've surrounded myself with people who deeply understand that and are also trying to follow their bodies, and there's something about that that's so permission giving, that I feel, like everybody I collaborate with in this space in any healing art, though, but like, specifically in this space, they're just so come, fucking compassionate. Like you're not feeling it today, no problem, I get it. Like you can't feeling it today, no problem, I get it. Like you can't do that in a lot of industries, and this one you really, really can, because people are like well, I want you to show up as your best self, because we're going to be braiding energies and swirling, and so I love that you're taking responsibility for how you feel Thank you for doing that. I'm going to do that too, you know it's. I think it's beautifully healing.

Rachel Lieberman: 57:00

Exactly Because out in the world, a lot of people have assigned a lot of meaning to certain behaviors Like, oh, because you're doing that, that means you don't respect me, you don't respect my time, you don't whatever. And when you remove that, it's like it's not real, it has nothing to do, like it doesn't even matter how, like whether we do this today or not. But people get really really worked up about that kind of thing. And, yeah, when you're around a lot of other people who also think the same, in most cases you're kind of vibrating on the same wavelength.

Rachel Lieberman: 57:35

Anyway, it's like you know that person would be like I don't feel like doing this and it's like well, I didn't either. And be like I don't feel like doing this and it's like well, I didn't either. Like if I was being totally honest with myself which I'm not always, because I'm a completely open solar plexus and I know how I feel half the time as soon as they say that I'm like, oh, okay, cool, I'm going to go to this other thing, like it's totally my whole day was not hinging on this.

Rachel Lieberman: 57:54

You don't need to do a big apology, I don't feel any type of way about it. So yeah, and I noticed some people, even like, even in the human design world, who maybe know these things, they still get caught up in feeling like, oh yeah, human experience will sweep you away?

Vaness Henry: 58:09

Yeah, you know absolutely, but you know who do you have around you as anchor points to help bring you back to reality? What have you learned about yourself and how your consciousness works? What can you recognize? Yeah, yeah, so, so, okay. So, as we are, then, looking ahead to 2024 and these years, you know, coming up to this, big shift what is, what are you doing, what are you manifesting, if you're allowed to reveal, what are the things that you're wanting to experience, acquire, achieve, bring to balance this year?

Rachel Lieberman: 58:40

For the generator community. For the generator community yeah, I think I've reached like with what I'm doing in the peer generators. I have built a nice container that allows me both the freedom to investigate what I'm interested in and share that with people, but also the consistency of having something that I can actually project out revenue three to six months, Okay.

Vaness Henry: 59:04

And how long did it take you then to get to that point where that that stability was in your business, like four years, okay. So so in those she laughs like like it's not normal, but it's perfectly normal.

Rachel Lieberman: 59:17

Yeah, it was like yeah, looking back, it's like everything was kind of building up to this and I guess I trialed it in a format last year. It was like three months we're doing these three topics and then, after I did that twice and it was successful, I was like, ok, I think we could keep this party going, like let's just totally Keep this going. And I think it's good for my energy in that, because what I do is I share some information or exercises every single month. Technically, I post something new every week, usually in response to something that's come up in our community where we talk Nothing, you know nothing super in depth. It can be like a 20 minute just audio recording, but I also do like more in-depth, like themes of human design, information, applied stuff.

Rachel Lieberman: 1:00:06

But yeah, I think like that, that just allows me the freedom to do something new and share what I'm interested in without being like tied to a schedule of something that I have to do, because that's when it starts becoming less fun, and also just allows us to like co-create it together. It's like what are people experiencing? How can I create something that can help them with that? And I really like that because that is how the deconditioning process is it's not like a class you show up for and you like complete the homework. It's like you need somewhere to touch base when this thing comes up in your life, and then you can look at everyone, can explore it a little deeper and then go back to your life.

Vaness Henry: 1:00:44

So yeah, can we talk a little bit about passive income, because how crucial has this been for your setup? When I look at sacral and non sacral from the manifestor experience, I do really well when I do like an open, close format open it, release it, close it I'll get most of my income and surge and sales. On the close, on the downfall, yeah, you can track it. You'll release, you'll make some, it'll quiet. You have to find your pace and then you'll close it down, you'll make the most.

Vaness Henry: 1:01:11

But with generators, you know they have a different trajectory and so they all of a sudden start to surpass you because they've been the slow build of things and I often see a lot of passive things in the background. And I was really looking at generators and thinking, well, how would I build my own generator? How would I build my passive income? And I've tried a lot of different things. What is your business and the setup primarily comprised of financially? Is it a bunch of passive things? Is it having these active releases at these strategic times? How have you done it so it works for you?

Rachel Lieberman: 1:01:47

Yeah, I've tried a little bit of everything and I've noticed that if everything is passive, there's just not enough electricity and energy around it. Totally, yeah. But that feeling of an open close like okay, I have this chunk of cash in my hand and there's nothing else coming in for a determined, that also feels very bad to me, stressful, yeah. So it's now a mix. So I have this thing where people can enroll at any time, but I do these little bonus mini launches. That just incentivizes people to make that decision. It basically forces that choice point, which is exactly what we need as generators and MGs.

Rachel Lieberman: 1:02:22

And it gives people many opportunities to do that. So it helps me have fresh energy around, like what I'm doing, the content I'm posting, just like how I'm marketing things. But then also if someone just wants to join on a Tuesday when nothing's going on, they can and they'll still get like all those bonuses as they're in it.

Rachel Lieberman: 1:02:39

So I've just tried to make it like a win-win for everybody and that's what works the best for me. But I definitely, like I've learned a lot of I would say looking forward. What I'm really paying attention to is I feel like my business is in a very stable place. I'm going to keep creating things. I'm really leaning into that third line, but I just want to like do more of this, like keep building what I already have. But I just want to like do more of this, like keep building what I already have. But I think I'm just really looking at just learning a lot about finances, just really learning about that and how.

Vaness Henry: 1:03:09

So what do you mean, though? You keep saying that? What are you looking at so specific, obviously?

Rachel Lieberman: 1:03:14

Well, I read this book called the Psychology of Money. That I thought was really helpful and it just distilled a lot of concepts that maybe I should have known. But I mean, I would guess that a lot of people don't quite understand like how to invest, like how the history of money and the stock market and all these things in the US specifically in this book but you know, that affects the rest of the world a lot too and just all these things I did not know about. I guess, like, really, I think it's just taking a longer view at things, because a lot of my business has been about the next couple of months. Short-term view, Totally yeah. Like how do we keep this?

Vaness Henry: 1:03:54

I gotta survive.

Rachel Lieberman: 1:03:56

And I'm starting to understand how to make those resources work for me long term, outside of just the because when you grow up in a family of like nine to five workers and that's what you do you actually don't have to know that much about all of that, because you just say, ok, I want this percentage to go in my 401k and you're like cool, and they take all your taxes out and you don't know that much about any of these things. And now that I have to manage all of that for myself, I need to know a lot about it. And I guess one of the big lessons I've learned is those little things really add up. Tiny little expenditures here and there that you think aren't really a big deal are actually a really big deal when you project out into the future.

Rachel Lieberman: 1:04:46

But I've noticed in my business I looked back to like a couple of years where I was like, oh, that year just felt really easy. You know, maybe I wasn't making quite as much money as I did right now, but like I wasn't doing all these launches, it was super easy. I was like, oh my God, it was all these like tiny little things, like these $9.99, these $14.99, like this thing. Here and there it's like that was adding up to thousands and thousands of dollars per month, like tens of thousands of dollars per year. So I'm just kind of trying to have like a mix of all of those things Smart and allow that. Yeah, the thought that someone has just stumbled on my stuff and resonated with it and exchanged money in some way is just the best feeling. So I love to have that. But I have also noticed that if that was all I had, like, I would not be developing as much, because being forced to kind of show up and share something, create something, it helps you grow too. So I'm just trying to balance those two things.

Vaness Henry: 1:05:44

I've always been a really big advocate. I've kind of said this publicly before. I usually undercharge on something, yeah, especially when I'm trial and erroring it, and I have no problem then going and changing my rate and kind of setting it. And I've said for a long time, if you've got the time to grow and build it like doing the affordable things that can be accessed by many if you need the time to let it grow and let it be nurtured, it's very suited to generators. But there that's where it reaches a point where all of a sudden it's like snowballing. It's easy and to high ticket items are good and they they serve a different purpose.

Vaness Henry: 1:06:24

I work with people a lot one-on-one and I was trialing and airing that for a bit and I saw that my price was way out for what I was actually doing. But I always need that time of like charging under and then seeing how much do I, what do I want to do, how do I want to show up, and then setting the price for that Cause. I'm not willing to like always put more boundaries on myself, like what I mean by that is like, let's say, I'm working with a cancer patient and they need me to hold that emotional space. I'm, I'm holding it. That's what. That's what's needed from me. That's what I'm doing, so I just need to be properly compensated, cause I'm not willing to adjust the way I'm going to hold space for that.

Vaness Henry: 1:07:03

Like that's what I need, yeah, but I I can't. I also need rest periods from that. So if I'm in a season and I have all these high ticket items and you're working close proximity with people, I'm then going to need a break and then we'll where's the income going to be. So it has been this kind of mastermind of designing the small ticket things that have the time to grow, of the medium price point things Like you do need to have somewhat of this product suite. It's a fucking science of what this person is going to flow through. So you're this highly intelligent, smart, strategic individual. What was some of the smartest, most strategic moves you made that you now see is like thank God I did that or that was a good move, that worked out. What were your best?

Rachel Lieberman: 1:07:50

moves. What's so funny is I had this big remembrance or awakening to this in the last couple of months of like, oh right, I'm a third line, I do not know what is going to be successful or not. I kept trying thinking, you know, you do learn things over time. For sure, it's not like you never learn anything, but with new things I cannot predict, and so I've really been reminding myself to just put things out there, because one of the things that's been the most sustaining for my business has been these simple 999 chart reports. Love that. And I truly thought nothing of that when I made it Like I almost made it free, and my marketing consultant was like, no, thank God. Like I was going to make it like more simple and have it be free. And she was like, why don't you just like make it a little more in depth and charge 10 bucks for it?

Rachel Lieberman: 1:08:46

And I was like, oh OK, and I like I was shocked into it the day that I because I was just I just wanted to do it, I was just excited about it, I was excited about the little software, having my own chart calculator, like the whole thing was just fun to me. I mean, that's the sweet spot is a generator, so I put it out there and I expected like, okay, now maybe a few people will want this. It was like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of orders in like the first hour and I was like, oh my God, like I could have never predicted this and that has gone on to be like I think I sell, you know, over 200 of those every single month, like I do literally nothing.

Vaness Henry: 1:09:23

So a testament on that. I remember you telling me that because I have a chart calculator and the same thing, it's like there's hundreds of people there's thousands, to be honest who flocked that and use that calculator. So then when you see that type of traffic on your website, you go, hmm, okay, like, whenever I'm I'm a I'm a beast with analytics and SEO. I see now that that's a big advantage that I have, cause that you know I used to teach that and and have some experience there. Yeah, and it's actually, if you just go look at where the people are going on your website, you can strategically place things there for them that influences their journey.

Vaness Henry: 1:10:01

And I've been wanting to do like a color palette generator, where I'm not going into the tones, but I'm doing something really in depth with your color, but also going into the transference. But I like the language of like we were just talking about being winters Like I like the language of color palette. But to Rachel, these are not easy to build. No, you're like, you're lit up, it takes. And even if you've written all the information, um, all over your website or your instagram, these places, you still need to gather it, lay it out, design it it's.

Rachel Lieberman: 1:10:35

It's quite a lot of work, I will say, and and that's why it's very like for me as a generator, it's really important to wait to that moment when I'm feeling that energy for it, because I've had a totally a an advanced version of that report in my mind for like a year or more. It's going to be a lot of work. I've gotten little pieces of it done, but my mind is, like you should do, that that will be successful.

Rachel Lieberman: 1:11:01

That successful that will be, and that's that's the slippery slope. That's where I'm like. No, no, no. That voice lives in my head too.

Vaness Henry: 1:11:06

That voice lives in my head too, as people come out with more of these reports. There's blueprints and everybody's doing it. I'm like you're missing your chance. There's that loud voice. You better do it. And what I how I self-soothe in that is there could be and everyone in the world could do that, and they would still wait for your translation of that they would still want to hear your perspective of it.

Vaness Henry: 1:11:30

Doesn't matter if everyone and their dog had one. You know what I mean and I feel at that place now, especially with some of my work in the environments. Let's say, you know, or people will be like I don't know, go to her and I'm like, oh, oh me, who, this guy? Thank you, Ooh. And then I get all bashful and it's just good to remember Everybody can talk about the same thing, Like I go buy things from everybody, even if I know it because you just want to hear how they see it, you know.

Vaness Henry: 1:11:57

And so ultimately that doesn't it doesn't discourage me too bad, even though that, that voice is there, you know, like it's a good idea, you better do it. What do you do? It's like, but you can't get your body, you can't no, I've tried, it's not worth it.

Rachel Lieberman: 1:12:13

Like even if I were able to finish it, I would. I would be so exhausted and actually lose out on the back end of the whole thing. Or if the energy is just not right behind it, it just won't be successful. So it's like you can't listen to that.

Vaness Henry: 1:12:27

Yeah, you couldn't be more on the money. This is why I will cancel sometimes or delay, because if I'm not feeling it and I put it out, that's the energy it emits. I can't be sending that to people Like I take crazy responsibility with that, you know. Anyway, okay, we've been chatting your ear off here. Thank you so much for kind of coming. You sound like you have lots of exciting things going on. You know, I always love to get into that little brain of yours and be like what are you doing? What are you working on? What are you designing over there in your kitchen? And you're just back from Hawaii. You're just doing these little trips. So now we're entering this new season, we've got these eclipses, it's spring. What's your vibe as we start the new year, entering our spring energy? Where are you at?

Rachel Lieberman: 1:13:14

I mean I will say it's funny because it's like I got to go to Hawaii for two weeks with my family. It's amazing, like I love it but it's hard to leave the house because it's hard to leave my kitchen.

Rachel Lieberman: 1:13:27

I love it here so much Like I always feel kind of bad about that feeling. I'm like, oh, I should be feeling like so relieved and so excited and I'm just like, oh, like I don't know, clinging to my house and my husband feels the same way and it makes I'm very grateful because I obviously love where I live and you know I'm happy to go there but I'm happy to come back. But just that break, it kind of like cleared everything. It just cleared my slate and it was a little it's always a little bit, I guess disorienting to come back and so for.

Rachel Lieberman: 1:13:57

Like I got back over a week ago but for the last 10 days I've just been like under a blanket, like crocheting and knitting and doing, doing some work, and I'm like I just don't, I don't totally know what's coming. That was just a nice like refresh. So I have like no idea, like I think just along for the ride, I don't know what's going to come next. Yeah, truly Like, I truly feel that. And when I have thoughts that feel like that's just not a good place to be in, I'm like, no, no, this is fine.

This was a 6-2 Studio production. Find us at SIX-TWO studio for all your creative sound needs.


No. 10 - The Royal Family & Cancer


No. 8 - Matters of the Heart with Travis Day