What People Are Saying

“The concept of these videos - to teach Human Design through examples from your own life - is beyond genius and absolutely fascinating to me.”

— Morgan Elizabeth

Watch Human Design in action

On the Roof

with The Henrys

Meet the family

Watch Human Design in action with the Henry Family. In the latest season, the Hermit Opportunist joins the cast with two Role Model Hermit parents. The 2/4 wants to learn more about how the 6/2s make a living on the playing field of life as Producers. Grammie, the Emotional Investigating Martyr, checks on the Henrys from time-to-time.

  • Vaness Henry

    Plays 6/2 Ego Manifestor

  • Derek Henry

    Plays 6/2 Pure Generator

  • Hawksley Henry

    Plays 2/4 Pure Mani-Gen

  • Lo Shapera

    Plays 1/3 Emotional Generator


Watch the latest episodes


What People Are Saying

“OMG!! I would binge watch this all day long ;) The explanations added are the best!!”

— Jennifer Deck

“The concept of these videos - to teach human design through examples from your life - is beyond genius and absolutely fascinating to me. This format of teaching is so unique and wonderful. You have taken the process of learning Human Design, which can be dry and technical, and have transformed it into something brilliant and engaging. I wish I could watch one of these everyday! I truly appreciate your work and unique perspective Vaness 🥰”

— Morgan Elizabeth

“Omg I just binged the whole series and I LOVE it! Ok, I totally see Vaness as the MAIN CHARACTER and then Derek and Hawks are the adorable and fun-loving sidekicks, everyone plays a part.”

— Olivia Sutherland

“Our world is craving up to date content for this generation of kids and how to support them be them. thank you guys for flowing with live.”

— Alex Verville

“This show makes me feel so validated!”

— Bruna Sousa

“Can I just say how much I love the way Derek communicates with Hawk I love the way he calmly conveys his point and explains things in such a loving way.”

— Kristin D

"Global community" - can we already say things like 'Classic Derek', because of his 2-3 word sentences? (why say more than the absolute essential - I can learn a lot from that) <3

— By Amarylis

“Loving this show. I learn so much about mechanics by watching your behaviors and how you label them as what they are.”

— Sarah Mendoza